开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2012-09-16 14:47:58
上 传 者no_user
说明:  独立打包,保证可解压,内含大量源码,网上搜集而来。一共10几包,每个包几十兆。 本包内容: 网络电台收听助手V3.0(VC源码).rar 文件捆绑器源代码.rar 文字图象识别OCR系统开发包.zip 线程池的一种实现.zip 相当不错的一个挂机锁.rar 循序渐进实现仿QQ界面.rar 音乐播放器 .rar 用C写的播放器,超强.rar 优美菜单.rar 注册表监控程序.rar 自绘 显示网络流量.rar 树控件拖动.zip 完全自绘软件更换皮肤例子.rar 网络电视软件.zip
(Independent package, extract, containing a large number of source, collected from the Internet. A total of 10 a few packs of each package of dozens of megabytes. The contents of the package: Internet radio listen Assistant V3.0 (VC source) source code rar files bundled rar text image recognition OCR system development kit. Zip an implementation of the thread pool. Zip a pretty good hook lock. Rar gradual realization of imitation QQ interface rar music player. player rar using C to write, super the Rar beautiful menu rar registry monitoring program. rar from painted display network traffic rar tree control drag zip completely self-painted software to replace the skin example rar Internet TV software. zip)

vc++ 应用源码包_17\优美菜单.rar (241938, 2011-10-31)
vc++ 应用源码包_17\完全自绘软件更换皮肤例子.rar (1804948, 2011-10-19)
vc++ 应用源码包_17\循序渐进实现仿QQ界面.rar (2650251, 2011-10-24)
vc++ 应用源码包_17\文件捆绑器源代码.rar (47094, 2011-11-02)
vc++ 应用源码包_17\文字图象识别OCR系统开发包.zip (30052495, 2012-07-30)
vc++ 应用源码包_17\显示网络流量.rar (44617, 2012-07-30)
vc++ 应用源码包_17\树控件拖动.zip (15261, 2012-08-08)
vc++ 应用源码包_17\注册表监控程序.rar (131278, 2012-07-30)
vc++ 应用源码包_17\用C写的播放器,超强.rar (2448376, 2012-07-30)
vc++ 应用源码包_17\相当不错的一个挂机锁.rar (1806973, 2012-07-30)
vc++ 应用源码包_17\线程池的一种实现.zip (73395, 2011-11-11)
vc++ 应用源码包_17\网络电台收听助手V3.0(VC源码).rar (982203, 2012-07-30)
vc++ 应用源码包_17\网络电视软件.zip (1560579, 2012-08-18)
vc++ 应用源码包_17\自绘 (14637778, 2012-08-18)
vc++ 应用源码包_17\音乐播放器 .rar (199583, 2012-07-30)
vc++ 应用源码包_17 (0, 2012-09-16)


