
上传日期:2006-06-08 11:21:39
上 传 者wangceron
说明:  TCL语言的学习教程和几个程序实例 array.tcl --- --- This simple example shows how to create and manipulate arrays. main commands used: array, puts, foreach, get calculator.tcl -------------- This script asks the user to enter an operation ( ex: 24 + 52 ), analyses the operation, computes it and return the result. main commands used: proc, expr, return, while, puts, flush, switch, lindex, gets file_copy.tcl ------------- This script asks the user to enter a source file, a destination file and copies the source file in the destination file.main commands used: puts, gets, read, seek, open, close.
(TCL language learning tutorials and examples of several programs array.tcl--------- T his simple example shows how to create and manip ulate arrays. main commands used : array, puts, foreach. get calculator.tcl-------------- This scrip t asks the user to enter an operation (ex : 24 52), analyzes the operation, it computes and return the result. main command s used : proc, expr, return, while, puts, flush, switch, Lindex. gets file_copy.tcl------------- This script asks the user to enter a source file, a destination file and copies the source file in the destination file.main commands used : puts, gets, read, seek, open, close.)

TCL_learning (0, 2006-06-08)
TCL_learning\array.tcl (265, 2000-01-17)
TCL_learning\calculator.tcl (1068, 2000-01-20)
TCL_learning\file_copy.tcl (925, 2000-05-04)
TCL_learning\TclWeek1.ppt (993792, 2001-07-16)
TCL_learning\TclWeek2.ppt (191488, 2000-01-21)
TCL_learning\TclWeek3.ppt (7056384, 1996-09-12)
TCL_learning\TclWeek4.ppt (3422720, 1996-09-22)
TCL_learning\TclWeek5.ppt (936960, 1996-09-29)


