
上传日期:2012-05-21 18:56:26
上 传 者gczty
说明:   在顶部是一个spinner,在这个地方可以选择rss的源.底下紧跟着的是一个listview,用来显示rss源中读取出来的新闻标题
(A spinner at the top in this place, you can select the rss source underneath followed by a listview, used to display the headlines to read the rss source)

Rss\.classpath (280, 2009-12-17)
Rss\.project (839, 2009-12-17)
Rss\AndroidManifest.xml (3921, 2009-12-17)
Rss\bin\classes.dex (46416, 2009-12-17)
Rss\bin\org\devtcg\rssreader\activity\ChannelAdd$1.class (844, 2009-12-17)
Rss\bin\org\devtcg\rssreader\activity\ChannelAdd.class (2594, 2009-12-17)
Rss\bin\org\devtcg\rssreader\activity\ChannelEdit.class (2921, 2009-12-17)
Rss\bin\org\devtcg\rssreader\activity\ChannelList$ChannelListAdapter.class (2791, 2009-12-17)
Rss\bin\org\devtcg\rssreader\activity\ChannelList$RefreshRunnable.class (2165, 2009-12-17)
Rss\bin\org\devtcg\rssreader\activity\ChannelList.class (4156, 2009-12-17)
Rss\bin\org\devtcg\rssreader\activity\PostList$PostListAdapter.class (2507, 2009-12-17)
Rss\bin\org\devtcg\rssreader\activity\PostList.class (3658, 2009-12-17)
Rss\bin\org\devtcg\rssreader\activity\PostView.class (4530, 2009-12-17)
Rss\bin\org\devtcg\rssreader\parser\ChannelRefresh$ChannelPost.class (1289, 2009-12-17)
Rss\bin\org\devtcg\rssreader\parser\ChannelRefresh.class (7533, 2009-12-17)
Rss\bin\org\devtcg\rssreader\provider\RSSReader$Channels.class (844, 2009-12-17)
Rss\bin\org\devtcg\rssreader\provider\RSSReader$Posts.class (1036, 2009-12-17)
Rss\bin\org\devtcg\rssreader\provider\RSSReader.class (585, 2009-12-17)
Rss\bin\org\devtcg\rssreader\provider\RSSReaderProvider$DatabaseHelper.class (1649, 2009-12-17)
Rss\bin\org\devtcg\rssreader\provider\RSSReaderProvider.class (4081, 2009-12-17)
Rss\bin\org\devtcg\rssreader\R$attr.class (346, 2009-12-17)
Rss\bin\org\devtcg\rssreader\R$drawable.class (473, 2009-12-17)
Rss\bin\org\devtcg\rssreader\R$id.class (820, 2009-12-17)
Rss\bin\org\devtcg\rssreader\R$layout.class (586, 2009-12-17)
Rss\bin\org\devtcg\rssreader\R$string.class (404, 2009-12-17)
Rss\bin\org\devtcg\rssreader\R.class (545, 2009-12-17)
Rss\bin\org\devtcg\rssreader\service\IReaderService$Stub$Proxy.class (1553, 2009-12-17)
Rss\bin\org\devtcg\rssreader\service\IReaderService$Stub.class (1896, 2009-12-17)
Rss\bin\org\devtcg\rssreader\service\IReaderService.aidl (728, 2009-12-17)
Rss\bin\org\devtcg\rssreader\service\IReaderService.class (337, 2009-12-17)
Rss\bin\org\devtcg\rssreader\service\ReaderService$1.class (779, 2009-12-17)
Rss\bin\org\devtcg\rssreader\service\ReaderService.class (2214, 2009-12-17)
Rss\bin\org\devtcg\rssreader\service\ReaderService_Alarm.class (1286, 2009-12-17)
Rss\bin\org\devtcg\rssreader\service\ReaderService_Setup.class (1601, 2009-12-17)
Rss\bin\org\devtcg\rssreader\util\DateUtils.class (3062, 2009-12-17)
Rss\bin\org\devtcg\rssreader\util\DownloadManager$1.class (2351, 2009-12-17)
Rss\bin\org\devtcg\rssreader\util\DownloadManager$DownloadWrapper.class (1883, 2009-12-17)
Rss\bin\org\devtcg\rssreader\util\DownloadManager.class (2094, 2009-12-17)
Rss\bin\org\devtcg\rssreader\util\KeyUtils.class (537, 2009-12-17)
Rss\bin\org\devtcg\rssreader\view\ChannelHead.class (4177, 2009-12-17)
... ...

Simple RSS reader designed to help others (and myself) learn the Android platform. Hopefully this project will evolve to become a functional utility for the final Android platform. 学习android编程时,遇到这个IntentReceiver类,sdk中没有这个类,你说那个郁闷,整了半天,原来是版本升级,给改名了。 IntentReceiver renamed to BroadcastReceiver Detailed Problem Description:For example, if you have a IntentReceiver class name MyReceiver.. In AndroidManifest.xml Error: MyReceiver does not extend android.context.BroadcastReceiver In MyReceiver class defination Error: Cannot resolve type IntentReceiver Solution: replace import android.content.IntentReceiver; public class MyReceiver extends IntentReceiver {   @Override   public void onReceiveIntent(Context context, Intent intent)   {   } } with import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; public class MyReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {   @Override   public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent)   {   } } Notes: onFreeze() renamed to onSaveInstanceState() Detailed Problem Description: replace @Override protected void onFreeze(Bundle outState) {   super.onFreeze(outState); } Solution: with @Override protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {   super.onSaveInstanceState(outState); }Notes: startSubActivity() renamed to startActivityForResult() Detailed Problem Description: replace Intent i = new Intent(this, NoteEdit.class); i.putExtra(NotesDbAdapter.KEY_ROWID, id); startSubActivity(i, ACTIVITY_EDIT); Solution: with Intent i = new Intent(this, NoteEdit.class); i.putExtra(NotesDbAdapter.KEY_ROWID, id); startActivityForResult(i, ACTIVITY__EDIT); Notes:Limits on resources available to application Detailed Problem Description: Error: Resource is not public.. Some resources have been made private in the latest release.. Only resources needed for application development are left public. Solution: Check the public resources @ docs/reference/android/package-summary.html Notes: Layout attributes renamed Detailed Problem Description: Some xml attributes are renamed, removed..and new attributes are added. Solution: Use the new auto-complete feature in Eclipse for yourlayout.xml files and choose from the available attributes. Use the new layout editor (the first tab when you click on your layout xml files ) to debug and check your views/layouts. Notes: Integer types not allowed at layout_xxx,spacing,padding,etc Detailed Problem Description: It is required to specify the unit of measurement for layout attributes. Only numeric values are no longer enough, you will receive an error indicating "Integer types not allowed" Solution: Specify unit.. For example: replace with Notes: MapView crashesDetailed Problem Description: You will notice the following errors while using MapView: 1) ClassNotFound exceptions while using MapView. 2) java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: You need to specify an API Key for each MapView Solution: For one, Maps API have now been moved into their own separate shared library. Add the following tag to your AndroidManifest.xml to fix this issue:      For the second issue, you will now need a Api key to use MapView, for now it can be any random string. Add android:apiKey="apisamples" attribute to you MapView tag in layout xml file. Notes: See ApiDemos -> view/MapViewDemo sample code. Cannot re-install ApiDemos Detailed Problem Description: You will notice a signing error when you try to re-install ApiDemos for the first time. Solution: Refer to: Notes: requestUpdates() is undefined for LocationManager Detailed Problem Description: The LocationManager class does not fire Location update Intents. The requestUpdates method has been removed. For using mock LocationProviders , you can no longer provide canned LocationProviders in the /system/etc/location directory Solution: The LocationManager class now notifies LocationListener objects of location and status changes, rather than firing Intents. The requestUpdates method has been renamed to requestLocationUpdates and now takes a LocationListener object rather than an Intent. A new requestStatusUpdates method has been added, also taking a LocationListener object. The removeUpdates method now takes a LocationListener object. Notes: For more information refer to: A sample app for using Location Apis can be found in the files section in android-developer forums. Cursor.putXxx() and Activity.managedCommitUpdates() are deprecated Detailed Problem Description: You will notice that the Cursor.putXxx() methods and the Activity.managedCommitUpdates() are deprecated. Solution: replace with calls to ContentResolver: ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(Notes.MODIFIED_DATE, System.currentTimeMillis()); values.put(Notes.TITLE, title); values.put(Notes.NOTE, text); // Commit all of our changes to persistent storage. When the update completes // the content provider will notify the cursor of the change, which will // cause the UI to be updated. getContentResolver().update(mUri, values, null, null); Notes: See in the NotePad sample for an example of usage. Menu.Item renamed to Menu.MenuItem Detailed Problem Description: replace: public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(Menu.Item item) {     switch (item.getId()) {     ..... Solution: with: public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(Menu.MenuItem item) {     switch (item.getItemId()) {     ..... Notes: Also, menu.add() methods now take new parameter "order" setResult() now takes Intent instead of string Detailed Problem Description: replace: 1) setResult(RESULT_OK, "Corky!"); 2) protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode,     String data, Bundle extras) {      .....   } Solution: with: 1) Bundle bundle = new Bundle();   bundle.putString(TEST_STRING, "Corky!");   Intent mIntent = new Intent();   mIntent.putExtras(bundle);   setResult(RESULT_OK, mIntent); 2) protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode,     Intent data) {     .....   } android.view.ViewInflate 在android sdk 1.5中使用什么方法代替 参见 View.inflate 或者 LayoutInflater


