
上传日期:2012-07-23 22:15:43
上 传 者stv1024
说明:  WordPress网站嵌入Unity WebPlayer的插件,非常实用,开发者可以建立更好的在线游戏中心
(WordPress site embedded in the Unity WebPlayer plugin, very useful, developers can build a better online gaming center)

WP_UnityObject (0, 2009-05-12)
WP_UnityObject\.DS_Store (6148, 2009-04-10)
__MACOSX (0, 2009-05-12)
__MACOSX\WP_UnityObject (0, 2009-05-12)
__MACOSX\WP_UnityObject\._.DS_Store (82, 2009-04-10)
WP_UnityObject\js (0, 2009-05-11)
WP_UnityObject\js\.DS_Store (6148, 2009-04-10)
__MACOSX\WP_UnityObject\js (0, 2009-05-12)
__MACOSX\WP_UnityObject\js\._.DS_Store (82, 2009-04-10)
WP_UnityObject\js\UnityObject.js (10246, 2008-11-01)
__MACOSX\WP_UnityObject\js\._UnityObject.js (82, 2008-11-01)
WP_UnityObject\php (0, 2009-05-12)
WP_UnityObject\php\.DS_Store (6148, 2009-04-10)
__MACOSX\WP_UnityObject\php (0, 2009-05-12)
__MACOSX\WP_UnityObject\php\._.DS_Store (82, 2009-04-10)
WP_UnityObject\php\WP_Content.php (3488, 2009-05-12)
__MACOSX\WP_UnityObject\php\._WP_Content.php (82, 2009-05-12)
WP_UnityObject\php\WP_Image.php (919, 2009-05-12)
__MACOSX\WP_UnityObject\php\._WP_Image.php (82, 2009-05-12)
WP_UnityObject\WP_UnityObject.php (3600, 2009-05-12)
__MACOSX\WP_UnityObject\._WP_UnityObject.php (82, 2009-05-12)

=== WP_UnityObject === Contributors: HiggyB Tags: unity, unity3d WP_UnityObject provides the ability to added Unity Web Player builds in your blog posts with built-in web player detection and support for both Unity 1.x and 2.x authored content. === Installation === Unzip the WP_UnityObject folder and upload it into your blog's plugins directory (.../wp-content/plugins/). After uploading the folder go to your blog's Dashboard and activate the WordPress Unity Object plugin. === Usage Instructions === With the plugin installed and activated as part of your WordPress blog you can start embedding Unity Web Player content in your posts. Embedding content within your post is done by using a simple tag structure: [WP_UnityObject src="http://www.yourdomain.com/yourfile.unity3d" /] The outer tag declares the existence of Unity Web Player content, the name/value pairs you provide then determine what content is displayed and how. There is only one required parameter, the src URL for the content to be displayed, all other parameters are optional and if not provided default values will be used instead. When adding any of the optional parameters please note that the order you list them is not important. Simply provide each parameter in name="value" format, there should be no spaces before or after the equals sign and the value provided should always be wrapped in double-quotes (the " character). Additionally you need to separate each of the name/value pairs with an empty space. For example, here is a tag set where the src, height and width are all specified: [WP_UnityObject src="http://www.yourdomain.com/yourfile.unity3d" width="***0" height="480"/] When you use this plugin to embed Unity content in your post you can optionally specify an alternate image (using the altimage parameter) that will be shown instead of the content, when the user clicks on that image the content itself will actually be shown. Whether you use an alternate image or not, on content load there will be a check to see if the user has the Unity Web Player installed or not. If they do have it installed then the content is shown, if they don't have it installed then an install prompt is shown instead. === List of Supported Parameters === Here is a listing of all the parameters supported by the WP_UnityObject plugin. --- altimage The URL, full or relative, to an image that will be displayed on page load instead of the web player content, the user must click on the image to actually load and play the web player content. The image can be in any format supported inside the browser (GIF, JPG, PNG, etc.). This parameter is optional and if not provided then no alternate image is shown and the web player content is shown instead. Example: [WP_UnityObject altimage="http://www.yourdomain.com/yourimage.jpg" src="http://www.yourdomain.com/yourfile.unity3d"/] --- backgroundcolor The hex background color value used by the content's object/embed tags. This parameter is optional and if not provided then the Unity Web Player's default background color of white is used. Example: [WP_UnityObject backgroundcolor="3333FF" src="http://www.yourdomain.com/yourfile.unity3d"/] --- bordercolor The hex border color value used by the content's object/embed tags. This parameter is optional and if not provided then the Unity Web Player's default border color of white is used. Example: [WP_UnityObject bordercolor ="9911A2" src="http://www.yourdomain.com/yourfile.unity3d"/] --- css The path to a css file to use in the alternate image and content display iFrames. This parameter is optional and if not provided then the browser's default style will be used. Example: [WP_UnityObject src="http://www.yourdomain.com/yourfile.unity3d" css ="http://www. yourdomain.com/css/yourstyle.css"/] --- disablecontextmenu A boolean value used by the content's object/embed tags. This parameter is optional and if not provided then the Unity Web Player's default border color of false is used. Example: [WP_UnityObject disablecontextmenu="true" src="http://www.yourdomain.com/yourfile.unity3d"/] --- disableexternalcall A boolean value used by the content's object/embed tags. This parameter is optional and if not provided then the Unity Web Player's default border color of false is used. Example: [WP_UnityObject disablecontextmenu="true" disableexternalcall="true" src="http://www.yourdomain.com/yourfile.unity3d"/] --- disablefullscreen A boolean value used by the content's object/embed tags. This parameter is optional and if not provided then the Unity Web Player's default border color of false is used. Example: [WP_UnityObject disablefullscreen ="true" src="http://www.yourdomain.com/yourfile.unity3d"/] --- height The width value used by the content's object/embed tags. This parameter is optional and if not provided a default value of "320" will be used. Example: [WP_UnityObject src="http://www.yourdomain.com/yourfile.unity3d" width="***0" height="480"/] --- id The element id value used by the content's object/embed tags. This parameter is optional and if not provided a default value of "Unity" will be used. Example: [WP_UnityObject src="http://www.yourdomain.com/yourfile.unity3d" id="GameContent"/] --- installimage The URL, full or relative, for the image used as an installer download button if the Unity Web Player isn't installed. This parameter is optional and if not provided then the Unity Web Player's default install image is used. Example: [WP_UnityObject src="http://www.yourdomain.com/yourfile.unity3d" logoimage="http://www.yourdomain.com/mylogo.jpg"/] --- logoimage The URL, full or relative, used by the content's object/embed tags as a custom loading logo, it must reference a JPG or PNG file. This parameter is optional and if not provided then the Unity Web Player's default logo is used. Example: [WP_UnityObject src="http://www.yourdomain.com/yourfile.unity3d" logoimage="http://www.yourdomain.com/mylogo.jpg"/] --- progressbarimage The URL, full or relative, used by the content's object/embed tags as a custom loading progress bar, it must reference a JPG or PNG file. This parameter is optional and if not provided then the Unity Web Player's default progress bar is used. Example: [WP_UnityObject src="http://www.yourdomain.com/yourfile.unity3d" progressbarimage="http://www.yourdomain.com/myprogbar.png"/] --- progressframeimage The URL, full or relative, used by the content's object/embed tags as a custom loading progress bar background, it must reference a JPG or PNG file. This parameter is optional and if not provided then the Unity Web Player's default progress bar background is used. Example: [WP_UnityObject src="http://www.yourdomain.com/yourfile.unity3d" progressframeimage="http://www.yourdomain.com/myprogbg.png"/] --- src The URL, full or relative, the the web player content to be displayed. This is a required parameter. Example: [WP_UnityObject src="http://www.yourdomain.com/yourfile.unity3d"/] --- textcolor The hex text color value used by the content's object/embed tags. This parameter is optional and if not provided then the Unity Web Player's default text color of black is used. Example: [WP_UnityObject textcolor ="005100" src="http://www.yourdomain.com/yourfile.unity3d"/] --- version The major Unity Web Player version required in order to play the web player content. This parameter is optional and if not provided a default value of "2" will be used. Please note that as of today the only reasonable values to use are "1" and "2" being as those are the only two major versions of the Unity Web Player currently available. Example: [WP_UnityObject src="http://www.yourdomain.com/yourfile.unity3d" version="2"/] --- width The width (in pixels) value used by the content's object/embed tags. This parameter is optional and if not provided a default value of "320" will be used. Example: [WP_UnityObject src="http://www.yourdomain.com/yourfile.unity3d" width="***0" height="480"/] ---


