开发工具:Visual Basic
上传日期:2006-06-20 22:48:20
上 传 者555121
说明:  For the convenience user watches the graph which draws up to be allowed to the view to carry on completely enlarges and reduces, the fractionated gain, the entire screen demonstration, the picture migration.
(For the convenience user watches the graph which draws up to be allowed to the view to carry o n completely enlarges and reduces, the fractionated gain, the entire screen demonstration, the picture migration.)

VB_CAD5\Box.cls (1333, 1988-01-01)
VB_CAD5\CArc.cls (8086, 2003-02-08)
VB_CAD5\CArcs.cls (2137, 2003-01-18)
VB_CAD5\CArcSel.cls (2062, 2003-01-17)
VB_CAD5\CCircle.cls (5156, 2003-01-18)
VB_CAD5\CCircles.cls (2064, 2003-01-17)
VB_CAD5\CCircleSel.cls (2066, 2003-01-17)
VB_CAD5\CCommand.cls (760, 1988-01-01)
VB_CAD5\CCreateArc.cls (6949, 2003-02-08)
VB_CAD5\CCreateCirce.cls (5299, 2003-02-08)
VB_CAD5\CCreateLine.cls (3891, 2003-02-08)
VB_CAD5\CCreatePolyLine.cls (3784, 2003-02-08)
VB_CAD5\CCreateText.cls (1254, 2003-01-17)
VB_CAD5\CGElement.cls (1333, 1988-01-01)
VB_CAD5\CGElements.cls (1728, 1988-01-01)
VB_CAD5\CLine.cls (5897, 2003-01-17)
VB_CAD5\CLines.cls (2055, 2003-01-17)
VB_CAD5\CLineSel.cls (2057, 2003-01-17)
VB_CAD5\CMirror.cls (6354, 2003-02-08)
VB_CAD5\CMove.cls (5725, 2003-02-08)
VB_CAD5\CPick.cls (3107, 1988-01-01)
VB_CAD5\CPLineSel.cls (2470, 2003-01-17)
VB_CAD5\CPointSel.cls (2177, 1988-01-01)
VB_CAD5\CPolyLine.cls (6927, 2003-01-17)
VB_CAD5\CPolylines.cls (2608, 2003-01-17)
VB_CAD5\CPrint.cls (6760, 2006-06-02)
VB_CAD5\CreateText.cls (781, 1988-01-01)
VB_CAD5\CRotate.cls (5855, 2003-02-08)
VB_CAD5\CSelect.cls (4608, 2003-01-17)
VB_CAD5\CText.cls (3400, 2003-01-17)
VB_CAD5\CTexts.cls (2417, 2003-01-17)
VB_CAD5\CTextSel.cls (2186, 2003-01-17)
VB_CAD5\CviewPan.cls (2606, 2003-02-08)
VB_CAD5\CViewZoom.cls (2880, 1988-01-01)
VB_CAD5\frmAbout.frm (9211, 2003-01-05)
VB_CAD5\frmAbout.frx (2327, 2003-01-05)
VB_CAD5\frmDrawMain.frm (32936, 2006-06-06)
VB_CAD5\frmDrawMain.frx (38768, 2006-06-06)
VB_CAD5\frmFlash.frm (3544, 2003-01-15)
VB_CAD5\frmFlash.frx (2114, 2003-01-15)
... ...


