开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2006-06-03 00:21:02
上 传 者huazix
说明:  本题所涉及的有关操作是从控件中选择所要创建的链表的类型(用VC的Radio Button 实现选择),然后在编辑控件(Edit Button)中输入数据,然后创建链表时从控件中截取数据,转化为数学数据后,通过对链表入链操作,从而建立起一个链表。链表建立起来后,要求在窗口中以图形方式输出链表,窗口图形显示,主要是利用画直线和画矩形函数实现。数值的输出通过VC自带的函数在相应的坐标点显示。链表的动态显示所涉及的问题是:在一个窗口中输出了图形是始终存在的。要实行动态显示,必须在一段区域内画一个足够大的图形(其中画笔和填充颜色都把它设为背景色,这样就能把原来的图形覆盖掉,然后把链表重画一下,这样就能实现动态显示。由此,对链表的相应操作后,通过上述操作,就能实现链表的动态实现了。
(the subject involved in the operation of control from which to choose to create a linked list of types (with VC Radi o Button to achieve choice), then Edit Control (Edit Button), data entry, then create Listless from the interception control data into mathematical data, the income of Chain chain operation, in order to establish a linked list. Listless established, the request in the window to the graphic output Chain, window graphics, mainly using linear paintings and painted rectangular Function. The value of output by VC's own function in the corresponding coordinates suggests. Chain dynamic display of the issues involved are : a window graphics output is always exist. To implement dynamic display, in some regions must be painted a sufficiently large graphics (including brushes and f)

CCHDUlink\Debug (0, 2004-12-17)
CCHDUlink\res\CCHDUlink.rc2 (401, 2004-12-17)
CCHDUlink\res\CCHDUlinkDoc.ico (4846, 2003-12-21)
CCHDUlink\res\CCHDUlink.ico (3310, 2003-12-21)
CCHDUlink\res\Toolbar.bmp (1078, 2004-12-17)
CCHDUlink\res\icon1.ico (4534, 2003-12-21)
CCHDUlink\res (0, 2004-12-17)
CCHDUlink\DUNODE.H (143, 2004-12-19)
CCHDUlink\CCHDUlink.h (1389, 2004-12-17)
CCHDUlink\CCHDUlink.cpp (4263, 2004-12-17)
CCHDUlink\StdAfx.h (1054, 2003-12-21)
CCHDUlink\StdAfx.cpp (211, 2004-12-17)
CCHDUlink\MainFrm.h (1581, 2004-12-17)
CCHDUlink\MainFrm.cpp (2512, 2003-12-21)
CCHDUlink\CCHDUlinkDoc.h (1508, 2004-12-17)
CCHDUlink\CCHDUlinkDoc.cpp (1802, 2004-12-17)
CCHDUlink\CCHDUlink.dsp (4681, 2003-12-21)
CCHDUlink\CCHDUlink.dsw (543, 2004-12-17)
CCHDUlink\CCHDUlink.ncb (164864, 2006-06-02)
CCHDUlink\CCHDUlink.plg (252, 2006-06-02)
CCHDUlink\CCHDUlink.rc (13231, 2004-12-27)
CCHDUlink\Dulist.h (4737, 2004-12-27)
CCHDUlink\CCHDUlink.aps (37792, 2006-05-25)
CCHDUlink\CCHDUlinkView.cpp (17371, 2004-12-27)
CCHDUlink\Resource.h (1376, 2004-12-27)
CCHDUlink\CCHDUlink.clw (3268, 2006-06-02)
CCHDUlink\CCHDUlinkView.h (2708, 2004-12-27)
CCHDUlink\CCHDUlink.opt (55808, 2006-06-02)
CCHDUlink (0, 2004-12-17)


