
上传日期:2012-11-16 09:18:42
上 传 者j_lenmo
说明:  ACM 2012多校暑假集训(7),标程+解题报告。
(2012 Multi-University Training Contest- Contest 7 Tutorial.)

As long as Binbin loves Sangsang\forcecode.cpp (2462, 2012-07-26)
As long as Binbin loves Sangsang\makedata.cpp (1513, 2012-07-23)
As long as Binbin loves Sangsang\problem.doc (30720, 2012-08-14)
As long as Binbin loves Sangsang\solution.txt (611, 2012-08-06)
As long as Binbin loves Sangsang\standard.cpp (2055, 2012-08-13)
Dead or alive\problem.doc (154624, 2012-08-08)
Dead or alive\solution.txt (48, 2012-08-06)
Dead or alive\standard.cpp (4573, 2012-08-04)
Dragon ball\forcecode.cpp (1061, 2012-08-13)
Dragon ball\problem.doc (29184, 2012-08-08)
Dragon ball\solution.txt (718, 2012-08-14)
Dragon ball\standard_0.cpp (2307, 2012-08-13)
Dragon ball\standard_1.cpp (2031, 2012-08-13)
Draw and paint\makedata.cpp (369, 2012-07-23)
Draw and paint\problem.doc (30208, 2012-08-14)
Draw and paint\solution.txt (208, 2012-08-06)
Draw and paint\standard_0.cpp (2869, 2012-08-14)
Draw and paint\standard_1.cpp (2031, 2012-08-08)
Matrix operation\forcecode.cpp (1654, 2012-08-13)
Matrix operation\makedata.cpp (413, 2012-07-26)
Matrix operation\problem.doc (31744, 2012-08-06)
Matrix operation\solution.txt (331, 2012-08-06)
Matrix operation\standard.cpp (1480, 2012-08-13)
Palindrome graph\forcecode_0.cpp (1494, 2012-07-26)
Palindrome graph\forcecode_1.cpp (913, 2012-08-13)
Palindrome graph\makedata.cpp (626, 2012-07-22)
Palindrome graph\problem.doc (29696, 2012-08-06)
Palindrome graph\solution.txt (345, 2012-07-26)
Palindrome graph\standard.cpp (971, 2012-07-24)
Successor\forcecode_0.cpp (1127, 2012-08-14)
Successor\forcecode_1.cpp (775, 2012-07-21)
Successor\problem.doc (29184, 2012-08-14)
Successor\solution.txt (312, 2012-07-21)
Successor\standard.cpp (2069, 2012-08-14)
The war of virtual world\datacheck.cpp (1419, 2012-08-06)
The war of virtual world\forcecode.cpp (2733, 2012-08-13)
The war of virtual world\makedata.cpp (1196, 2012-08-06)
The war of virtual world\problem.doc (33792, 2012-08-14)
The war of virtual world\solution.txt (68, 2012-08-06)
The war of virtual world\standard.cpp (3817, 2012-08-14)
... ...


