
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2006-06-04 14:38:55
上 传 者sunshuo80
说明:  海水地形模拟程序,用了多重纹理映射方法,真实感强
(water terrain simulation program with multiple texture mapping, realistic-)

seaTerrain\bin\Terrain.exe (335975, 2003-06-27)
seaTerrain\bin (0, 2006-04-20)
seaTerrain\data\detail.bmp (786486, 2001-08-19)
seaTerrain\data\heightmap.bmp (66616, 2001-05-08)
seaTerrain\data\SkyBox\SkyBox0.bmp (196664, 2001-05-01)
seaTerrain\data\SkyBox\SkyBox1.bmp (196664, 2001-04-29)
seaTerrain\data\SkyBox\SkyBox2.bmp (196664, 2001-04-29)
seaTerrain\data\SkyBox\SkyBox3.bmp (196664, 2001-05-01)
seaTerrain\data\SkyBox\SkyBox4.bmp (196662, 2000-10-24)
seaTerrain\data\SkyBox\SkyBox5.bmp (49208, 2001-05-09)
seaTerrain\data\SkyBox (0, 2006-04-20)
seaTerrain\data\terrain-texture3.bmp (786488, 2004-11-30)
seaTerrain\data\VCProject.exe (307268, 2004-11-30)
seaTerrain\data\复件 heightmap.bmp (66616, 2001-05-08)
seaTerrain\data\复件 terrain-texture3.bmp (786488, 2001-06-10)
seaTerrain\data (0, 2006-04-20)
seaTerrain\source\GLEXT.h (144343, 2000-06-07)
seaTerrain\source\imgLoadBMP.cpp (5885, 2000-10-13)
seaTerrain\source\imgLoadBMP.h (670, 2000-07-28)
seaTerrain\source\IOFile.cpp (2554, 2000-07-28)
seaTerrain\source\IOFile.h (2689, 2000-07-28)
seaTerrain\source\OGLCMainHeader.h (1138, 2001-05-05)
seaTerrain\source\PTypes.h (2010, 2000-07-15)
seaTerrain\source\RImage.cpp (1963, 2000-08-27)
seaTerrain\source\RImage.h (2244, 2000-10-21)
seaTerrain\source\RTexture.cpp (5326, 2000-07-28)
seaTerrain\source\RTexture.h (1119, 2000-07-28)
seaTerrain\source\Std.h (691, 2000-10-17)
seaTerrain\source\Win32Framework.cpp (11704, 2006-05-24)
seaTerrain\source\YourCode.cpp (3047, 2000-10-11)
seaTerrain\source (0, 2006-05-24)
seaTerrain\tools\ijl.h (54441, 2000-09-03)
seaTerrain\tools\my_jpg_interface.cpp (3153, 2001-05-04)
seaTerrain\tools\my_jpg_interface.h (424, 2001-05-04)
seaTerrain\tools\texgen.cpp (6259, 2001-05-12)
seaTerrain\tools\texgen.dsp (4274, 2001-04-27)
seaTerrain\tools\texgen.dsw (535, 2000-11-09)
seaTerrain\tools\texgen.h (428, 2001-04-27)
seaTerrain\tools\texgen.ncb (58368, 2004-11-30)
... ...

Terrain Engine I started working on a terrain engine around October 2000. I was deeply moved by screenshots from black and white :) My intention and main goal was to create something visually stunning. This meant writing a terrain texture-generator, and working hard to find good textures and blending modes. The outcome is an engine that hold a (supposedly) 1km by 1km piece of terrain with very high accuracy. There is no triangle-cutting algorithm employed, simple brute-force. I use a large terrain texture and a tiling detail texture. There's a skybox and the terrain reflects on the water. I used OpenGL for this one, employing the OGLC skeleton to avoid most of the opengl-win32 business. You can move through this world using descent keys (a,z, keypad). use 'w' to switch to wire-frame and 'd' to render without the detail texture.


