
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2012-05-21 17:17:17
上 传 者testpubn
说明:  对计算机图形学的编程实践,包括画直线、反走样直线、画圆、 画椭圆、画矩形、画多边形、矩形填充、多边形填充、3D变换、光照、贴图等。由于 精力有限,未对原码做任何注释。出于简化编程的考虑,许多地方指定了常数,未做 通用处理。解压缩后建立gui16目录,在其下有原代码和工程文件。在gui16下建立 release目录,其下有一可执行文件及其所须的位图及模型文件。如在release目录之 外执行程序,必须复制所需位图及模型文件。 必须复制的文件: Chopper.asc chopper.bmp cp.bmp end.BMP end.txt w1.bmp w2.bmp w3.bmp
(Computer graphics programming practices, including drawing a straight line, anti-aliasing in a straight line, circle, oval painting, draw a rectangle, polygon drawing, filling rectangle, polygon fill, 3D transformation, lighting, texturing. Energy is limited, not the original code to make any comment. Out to simplify the programming considerations, many parts of the specified constants, without making a general-purpose processing. Unzipped create gui16 directory, under which the source code and project files. Established in gui16 release directory, under which there is an executable file to be bitmap and model file. Procedures performed outside in the release directory, you must copy the required bitmap and the model file. Must copy the file: Chopper.asc chopper.bmp cp.bmp end.BMP end.txt w1.bmp w2.bmp w3.bmp)

gui16 (0, 2012-02-07)
gui16\gui16 (0, 2012-02-07)
gui16\gui16\backup.bat (48, 1998-11-13)
gui16\gui16\copyright.bat (173, 2012-01-21)
gui16\gui16\Ddex1.cpp (36888, 2000-10-05)
gui16\gui16\ddex1.dsp (4432, 2012-02-07)
gui16\gui16\ddex1.dsw (533, 1998-11-13)
gui16\gui16\ddex1.plg (10710, 2012-02-07)
gui16\gui16\gui16.cpp (21958, 1999-03-04)
gui16\gui16\gui16.h (7814, 1998-11-20)
gui16\gui16\gui16d (0, 2012-02-07)
gui16\gui16\gui16d\Ddex1.asm (176118, 2012-02-07)
gui16\gui16\gui16d\ddex1.exe (249856, 2012-02-07)
gui16\gui16\gui16d\ddex1.ilk (382596, 2012-02-07)
gui16\gui16\gui16d\Ddex1.obj (76244, 2012-02-07)
gui16\gui16\gui16d\ddex1.pch (3878348, 2012-02-07)
gui16\gui16\gui16d\gui16.asm (132779, 2012-02-07)
gui16\gui16\gui16d\gui16.obj (36658, 2012-02-07)
gui16\gui16\gui16d\gui3d.asm (116116, 2012-02-07)
gui16\gui16\gui16d\gui3d.obj (35181, 2012-02-07)
gui16\gui16\gui16d\gui3d2.asm (286801, 2012-02-07)
gui16\gui16\gui16d\gui3d2.obj (55142, 2012-02-07)
gui16\gui16\gui16d\gui3d3.asm (107100, 2012-02-07)
gui16\gui16\gui16d\gui3d3.obj (47483, 2012-02-07)
gui16\gui16\gui16d\vc60.idb (173056, 2012-02-07)
gui16\gui16\gui16d\vc60.pdb (151552, 2012-02-07)
gui16\gui16\gui3d.cpp (18838, 1998-11-13)
gui16\gui16\Gui3d2.cpp (51264, 2000-09-28)
gui16\gui16\gui3d3.cpp (20371, 1998-11-20)
gui16\gui16\RESOURCE.H (92, 1996-01-08)


