
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2012-10-01 16:46:16
上 传 者suntoward
说明:  护士排班问题是个NP-hard问题,用LocalSover算子可以很好解决,该算子需要另外安装,以用以学习目的。
(nurse rostering as a NP-hard problem using with s LocalSolver slover which can be used freely on condition for learning)

nurse_rostering (0, 2012-09-26)
nurse_rostering\evaluator (0, 2012-09-26)
nurse_rostering\evaluator\evaluator.jar (998840, 2012-07-31)
nurse_rostering\evaluator\sprint_hidden01.xml (28747, 2012-07-31)
nurse_rostering\evaluator\sprint_hidden02.xml (28747, 2012-07-31)
nurse_rostering\evaluator\sprint_hidden03.xml (39589, 2012-07-31)
nurse_rostering\evaluator\sprint_hidden04.xml (31439, 2012-07-31)
nurse_rostering\evaluator\sprint_hidden05.xml (31398, 2012-07-31)
nurse_rostering\evaluator\sprint_hidden06.xml (46510, 2012-07-31)
nurse_rostering\evaluator\sprint_hidden07.xml (46509, 2012-07-31)
nurse_rostering\evaluator\sprint_hidden08.xml (57351, 2012-07-31)
nurse_rostering\evaluator\sprint_hidden09.xml (48928, 2012-07-31)
nurse_rostering\evaluator\sprint_hidden10.xml (49203, 2012-07-31)
nurse_rostering\instances (0, 2012-09-26)
nurse_rostering\instances\sprint_hidden01.txt (6313, 2012-07-31)
nurse_rostering\instances\sprint_hidden02.txt (6313, 2012-07-31)
nurse_rostering\instances\sprint_hidden03.txt (7996, 2012-07-31)
nurse_rostering\instances\sprint_hidden04.txt (6556, 2012-07-31)
nurse_rostering\instances\sprint_hidden05.txt (6607, 2012-07-31)
nurse_rostering\instances\sprint_hidden06.txt (9324, 2012-07-31)
nurse_rostering\instances\sprint_hidden07.txt (9323, 2012-07-31)
nurse_rostering\instances\sprint_hidden08.txt (11006, 2012-07-31)
nurse_rostering\instances\sprint_hidden09.txt (9566, 2012-07-31)
nurse_rostering\instances\sprint_hidden10.txt (9618, 2012-07-31)
nurse_rostering\nurse_rostering.lsp (17960, 2012-08-01)

NURSE ROSTERING (PATAT'10 competition) ''A contribution of B. Dessort, C. Groix, C. Jaulin , Ecole des Mines de Nantes (France)'' The nurse rostering problem involves assigning shifts to nurses taking several constraints into account. Here the only hard constraints are that each nurse must be assigned exactly one shift per day and that daily coverage constraints must be satisfied every day. The objective function is a linear combination of penalties associated to the satisfaction of a certain number of scheduling rules: min/max number of working days, min/ max number of consecutive working days, identical shifts during week-ends, unwanted shift patterns... This problem was the subject of the PATAT 2010 Nurse Rostering Competition. More information can be obtained on [[]]. Text data files from the final stage of this competition are available in the instances/ folder. More can be downloaded from the competition website. The program can be launched with the following command: localsolver nurse_rostering.lsp inFileName=instances/sprint_hidden01.txt solFileName=solution01.xml lsTimeLimit=10 It launches localsolver for 10 seconds on this model. The output file in written in xml format and can be checked with the official evaluator of the competition. For some reason, this evaluator requires the XML input file, hence these XML inputs are provided in the evaluator folder. The following command checks the validity of the solution computed above and compute its cost. java -jar evaluator/evaluator.jar evaluator/sprint_hidden01.xml solution01.xml From a modeling perspective, the model is classically based on X[e,d,s] decision variables, equal to 1 when employee e is assigned to shift s on day d. Remember that LocalSolver offers many non linear operators including conditional operators. For instance the penalties on consecutive working days are modeled with intermediate variables nbSlidingConsecutive[e][d] equal to the number of identical days (worked or off) preceeding day d in the schedule of employee e. Each such nbSlidingConsecutive[e][d] variable is defined recursively from variable nbSlidingConsecutive[e][d-1] with a conditional operator. Finally, detecting too long or too short sequences is straightforward. For more details, see [[]].


