上传日期:2012-05-26 22:10:43
上 传 者huangcx6
说明:  S3C44B0X_IAR是用IAR来发的S3C44B0X的程序,对想学44B0的朋友有一定的帮助啦!
(S3C44B0X_IAR S3C44B0X the program is issued by the IAR to have some help a friend would like to learn 44B0)

S3C44B0X_IAR (0, 2011-10-05)
S3C44B0X_IAR\44b0.dep (11280, 2010-01-08)
S3C44B0X_IAR\44b0.ewd (31143, 2009-12-26)
S3C44B0X_IAR\44b0.ewp (45850, 2009-12-31)
S3C44B0X_IAR\44b0.eww (158, 2005-10-25)
S3C44B0X_IAR\44b0_flash_noxip.xcl (1849, 2005-10-12)
S3C44B0X_IAR\44b0_ram.mac (1030, 2005-10-12)
S3C44B0X_IAR\44b0_ram.xcl (1733, 2005-10-12)
S3C44B0X_IAR\Backup (2) of 44b0.ewd (31143, 2009-12-26)
S3C44B0X_IAR\Backup (2) of 44b0.ewp (45800, 2009-12-28)
S3C44B0X_IAR\Backup of 44b0.ewd (31143, 2009-12-26)
S3C44B0X_IAR\Backup of 44b0.ewp (45800, 2009-12-28)
S3C44B0X_IAR\RAM (0, 2011-10-05)
S3C44B0X_IAR\RAM\Exe (0, 2011-10-05)
S3C44B0X_IAR\RAM\Exe\44b0.d79 (94152, 2009-12-31)
S3C44B0X_IAR\RAM\List (0, 2011-10-05)
S3C44B0X_IAR\RAM\List\44b0.map (92125, 2009-12-31)
S3C44B0X_IAR\RAM\Obj (0, 2011-10-05)
S3C44B0X_IAR\RAM\Obj\44b0.pbd (931, 2010-01-08)
S3C44B0X_IAR\RAM\Obj\44b0.r79 (10239, 2009-12-31)
S3C44B0X_IAR\RAM\Obj\44binit.r79 (6776, 2009-12-28)
S3C44B0X_IAR\RAM\Obj\bootloader.r79 (11431, 2009-12-31)
S3C44B0X_IAR\RAM\Obj\clock.r79 (3608, 2009-12-31)
S3C44B0X_IAR\RAM\Obj\console.r79 (6427, 2009-12-31)
S3C44B0X_IAR\RAM\Obj\dm.r79 (20701, 2009-12-31)
S3C44B0X_IAR\RAM\Obj\m29w160b.r79 (7358, 2009-12-31)
S3C44B0X_IAR\RAM\Obj\menu.r79 (3790, 2009-12-31)
S3C44B0X_IAR\RAM\Obj\platform.r79 (3841, 2009-12-31)
S3C44B0X_IAR\RAM\Obj\uart.r79 (7558, 2009-12-31)
S3C44B0X_IAR\RAM\Obj\wdt.r79 (4323, 2009-12-31)
S3C44B0X_IAR\RAM\Obj\ymodem.r79 (10931, 2009-12-31)
S3C44B0X_IAR\settings (0, 2011-10-05)
S3C44B0X_IAR\settings\44b0.cspy.bat (2022, 2010-01-08)
S3C44B0X_IAR\settings\44b0.dbgdt (7605, 2010-01-08)
S3C44B0X_IAR\settings\44b0.dni (634, 2010-01-08)
S3C44B0X_IAR\settings\44b0.wsdt (7783, 2010-01-08)
S3C44B0X_IAR\Source (0, 2011-10-05)
S3C44B0X_IAR\Source\BootLoader (0, 2011-10-05)
S3C44B0X_IAR\Source\BootLoader\bootloader.c (5783, 2005-10-12)
... ...

S3C44B0X Demo Project (By IAR EWARM v4.30) Hardware: - Fin=8MHz, Fout=50MHz; - SDRAM=32MB (0C000000 ~ 0DFFFFFF) - FLASH=2MB (00000000 ~ 01FFFFFF) Project Configurations: - RAM: All code and data are loaded to RAM by an emulator (e.g. J-Link), then run in RAM - FLASH_NOXIP: Boot from FLASH and self-copy all code and data to RAM, then run in RAM Man-Machine Interface: - UART0 of S3C44B0X - HyperTerminal of PC: 115200bps, 8 data bits, 1 stop bits, no parity, no flow control Menu Description: - Set Download Address: When receiving a file, save it to which address - YModem Download: Wait for and receive a file from PC through serial port - Program Boot Flash: Program a block of data from RAM to FLASH (M29W160B) - Load To RAM: Copy a block of data from FLASH to RAM - Jump To: Set the Program Pointer (PC) of S3C44B0X to a specified address How to Use: - Build the "FLASH_NOXIP" configuration and get the file "44b0.bin" - Load and run the "RAM" configuration by an emulator (e.g. J-Link) - Use "Ymodem Download" to download "44b0.bin" to RAM (0d000000 by default) - Use "Program Boot Flash" to program "44b0.bin" to FLASH (00000000) - Then the board can boot from FLASH and update itself without an emulator ************************ NOT FOR COMMERCIAL USAGE ************************ ryansheng@gmail.com


