John A 

上传日期:2012-07-08 14:16:34
上 传 者Victoria_hu
说明:  计算机系统结构的经典教材 Computer Organization and Design The Hardware Software Interface - 3rd Edition 作者: David A. Patterson / John L. Hennessy 出版社: Morgan Kaufmann 出版年: 1997-08-01
(Modern computer technology requires professionals of every computing specialty to understand both hardware and software. The interaction between hardware and software at a variety of levels also offers a framework for understanding the fundamentals of computing. Whether your primary interest is hardware or software, computer science or electrical engineering, the central ideas in computer organization and design are the same. Thus, our emphasis in this book is to show the relationship between hardware and software and to focus on the concepts that are the basis for current computers. The audience for this book includes those with little experience in assembly language or logic design who need to understand basic computer organization as well as readers with backgrounds in assembly language and/or logic design who want to learn how to design a computer or understand how a system works and why it performs as it does.)

Computer Organization and Design The Hardware Software Interface - 3rd Edition.pdf (6507970, 2012-02-22)


