
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2006-05-29 16:10:03
上 传 者管理员
说明:  1.打开Debug中的Img.exe 2.文件-〉打开,选小图 3.预操作-〉存为子图 4.文件-〉打开,选大图 5.预操作-〉存为母图 6.操作-〉隐藏 7.文件-〉存入剪切板 8.文件-〉推出 9.将剪切板中图存为另一文件 10.打开Debug中的Img.exe 11.文件-〉打开,选9中的另一文件 12.操作-〉反隐藏 13.输入小图(需恢复的文件)的(宽*长) 14.看到小图(需恢复的文件)
(1. Debug to open the Img.exe 2. File-> Open election small Figure 3. Pre-operate-> saved as son Figure 4. file-> Open big 5 election. Pre-operate-> retention of the mother Figure 6. Operation-> hidden seven. document-> deposited Shear panel 8. document-> push nine. Shear panel were to the survival of another 10. Debug to open the Img.exe 11. document- > Open the election of nine other documents 12. Operation-> Anti-Hide 13. the importation of small plans (subject to restore the files) (W*) 1 4. see small map (which requires restoration of the document))

Img (0, 2006-05-29)
Img\BmpProc.cpp (106352, 1999-01-05)
Img\BmpProc.h (6417, 1999-01-05)
Img\DDD.CPP (910, 2006-05-29)
Img\DDD.H (1158, 2006-05-29)
Img\Debug (0, 2006-05-29)
Img\IMAGE.JPG (18511, 1999-12-13)
Img\IMAGE01.JPG (13398, 1999-01-05)
Img\IMAGE02.JPG (6994, 1999-12-19)
Img\IMAGE03.JPG (7025, 1999-12-19)
Img\Img.aps (41708, 2006-05-29)
Img\Img.clw (2390, 2006-05-29)
Img\Img.cpp (4060, 2006-05-26)
Img\Img.dsp (4665, 2006-05-29)
Img\Img.dsw (531, 2006-05-26)
Img\Img.h (1323, 2006-05-26)
Img\Img.ncb (82944, 2006-05-29)
Img\Img.opt (54784, 2006-05-29)
Img\Img.plg (1139, 2006-05-29)
Img\Img.rc (10635, 2006-05-29)
Img\ImgDoc.cpp (5627, 2006-05-29)
Img\ImgDoc.h (1710, 2006-05-29)
Img\ImgView.cpp (2054, 2006-05-26)
Img\ImgView.h (1670, 2006-05-26)
Img\MainFrm.cpp (1671, 2006-05-26)
Img\MainFrm.h (1314, 2006-05-26)
Img\RES (0, 2006-05-29)
Img\Resource.h (1103, 2006-05-29)
Img\RES\Img.ico (1078, 2006-05-26)
Img\RES\Img.rc2 (395, 2006-05-26)
Img\RES\ImgDoc.ico (1078, 2006-05-26)
Img\StdAfx.cpp (205, 2006-05-26)
Img\StdAfx.h (1076, 2006-05-26)
Img\使用说明.txt (327, 2006-05-29)


