
上传日期:2012-10-10 22:27:47
上 传 者antilogy
说明:  将core.txt文件放在C盘根目录下,然后打开matlab,点击“文件”-“打开”选中main.m文件,“运行”这个文件。 命令窗口马上就会显示出运行结果。 mm_Red.m为封装的盲目约简算法.返回值为约简结果. sxzyd_Red为封装的基于属性重要度约简算法.返回值为约简结果. bsjz_Red为封装的辨识矩阵约简算法.返回值为辨识矩阵和约简结果. cal_sig为封装的求属性重要度的函数。 max_min为封装的求属性度最大,划分个数最小的属性的函数。 dele_max为封装的删除属性度最大,划分个数最小的属性的函数。 mycore.m为封装的求核函数. myind为封装的求划分的函数. ind_E_a为求每个属性的划分的函数.
(Files on the core.txt to the C root directory, then open matlab, click on " File" - " Open" main.m file is selected, " Run this file. The command window is displayed immediately run results. mm_Red.m the package blindly reduction algorithm. return value reduction results. sxzyd_Red degree reduction algorithm based on attributes important to package the return value is the result of the reduction. bsjz_Red matrix reduction algorithm for the identification of the package. return value identification matrix and reduction results. cal_sig package attribute importance to the function. max_min demand for the package attribute degrees largest division of the function of the minimum number of attributes. delete attribute degrees dele_max package is the largest division of the function of the minimum number of attributes. mycore.m seeking nuclear function package. myind package and by function. ind_E_a for the sake of each attribute divided function.)

粗糙集属性约简源码 (0, 2012-10-10)
粗糙集属性约简源码\bsjz_Red.m (1217, 2010-06-13)
粗糙集属性约简源码\cal_sig.m (234, 2010-06-13)
粗糙集属性约简源码\core.txt (118, 2010-06-11)
粗糙集属性约简源码\dele_max.m (693, 2010-06-10)
粗糙集属性约简源码\ind_E_a.m (132, 2010-06-13)
粗糙集属性约简源码\main.m (503, 2010-06-13)
粗糙集属性约简源码\max_min.m (788, 2010-06-12)
粗糙集属性约简源码\mm_Red.m (619, 2010-06-13)
粗糙集属性约简源码\mycore.m (231, 2010-06-12)
粗糙集属性约简源码\myind.m (296, 2010-06-06)
粗糙集属性约简源码\sxzyd_Red.m (740, 2010-06-13)
粗糙集属性约简源码\此代码使用说明.txt (557, 2010-06-16)


