
上传日期:2012-08-10 01:47:34
上 传 者wxqjrh
说明:   可以进行生物群体的聚类分析,可以做个体的聚类分析还可以做各种群的聚类分析
(Cluster analysis of the biological communities)

聚类分析软件 NTsys 2.10e\data\1.NTS (0, 2002-11-25)
聚类分析软件 NTsys 2.10e\data\2.NTS (0, 2002-11-25)
聚类分析软件 NTsys 2.10e\data\a.NTS (0, 1998-01-11)
聚类分析软件 NTsys 2.10e\data\ab.NTS (0, 1998-01-11)
聚类分析软件 NTsys 2.10e\data\Book1.BAK (3627, 2003-04-15)
聚类分析软件 NTsys 2.10e\data\Book1.txt (3628, 2003-04-19)
聚类分析软件 NTsys 2.10e\data\BOOK2 STAND.NTS (94, 2002-11-25)
聚类分析软件 NTsys 2.10e\data\BOOK2.NTS (79, 2002-11-25)
聚类分析软件 NTsys 2.10e\data\Book2.txt (4226, 2002-11-25)
聚类分析软件 NTsys 2.10e\data\distance-2.txt (493382, 1998-01-11)
聚类分析软件 NTsys 2.10e\data\pon02.txt (16778, 1998-01-11)
聚类分析软件 NTsys 2.10e\data\pongraph.NTS (0, 1998-01-11)
聚类分析软件 NTsys 2.10e\data\pontree.NTS (0, 1998-01-11)
聚类分析软件 NTsys 2.10e\data\rapd data.xls (32768, 2002-11-25)
聚类分析软件 NTsys 2.10e\data\ssr2.xls (39424, 2003-04-19)
聚类分析软件 NTsys 2.10e\data\ssrassoc_nts.txt (379, 1998-01-11)
聚类分析软件 NTsys 2.10e\data\ssrresult.NTS (9257, 1998-01-12)
聚类分析软件 NTsys 2.10e\data\ssrtree.NTS (1023, 1998-01-12)
聚类分析软件 NTsys 2.10e\data\test.NTS (0, 1998-01-11)
聚类分析软件 NTsys 2.10e\data\test2.NTS (0, 1998-01-11)
聚类分析软件 NTsys 2.10e\data\zmd data.txt (4224, 2002-11-25)
聚类分析软件 NTsys 2.10e\License.rtf (1798, 2001-02-15)
聚类分析软件 NTsys 2.10e\ntedit.exe (721920, 2000-10-18)
聚类分析软件 NTsys 2.10e\Ntsys.cnt (10136, 2000-09-25)
聚类分析软件 NTsys 2.10e\ntsys.exe (2177536, 2000-11-01)
聚类分析软件 NTsys 2.10e\ntsys.GID (44823, 2009-10-07)
聚类分析软件 NTsys 2.10e\Ntsys.hlp (548382, 2000-11-01)
聚类分析软件 NTsys 2.10e\ntsys.ini (937, 2012-06-27)
聚类分析软件 NTsys 2.10e\Primer.doc (142336, 2002-07-25)
聚类分析软件 NTsys 2.10e\Primer1copy.doc (242176, 2002-07-25)
聚类分析软件 NTsys 2.10e\Setbrows.exe (4528, 1995-10-13)
聚类分析软件 NTsys 2.10e\SLT_NTsys_2[1].10e.part01.rar (387664, 2005-12-04)
聚类分析软件 NTsys 2.10e\SLT_NTsys_2[1].10e.part02.rar (387664, 2005-12-04)
聚类分析软件 NTsys 2.10e\SLT_NTsys_2[1].10e.part03.rar (387664, 2005-12-04)
聚类分析软件 NTsys 2.10e\SLT_NTsys_2[1].10e.part04.rar (291028, 2005-12-04)
聚类分析软件 NTsys 2.10e\sn.txt (445, 1998-01-09)
聚类分析软件 NTsys 2.10e\UnInst.log (1468, 2001-02-15)
聚类分析软件 NTsys 2.10e\data (0, 2010-05-13)
... ...

{\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\froman\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset1 MS Sans Serif;}{\f3\froman\fprq2 Times New Roman;}{\f4\froman\fprq2 Book Antiqua;}{\f5\fmodern\fprq1 Courier New;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;} \deflang1033\pard\qc\plain\f3\fs24\b NTSYSpc version 2.1 'ReadMe' file \par \pard\plain\f3\fs20 \par \plain\f3\fs20\b Last-minute news: \par \plain\f3\fs20 \par \plain\f3\fs20\b Installation: \plain\f3\fs20 During installation you will be asked for your name, institution name, and registration serial number code. \par \par \plain\f3\fs20\b Reading rectangular matrices from Excel files: \plain\f3\fs20 The format of the matrix parameter line has changed slightly. See the help file for details. Note that Excel files no longer have to be imported using the NTedit program \endash they can not be read directly by the various NTSYSpc modules. \par \par \plain\f3\fs20\b Internet connection via help file: \plain\f3\fs20 If clicking on the WWW or e-mail links in the help file brings up the "wrong" browser (or if it cannot find your browser), then run the SetBrows program that can also be installed as part of NTSYSpc. \par \par \plain\f3\fs20\b NTSYSpc batch codes: \plain\f3\fs20 Most codes are identical to those used in version 1.80 and 2.0. There have, however, been some additions. See the help file (Updates section) for list of changes. Batch codes are given in help file (do a Search topic for 'batch codes'). \par \par \plain\f3\fs20\b Uninstalling NTSYSpc: \plain\f3\fs20 If you need to remove NTSYSpc version 2.1 from your computer, use the Add/Remove Programs program from the Windows Control Panel. It is able to remove all of the installed files, program icons, and the NTSYS.INI file. You should not just delete the program files and folders as entries will be left in the Windows registry. \par }


