
上传日期:2012-11-08 12:43:21
上 传 者uuuuuuub
说明:  The MultiUAV2 simulation is a (Simulink/Matlab/C++)-based simulation that is capable of simulating multiple unmanned aerospace vehicles which cooperate to accomplish a predefined mission. The simulation is organized using the Mathworks Simulink simulation software, but most of the functionality is in Matlab script functions.
(MultiUAV2is a non-real-time simulation that contains six-degree-of-freedom (6DOF) vehicle dynamics models, simple target models, and user-defined cooperative control algorithms.)

MultiUAV2 (0, 2012-11-08)
MultiUAV2\00COPYRIGHT.txt (121, 2004-01-22)
MultiUAV2\00LICENSE.txt (622, 2004-01-22)
MultiUAV2\AVDSData (0, 2012-11-08)
MultiUAV2\AVDSData\craft.MultiUAV (0, 2012-11-08)
MultiUAV2\AVDSData\craft.MultiUAV\ (6660, 2004-01-22)
MultiUAV2\AVDSData\craft.MultiUAV\craftcap.txt (578, 2004-01-22)
MultiUAV2\AVDSData\craft.MultiUAV\Invisible.NoFlightPath.txt (667, 2004-01-22)
MultiUAV2\AVDSData\craft.MultiUAV\ (18761, 2004-01-22)
MultiUAV2\AVDSData\craft.MultiUAV\Marker.Black.txt (3435, 2004-01-22)
MultiUAV2\AVDSData\craft.MultiUAV\MonsterRabbit.txt (1483, 2004-01-22)
MultiUAV2\AVDSData\craft.MultiUAV\NonTarget.Black.txt (2856, 2004-01-22)
MultiUAV2\AVDSData\craft.MultiUAV\Rabbit.txt (1453, 2004-01-22)
MultiUAV2\AVDSData\craft.MultiUAV\RadarDown.Black.txt (477689, 2004-01-22)
MultiUAV2\AVDSData\craft.MultiUAV\RadarUp.Black.txt (477665, 2004-01-22)
MultiUAV2\AVDSData\craft.MultiUAV\SATrailerDown.Black.txt (763096, 2004-01-22)
MultiUAV2\AVDSData\craft.MultiUAV\SATrailerUp.Black.txt (745340, 2004-01-22)
MultiUAV2\AVDSData\craft.MultiUAV\SensorRectangle.Black.txt (1013, 2004-01-22)
MultiUAV2\AVDSData\craft.MultiUAV\UCAV.Black.txt (50931, 2004-01-22)
MultiUAV2\AVDSData\MASS.ply.ini (10459, 2005-06-08)
MultiUAV2\AVDSData\Observer1.dat (384, 2005-06-08)
MultiUAV2\InputFiles (0, 2012-11-08)
MultiUAV2\InputFiles\DATCOM.dat (45672, 2004-01-22)
MultiUAV2\InputFiles\DATCOM.globalhawk.dat (113995, 2004-01-22)
MultiUAV2\InputFiles\DATCOM.locaas.dat (45672, 2004-01-22)
MultiUAV2\InputFiles\DATCOM.unknown.dat (113990, 2004-01-22)
MultiUAV2\InputFiles\Parameters.dat (924, 2004-01-22)
MultiUAV2\InputFiles\Parameters.globalhawk.dat (889, 2004-01-22)
MultiUAV2\InputFiles\Parameters.locaas.dat (922, 2004-01-22)
MultiUAV2\m-file (0, 2012-11-08)
MultiUAV2\m-file\AngleToHeading.m (640, 2004-04-29)
MultiUAV2\m-file\assert.m (975, 2004-05-06)
MultiUAV2\m-file\ATRFunctions.m (22478, 2004-05-06)
MultiUAV2\m-file\ATRFunctionsBDAS.m (1041, 2004-04-29)
MultiUAV2\m-file\ATRFunctionsCombinedS.m (1049, 2004-04-29)
MultiUAV2\m-file\ATRFunctionsSingleS.m (1203, 2004-04-29)
MultiUAV2\m-file\AuctionProgress.m (5264, 2004-04-29)
MultiUAV2\m-file\AVDSData2WorkSpace.m (11188, 2005-01-19)
MultiUAV2\m-file\AVDSData2WorkSpaceS.m (1072, 2004-04-29)
... ...

Welcome to MultiUAV version 2.0! Here are some general notes about the file layout and usage, in no particular order: Top Level: 00README - (*this); AVDSData - data directory for AVDS visualization of sim results. Documents - highest level documentation, i.e. manual, etc. InputFiles - various input files needed by the simulation; typically used only by s-function files. m-file - where all of the m-file scripts/functions live. MonteCarloData - data directory for Monte-Carlo simulation data. s-model - directory where the Simulink portions live. src - compiled C++ material for mex-/s-func, and additional libraries; makefile(s) and MSVC++ project files reside here. startup.m - hook to get you into MATLAB and setup the sim environ. tool - directory to hold little tools/scripts mostly useful for development, rather than simulation use. Usage: 0. Startup MATLAB in this top level directory. It will initialize the needed paths, and change you automatically to the m-file directory and bring up the sim GUI. 1. Many (but not all) simulation parameters are specified in the file: m-file/InitializeGlobals.m. There is a GUI button to open this file for editing if you are using the _BIG_ MATLAB front-end. 2. More specific details can be found in the documentation at Documents/MultiUAV2.pdf.


