
上传日期:2012-11-23 03:31:23
上 传 者brahim
说明:  Finit element magnet method (FEMM) software

femm42src\belasolv\belasolv.clw (866, 2012-04-13)
femm42src\belasolv\belasolv.cpp (2232, 2012-04-13)
femm42src\belasolv\belasolv.dsp (4742, 2012-04-13)
femm42src\belasolv\belasolv.dsw (539, 2012-04-13)
femm42src\belasolv\belasolv.h (963, 2012-04-13)
femm42src\belasolv\belasolv.rc (4674, 2012-04-13)
femm42src\belasolv\belasolvDlg.cpp (2441, 2012-04-13)
femm42src\belasolv\belasolvDlg.h (880, 2012-04-13)
femm42src\belasolv\cuthill.cpp (5805, 2012-04-13)
femm42src\belasolv\femmedoccore.cpp (13456, 2012-04-13)
femm42src\belasolv\femmedoccore.h (1461, 2012-04-13)
femm42src\belasolv\main.cpp (3146, 2012-04-13)
femm42src\belasolv\mesh.h (1636, 2012-04-13)
femm42src\belasolv\prob1big.cpp (9798, 2012-04-13)
femm42src\belasolv\res\belasolv.ico (1078, 2012-04-13)
femm42src\belasolv\res\belasolv.rc2 (400, 2012-04-13)
femm42src\belasolv\resource.h (829, 2012-04-13)
femm42src\belasolv\spars.cpp (6101, 2012-04-13)
femm42src\belasolv\spars.h (1344, 2012-04-13)
femm42src\belasolv\StdAfx.cpp (356, 2012-04-13)
femm42src\belasolv\StdAfx.h (553, 2012-04-13)
femm42src\csolv\complex.cpp (9768, 2012-04-13)
femm42src\csolv\complex.h (3411, 2012-04-13)
femm42src\csolv\CSOLV.CLW (833, 2012-04-13)
femm42src\csolv\csolv.cpp (2184, 2012-04-13)
femm42src\csolv\CSOLV.DSP (4809, 2012-04-13)
femm42src\csolv\CSOLV.DSW (533, 2012-04-13)
femm42src\csolv\CSOLV.H (939, 2012-04-13)
femm42src\csolv\CSOLV.RC (4659, 2012-04-13)
femm42src\csolv\CSOLVDLG.CPP (2390, 2012-04-13)
femm42src\csolv\CSOLVDLG.H (859, 2012-04-13)
femm42src\csolv\cspars.cpp (14240, 2012-04-13)
femm42src\csolv\CUTHILL.CPP (5821, 2012-04-13)
femm42src\csolv\femmedoccore.cpp (15215, 2012-04-13)
femm42src\csolv\femmedoccore.h (1502, 2012-04-13)
femm42src\csolv\MAIN.CPP (3199, 2012-04-13)
femm42src\csolv\MESH.H (1662, 2012-04-13)
femm42src\csolv\PROB1BIG.CPP (9803, 2012-04-13)
femm42src\csolv\res\csolv.ico (1078, 2012-04-13)
femm42src\csolv\res\csolv.rc2 (400, 2012-04-13)
... ...

FEMM 4.2 11Apr2012 David Meeker dmeeker@ieee.org 11Apr2012: * Can turn off "smart meshing" via a Preferences selection on the "General Attributes" tab by unchecking "use smart meshing" * Fixed a newly introduced bug where an erroneous resistive loss is computed for AC problems in regions where conductivity = 0 * Fixed mi_readdxf problem described as Bug 18 in the bug tracker. 01Oct2011: * Fixed error in reported flux linkage. Flux linkage for stranded regions carrying zero current is not reported correctly for AC problems. * The Lua "format" command did not work properly with complex number--it stripped off the imaginary part of the number. This is now fixed. * The units reported for some heat flow block integral results were erroneous. This has now been rectified. * ***-bit version of FEMM 4.2 is now available. * FEMM has been modified to allow multiple instance of FEMM to run at the same time via ActiveX. For example, This allows multiple instance of FEMM to be controlled by one instance of Matlab or Octave. * FEMM 42 09Nov2010 asks for Mathematica integration when using the silent install method. The installer script has been modified so that the silent install assumes that Mathematica is not available, letting the installation complete without requiring operator intervention. * Default material. A feature has been added which allows one block label to be designated as the default block label. Any unlabeled blocks are then assumed to be tagged by the default block label. * In the current flow problem type, line plots of quantities normal and tangential to a user-define contour were messed up because the normal and tangential directions were computed incorrectly. This is now fixed. * The "default" mesh size has been changed. In previous builds, using the default mesh size nearly always resulted in a mesh that was too coarse to give accurate results. The default mesh size has been changed so that specifying the default mesh size is adequate for most applications. Note: can use the and keys to uniformly refine and coarsen the mesh for the entire model with one keystroke. * Added automatic refinement of the mesh near corners. This refinement improves convergence of results like force, stored energy, etc. * Changed the way that the maximum flux density is computed for flux density plotting purposes. With the automatic refinement of corners, small elements with high flux densities can appear in corners. The modified algorithm discounts these small corner elements when picking a maximum for the purposes of picking plot contours. * Changed the key that is used to break out of Lua scripts to ESC from BREAK. Many keyboards don't have a BREAK key anymore, so it made sense to make this change. * Changed the selection rectangle to a dotted line so that it would render faster. * Modified the DXF import to understand closed POLYLINE entities. Previously, only open POLYLINE entities were supported. * Fixed problem with functionality that creates rounded corners (i.e. the functionality invoked by mi_createradius) where the program would not allow a radius to be created if the intersection was between a line segment and an arc segment if the line segment laid along a ling that passed through the center of the circle associated with the arc segment. * Default install directory changed to c:\femm42 to avoid directory permissions problems in Windows 7. 09Nov2010: * Added a set of Scilab functions for interfacing with FEMM. These functions were tested using Scilab 5.2.2. The descriptions of these functions are identical to those described in the OctaveFEMM documentation. Example Scilab scripts are in the femm42/examples directory and have a .sce file extension and can be run by typing: exec('examplename.sce',-1) at the Scilab commandline. If you did not install FEMM to the default c:\Program Files\femm42 directory, you'll need to change the first line of the *.sce files that loads the FEMM library so that it points to the correct library location. 11Oct2010: * Fixed bug in values of |H| reported in the Output Window for time harmonic magnetic problems. * Fixed bug where in some plots, units of H given as A/m^2 instead of A/m * Fixed error in mo_showvectorplot Matlab/Octave function. Also fixed similar errors in co_showvectorplot, ho_showvectorplot, eo_showvectorplot * Fixed messed-up definitions of the Lua functions ei_defineouterspace, ei_attachouterspace, and ei_detachouterspace * Installer now prompts for whether or not Mathetmatica support is to be included. If Mathematica support is selected, a version of FEMM is installed that assumes the availability of ML32I2.DLL, a DLL installed by Mathematica. Otherwise, a version of FEMM is installed that doesn't need the Mathlink DLL. * Re-wrote the GetIntersection routine that finds intersections between two line segments. In some uncommon circumstances, the routine could create extra points when the geometry was moved or rotated. * Added extra Lua functions mi_getmaterial, ei_getmaterial, hi_getmaterial, and ci_getmaterial to fetch material definitions from the materials library on disk. Analogous functions were also added to the Matlab/Octave and Mathematica interfaces. 02Nov2009: * Added the Lua commands mi_setgroup, ei_setgroup, hi_setgroup, ci_setgroup that assign all selected items to the group number specified by the argument to the function. * Fixed a bug that caused an incorrect permeability to be reported for nonlinear materials at points where the flux density is less than 10nT. * Fixed bugs with ci_addconductor and ci_modifyconductor Lua functions. * Fixed bug with CIAddMaterial function in MathFEMM 15Jul2009: Several minor changes have been made versus the 01Apr2009 release: * Added the following Lua commands that allow direct access to finite element mesh information: mo_numnodes, mo_numelements, mo_getnode, mo_getelement, eo_numnodes, eo_numelements, eo_getnode, eo_getelement, ho_numnodes, ho_numelements, ho_getnode, ho_getelement, co_numnodes, co_numelements, co_getnode, co_getelement. There are Matlab/Octave and Mathematica analogs of these commands, too. * Made a few more performance tweaks to the Mathematica interface. * Fixed bug in computation of heat flux passing through a constant temperature-type "conductor property" * Included a new selection of soft magnetic materials in the magnetic materials library. The BH curves for these materials were obtained by digitizing the curves picutured in Figure 17, "Direct current magnetization curves for various magnetic materials", Metals Handbook, 8th ed, Vol. 1, p. 792. These curves represent a wide variety of materials, and the curves are defined to very high flux levels at which all materials are fully saturated.


