
上传日期:2012-08-25 13:21:07
上 传 者alny123
说明:  Delphi NativeJpg component with sample projects

NativeJpg130 (0, 2011-04-20)
NativeJpg130\example (0, 2011-04-20)
NativeJpg130\example\viewer.exe (680960, 2011-04-20)
NativeJpg130\extlib (0, 2011-04-20)
NativeJpg130\extlib\color (0, 2011-04-20)
NativeJpg130\extlib\color\lcms (0, 2011-04-20)
NativeJpg130\extlib\color\lcms\lcms.dll (144384, 2010-11-18)
NativeJpg130\extlib\color\lcms\lcmsdll.pas (43732, 2010-11-18)
NativeJpg130\extlib\color\lcms\LittleCMS_License.txt (1071, 2010-11-18)
NativeJpg130\extlib\extmem (0, 2011-04-20)
NativeJpg130\extlib\extmem\Fast (0, 2011-04-20)
NativeJpg130\extlib\extmem\Fast\FastMM.pas (64142, 2010-11-18)
NativeJpg130\LICENSE.txt (1287, 2010-11-18)
NativeJpg130\simlib (0, 2011-04-20)
NativeJpg130\simlib\bitmap (0, 2011-04-20)
NativeJpg130\simlib\bitmap\sdBitmapConversionWin.pas (11177, 2011-04-18)
NativeJpg130\simlib\bitmap\sdBitmapResize.pas (10268, 2011-04-20)
NativeJpg130\simlib\bitmap\sdGraphicTypes.pas (3473, 2011-04-20)
NativeJpg130\simlib\bitmap\sdMapIterator.pas (9975, 2011-04-18)
NativeJpg130\simlib\color (0, 2011-04-20)
NativeJpg130\simlib\color\sdColorTransforms.pas (46339, 2011-04-04)
NativeJpg130\simlib\disk (0, 2011-04-20)
NativeJpg130\simlib\disk\sdFileList.pas (9286, 2010-11-18)
NativeJpg130\simlib\general (0, 2011-04-20)
NativeJpg130\simlib\general\sdDebug.pas (4044, 2011-04-14)
NativeJpg130\simlib\general\sdMetadata.pas (11778, 2011-02-12)
NativeJpg130\simlib\general\sdMetadataCiff.pas (14255, 2011-01-31)
NativeJpg130\simlib\general\sdMetadataExif.pas (29844, 2011-02-16)
NativeJpg130\simlib\general\sdMetadataIptc.pas (6415, 2011-02-12)
NativeJpg130\simlib\general\sdMetadataJpg.pas (4706, 2011-02-12)
NativeJpg130\simlib\general\sdMetadataTiff.pas (3001, 2011-01-31)
NativeJpg130\simlib\general\sdSortedLists.pas (24651, 2011-02-16)
NativeJpg130\simlib\general\sdStreams.pas (6743, 2011-04-07)
NativeJpg130\simlib\general\ (1035, 2011-02-12)
NativeJpg130\simlib\nativejpg (0, 2011-04-20)
NativeJpg130\simlib\nativejpg\demos (0, 2011-04-20)
NativeJpg130\simlib\nativejpg\demos\jpegtest (0, 2011-04-20)
NativeJpg130\simlib\nativejpg\demos\jpegtest\dcu (0, 2011-04-20)
NativeJpg130\simlib\nativejpg\demos\jpegtest\exe (0, 2011-04-20)
... ...

Readme for NativeJpg ==================== Date: 20apr2011 Author: Nils Haeck About NativeJpg =============== This is a small-footprint native Object Pascal (Delphi) implementation to read and write Jpeg files. It provides a fully object-oriented approach to working with Jpeg files, with clearly defined properties, events and methods. You can use this code to read and write Jpeg documents from/to files or streams, generate bitmaps from the compressed data and vice versa. It also provides for methods to access the meta data in the files, and methods to manipulate the Jpeg file in a lossless way (rotation/flipping, etc). Compatibility: ============= - Delphi5 through DelphiXE - Free Pascal (FPC) + Lazarus Delphi packages: =============== - tested with D7 and DXE. You can install this package but it is not necessary. These packages are merely for me to test if they are complete. If you are a user of DtpDocuments, then please do not install NativeJpg. It is already part of DtpDocuments. Open Source =========== NativeJpg is open-source, with a very liberal license. See LICENSE in the distribution. Copyright: Nils Haeck, SimDesign BV If NativeJpg is helpful for you, then please consider to make a donation. See: Class Tree: ========== TsdJpegCoder TDebugPersistent (sdJpegCoder.pas) TsdJpegBlockCoder (sdJpegCoder.pas) TsdJpegBaselineCoder (sdJpegCoder.pas) TsdJpegProgressiveCoder (sdJpegCoder.pas) TsdJpegExtendedCoder (sdJpegCoder.pas) TsdJpegFormat = TDebugComponent (sdJpegFormat.pas) TsdJpegSaveOptions = TDebugPersistent (sdJpegFormat.pas) TsdJpegMarker TDebugPersistent (sdJpegMarkers.pas) TsdAPPnMarker TsdJFIFMarker TsdAVI1Marker TsdICCProfileMarker TsdEXIFMarker TsdG3FAXMarker TsdIPTCMarker TsdAdobeApp14Marker TsdDHTMarker TsdDQTMarker TsdDRIMarker TsdSOFnMarker TsdSOSMarker TsdSOIMarker TsdEOIMarker TsdRSTMarker TsdDNLMarker TsdCOMMarker TsdJpegICCProfile = TPersistent (sdJpegMarkers.pas) TsdBitReader = TDebugPersistent (sdJpegBitstream.pas) TsdMemoryBitReader TsdStreamBitReader TsdBitWriter = TDebugPersistent (sdJpegBitstream.pas) TsdDryRunBitWriter TsdEntropyCoder = TDebugPersistent (sdJpegHuffman.pas) TsdHuffmanCoder (sdJpegHuffman.pas) TsdHuffmanDecoder (sdJpegHuffman.pas) Tsd8bitHuffmanDecoder (sdJpegHuffman.pas) TsdDCBaselineHuffmanDecoder (sdJpegHuffman.pas) TsdDCProgressiveHuffmanDecoder (sdJpegHuffman.pas) TsdACBaselineHuffmanDecoder (sdJpegHuffman.pas) TsdACProgressiveHuffmanDecoder (sdJpegHuffman.pas) Tsd8bitHuffmanEncoder (sdJpegHuffman.pas) TsdDCBaselineHuffmanEncoder (sdJpegHuffman.pas) TsdACBaselineHuffmanEncoder (sdJpegHuffman.pas) TsdLosslessOperation = TDebugPersistent (sdJpegLossless.pas) Separation of storage and visualisation ======================================= Storage methods: TsdJpegFormat.LoadFromStream TsdJpegFormat.SaveToStream Visualisation methods: TsdJpegFormat.LoadBitmap TsdJpegFormat.SaveBitmap Color space and conventional markers ==================================== For Info on colorspace transformation and conventional markers this info can be helpful, but Simdesigns implementation might divert: "Colorspace Transformations and Conventional Markers Colorspace transformations are controlled by the destination type for both reading and writing of images. When Rasters are read, no colorspace transformation is performed, and any destination type is ignored. A warning is sent to any listeners if a destination type is specified in this case. When Rasters are written, any destination type is used to interpret the bands. This might result in a JFIF or Adobe header being written, or different component ids being written to the frame and scan headers. If values present in a metadata object do not match the destination type, the destination type is used and a warning is sent to any listeners. When reading, the contents of the stream are interpreted by the usual JPEG conventions, as follows: * If a JFIF APP0 marker segment is present, the colorspace is known to be either grayscale or YCbCr. If an APP2 marker segment containing an embedded ICC profile is also present, then the YCbCr is converted to RGB according to the formulas given in the JFIF spec, and the ICC profile is assumed to refer to the resulting RGB space. * If an Adobe APP14 marker segment is present, the colorspace is determined by consulting the transform flag. The transform flag takes one of three values: o 2 - The image is encoded as YCCK (implicitly converted from CMYK on encoding). o 1 - The image is encoded as YCbCr (implicitly converted from RGB on encoding). o 0 - Unknown. 3-channel images are assumed to be RGB, 4-channel images are assumed to be CMYK. * If neither marker segment is present, the following procedure is followed: Single-channel images are assumed to be grayscale, and 2-channel images are assumed to be grayscale with an alpha channel. For 3- and 4-channel images, the component ids are consulted. If these values are 1-3 for a 3-channel image, then the image is assumed to be YCbCr. If these values are 1-4 for a 4-channel image, then the image is assumed to be YCbCrA. If these values are > 4, they are checked against the ASCII codes for 'R', 'G', 'B', 'A', 'C', 'c'. These can encode the following colorspaces: RGB RGBA YCC (as 'Y','C','c'), assumed to be PhotoYCC YCCA (as 'Y','C','c','A'), assumed to be PhotoYCCA Otherwise, 3-channel subsampled images are assumed to be YCbCr, 3-channel non-subsampled images are assumed to be RGB, 4-channel subsampled images are assumed to be YCCK, and 4-channel, non-subsampled images are assumed to be CMYK. * All other images are declared uninterpretable and an exception is thrown if an attempt is made to read one as a BufferedImage. Such an image may be read only as a Raster. If an image is interpretable but there is no Java ColorSpace available corresponding to the encoded colorspace (e.g. YCbCr), then ImageReader.getRawImageType will return null. Once an encoded colorspace is determined, then the target colorspace is determined as follows: * If a destination type is not set, then the following default transformations take place after upsampling: YCbCr (and YCbCrA) images are converted to RGB (and RGBA) using the conversion provided by the underlying IJG library and either the built-in sRGB ColorSpace or a custom RGB ColorSpace object based on an embedded ICC profile is used to create the output ColorModel. PhotoYCC and PhotoYCCA images are not converted. CMYK and YCCK images are currently not supported. * If a destination image or type is set, it is used as follows: If the IJG library provides an appropriate conversion, it is used. Otherwise the default library conversion is followed by a colorspace conversion in Java. * Bands are selected AFTER any library colorspace conversion. If a subset of either source or destination bands is used, then the default library conversions are used with no further conversion in Java, regardless of any destination type. * An exception is thrown if an attempt is made to read an image in an unsupported jpeg colorspace as a BufferedImage (e.g. CMYK). Such images may be read as Rasters. If an image colorspace is unsupported or uninterpretable, then ImageReader.getImageTypes will return an empty Iterator. If a subset of the raw bands are required, a Raster must be obtained first and the bands obtained from that. For writing, the color transformation to apply is determined as follows: If a subset of the source bands is to be written, no color conversion is performed. Any destination, if set, must match the number of bands that will be written, and serves as an interpretation of the selected bands, rather than a conversion request. This behavior is identical to that for Rasters. If all the bands are to be written and an image (as opposed to a Raster) is being written, any destination type is ignored and a warning is sent to any listeners. If a destination type is used and any aspect of the metadata object, if there is one, is not compatible with that type, the destination type is used, the metadata written is modified from that provided, and a warning is sent to listeners. This includes the app0JFIF and app14Adobe nodes. The component ids in the sof and sos nodes are not modified, however, as unless a app0JFIF node is present, any values may be used. When a full image is written, a destination colorspace will be chosen based on the image contents and the metadata settings, according to the following algorithm: If no metadata object is specified, then the following defaults apply: * Grayscale images are written with a JFIF APP0 marker segment. Grayscale images with alpha are written with no special marker. As required by JFIF, the component ids in the frame and scan header is set to 1. * RGB images are converted to YCbCr, subsampled in the chrominance channels by half both vertically and horizontally, and written with a JFIF APP0 marker segment. If the ColorSpace of the image is based on an ICCProfile (it is an instance of ICC_ColorSpace, but is not one of the standard built-in ColorSpaces), then that profile is embedded in an APP2 marker segment. As required by JFIF, the component ids in the frame and scan headers are set to 1, 2, and 3. * RGBA images are converted to YCbCrA, subsampled in the chrominance channels by half both vertically and horizontally, and written without any special marker segments. The component ids in the frame and scan headers are set to 1, 2, 3, and 4. * PhotoYCC and YCCAimages are subsampled by half in the chrominance channels both vertically and horizontally and written with an Adobe APP14 marker segment and 'Y','C', and 'c' (and 'A' if an alpha channel is present) as component ids in the frame and scan headers. Default metadata objects for these image types will reflect these settings. If a metadata object is specified, then the number of channels in the frame and scan headers must always match the number of bands to be written, or an exception is thrown. app0JFIF and app14Adobe nodes may appear in the same metadata object only if the app14Adobe node indicates YCbCr, and the component ids are JFIF compatible (0-2). The various image types are processed in the following ways: (All multi-channel images are subsampled according to the sampling factors in the frame header node of the metadata object, regardless of color space.) * Grayscale Images: o If an app0JFIF node is present in the metadata object, a JFIF APP0 marker segment is written. o If an app14Adobe node is present in the metadata object, it is checked for validity (transform must be UNKNOWN) and written. o If neither node is present in the metadata object, no special marker segment is written. * Grayscale Images with an Alpha Channel: o If an app0JFIF node is present in the metadata object, it is ignored and a warning is sent to listeners, as JFIF does not support 2-channel images. o If an app14Adobe node is present in the metadata object, it is checked for validity (transform must be UNKNOWN) and written. If transform is not UNKNOWN, a warning is sent to listeners and the correct transform is written. o If neither node is present in the metadata object, no special marker segment is written. * RGB Images: o If an app0JFIF node is present in the metadata object, the image is converted to YCbCr and written with a JFIF APP0 marker segment. If the ColorSpace of the image is based on a non-standard ICC Profile, then that profile is embedded in an APP2 marker segment. If the ColorSpace is not based on a non-standard ICC Profile, but an app2ICC node appears in the metadata, then an APP2 marker segment is written with the appropriate standard profile. Note that the profile must specify an RGB color space, as the file must be JFIF compliant. o If an app14Adobe node is present in the metadata object, the image is converted according to the color transform setting and written with an Adobe APP14 marker segment. Component ids are written just as they appear in the frame and scan headers. The color transform must be either YCbCr or UNKNOWN. If it is UNKNOWN, the image is not color converted. o If neither node is present, the component ids in the frame header are consulted. If these indicate a colorspace as described above, then the image is converted to that colorspace if possible. If the component ids do not indicate a colorspace, then the sampling factors are consulted. If the image is to be subsampled, it is converted to YCbCr first. If the image is not to be subsampled, then no conversion is applied. No special marker segmentss are written. * RGBA images: o If an app0JFIF node is present in the metadata object, it is ignored and a warning is sent to listeners, as JFIF does not support 4-channel images. o If an app14Adobe node is present in the metadata object, the image is written with an Adobe APP14 marker segment. No colorspace conversion is performed. Component ids are written just as they appear in the frame and scan headers. The color transform must be UNKNOWN. If it is not, a warning is sent to listeners. o If no app14Adobe node is present, the component ids in the frame header are consulted. If these indicate a colorspace as described above, then the image is converted to that colorspace if possible. If the component ids do not indicate a colorspace, then the sampling factors are consulted. If the image is to be subsampled, it is converted to YCbCrA. If the image is not to be subsampled, then no conversion is applied. No special marker segments are written. * PhotoYCC Images: o If an app0JFIF node is present in the metadata object, the image is converted to sRGB, and then to YCbCr during encoding, and a JFIF APP0 marker segment is written. o If an app14Adobe node is present in the metadata object, no conversion is applied, and an Adobe APP14 marker segment is written. The color transform must be YCC. If it is not, a warning is sent to listeners. o If neither node is present in the metadata object, no conversion is applied, and no special marker segment is written. * PhotoYCCA Images: o If an app0JFIF node is present in the metadata object, it is ignored and a warning is sent to listeners, as JFIF does not support 4-channel images. o If an app14Adobe node is present in the metadata object, no conversion is applied, and an Adobe APP14 marker segment is written. The color transform must be UNKNOWN. If it is not, a warning is sent to listeners. o If neither node is present in the metadata object, no conversion is applied, and no special marker segment is written."


