
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2006-06-03 11:11:28
上 传 者Jingchao
说明:  BP神经网络算法的VC+源码,前几天在网上找到,觉得很有用,和大家分享。
(BP neural network algorithm VC+ source code, in the days before the Internet, feel useful, and share with you all.)

COPYRIGHT.TXT (26934, 2003-09-06)
examples (0, 2004-02-23)
examples.dsw (2846, 2003-11-26)
examples\annealing.cpp (2011, 2004-02-22)
examples\annealing.dsp (2450, 2003-11-26)
examples\annealing.help (285, 2004-02-22)
examples\array.cpp (5891, 2004-02-22)
examples\array.dsp (2418, 2003-11-26)
examples\array.help (693, 2004-02-22)
examples\binomial.cpp (2562, 2004-02-22)
examples\binomial.dsp (2442, 2003-11-26)
examples\binomial.help (272, 2004-02-22)
examples\bit.txt (168, 2004-02-22)
examples\bitmap.txt (1179, 2004-02-22)
examples\first_recurrent.dsp (2462, 2003-09-16)
examples\hopefield.cpp (2760, 2004-02-22)
examples\hopefield.dsp (2450, 2003-11-26)
examples\hopefield.help (339, 2004-02-22)
examples\kohen_example.cpp (3550, 2004-02-22)
examples\kohen_example.dsp (2498, 2003-11-26)
examples\kohen_example.help (265, 2004-02-22)
examples\kohen_example_not_SOFM.cpp (2595, 2004-02-22)
examples\kohen_example_not_SOFM.dsp (2554, 2003-11-26)
examples\kohen_example_not_SOFM.help (324, 2004-02-22)
examples\Makefile.vc6 (1590, 2003-11-26)
examples\numbers.txt (1257, 2004-02-22)
examples\numbers_yours.txt (136, 2004-02-22)
examples\pnn.cpp (2510, 2004-02-22)
examples\pnn.dsp (2402, 2003-11-26)
examples\pnn.help (198, 2004-02-22)
examples\recurrent.cpp (2992, 2004-02-22)
examples\recurrent.dsp (2456, 2003-10-25)
examples\recurrent.help (190, 2004-02-22)
examples\recurrent2.cpp (3504, 2004-02-22)
examples\recurrent2.dsp (2464, 2003-11-26)
examples\recurrent2.help (213, 2004-02-22)
examples\sigmoid_example.cpp (4006, 2004-02-22)
examples\sigmoid_example.dsp (2498, 2003-11-26)
examples\silly.cpp (6496, 2004-02-22)
examples\simple_sigmoid.cpp (1997, 2004-02-22)
... ...

nn-utility has been released under the GNU Lesser Public Licence. Please view the COPYRIGHT file for more information. If you are unfamiliar with the nn-utility library I highly recommend you read the MANUAL file. For installation instructions read the INSTALL file. If you have used a previous version of nn-utility I highly recommend (for your programming convenience) that you read the updates for each version in the MANUAL file: 0.1.0-0.1.* Panayiotis Thomakos panthomakos@users.sourceforge.net The nn-utility team consists of: Panayiotis Thomakos Project Administrator and Developer panthomakos@users.sourceforge.net Brian Whitman Propject Porting and Support brwsg@users.sourceforge.net Tomasz Mloduchowski Project Tester quantuumodt@users.sourceforge.net Wiley Coyote Project Porter and Python Developer wiley_coyote@users.sourceforge.net Adrien Bustany Web Developer webustany@users.sourceforge.net


