
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2012-11-03 23:16:26
上 传 者lizehui01
说明:  随着经济和科学技术的快速发展,人们对生活质量的提高和生活环境的改善越来越重视,液化气、煤气进入家庭的使用为人们带来了方便,也改善了城市的环境,但同时也给人们带来了潜在的危险,其中一氧化碳是最主要的危险源。一氧化碳是一种无色无味同时这些气体燃料在使用中,若管道和阀门密封不好,它们泄露出去,轻者引起中毒,重者造成火灾,危及人们的生命财产天然气已经成为人们生活中必不可少的能源了,然而天然气泄漏事件时有发生,给人们的人身安全和财产安全带来了很多的隐患,所以怎样检测天然气的泄漏与报警已成为人们的迫切需要,为此我们开发了天燃气气燃具定时报告及泄漏报警控制系统。
(With the rapid development of economy and science and technology, there is increasing emphasis on improving the quality of life and the improvement of the living environment, liquefied petroleum gas, the use of the gas into the home to bring the convenience for people, and also to improve the urban environment, but at the same time potential danger to people, where carbon monoxide is the main source of danger. Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless these gaseous fuels in use, pipes and valves sealed well, they leaked the light caused the poisoning, causing heavy fire, endangering people' s lives and property of natural gas has become indispensable in people' s lives less energy, however, natural gas spill occurred, has brought a lot of people' s personal safety and property safety hazards, how to detect a gas leak and alarm has become the urgent needs of the people, for us to develop the natural gas Gas Appliance timing report and the leak alarm control system.)

天然气的检测\QITI.c (4676, 2012-11-01)
天然气的检测\QITI.hex (5595, 2012-11-01)
天然气的检测\气体检测.DSN (146992, 2012-11-02)
天然气的检测\气体检测.uvproj (13420, 2012-10-29)
天然气的检测 (0, 2012-11-03)


