
上传日期:2012-12-04 20:05:54
上 传 者久人
说明:  网页播放器源代码,支持Flash,HTML5,在多个平台下能够自动适应。
(Web page player source code,support HTML5 & Flash playback in web page.)

fl5\assets\flash\loader\error.fla (100352, 2012-09-29)
fl5\assets\flash\loader\error.swf (768, 2012-09-29)
fl5\assets\flash\loader\loader.fla (100352, 2012-09-29)
fl5\assets\flash\loader\loader.swf (974, 2012-09-29)
fl5\assets\flash\skin\five.fla (280064, 2012-09-29)
fl5\assets\flash\skin\five.swf (8902, 2012-09-29)
fl5\assets\fonts\Kroeger_563.ttf (52576, 2012-09-29)
fl5\build\build.properties (2220, 2012-09-29)
fl5\build\build.xml (14432, 2012-09-29)
fl5\build\skin-builder.py (952, 2012-09-29)
fl5\build\yuicompressor-2.4.2.jar (851219, 2012-09-29)
fl5\js\bin-debug\index.html (2321, 2012-09-29)
fl5\js\bin-debug\jwplayer.js (292821, 2012-09-29)
fl5\js\src\api\jwplayer.api.instream.js (4156, 2012-09-29)
fl5\js\src\api\jwplayer.api.js (19361, 2012-09-29)
fl5\js\src\embed\jwplayer.embed.config.js (6584, 2012-09-29)
fl5\js\src\embed\jwplayer.embed.download.js (6584, 2012-09-29)
fl5\js\src\embed\jwplayer.embed.flash.js (7763, 2012-09-29)
fl5\js\src\embed\jwplayer.embed.html5.js (4509, 2012-09-29)
fl5\js\src\embed\jwplayer.embed.js (2849, 2012-09-29)
fl5\js\src\embed\jwplayer.embed.logo.js (2570, 2012-09-29)
fl5\js\src\events\jwplayer.events.eventdispatcher.js (3853, 2012-09-29)
fl5\js\src\events\jwplayer.events.js (238, 2012-09-29)
fl5\js\src\html5\jwplayer.html5.api.js (6524, 2012-09-29)
fl5\js\src\html5\jwplayer.html5.controlbar.js (30645, 2012-09-29)
fl5\js\src\html5\jwplayer.html5.controller.js (14005, 2012-09-29)
fl5\js\src\html5\jwplayer.html5.defaultskin.js (9196, 2012-09-29)
fl5\js\src\html5\jwplayer.html5.display.js (14076, 2012-09-29)
fl5\js\src\html5\jwplayer.html5.dock.js (8901, 2012-09-29)
fl5\js\src\html5\jwplayer.html5.eventdispatcher.js (579, 2012-09-29)
fl5\js\src\html5\jwplayer.html5.instream.js (11413, 2012-09-29)
fl5\js\src\html5\jwplayer.html5.js (366, 2012-09-29)
fl5\js\src\html5\jwplayer.html5.logo.js (3856, 2012-09-29)
fl5\js\src\html5\jwplayer.html5.mediavideo.js (18237, 2012-09-29)
fl5\js\src\html5\jwplayer.html5.mediayoutube.js (5890, 2012-09-29)
fl5\js\src\html5\jwplayer.html5.model.js (10263, 2012-09-29)
fl5\js\src\html5\jwplayer.html5.playlist.js (551, 2012-09-29)
fl5\js\src\html5\jwplayer.html5.playlistcomponent.js (11083, 2012-09-29)
fl5\js\src\html5\jwplayer.html5.playlistitem.js (1597, 2012-09-29)
fl5\js\src\html5\jwplayer.html5.playlistitemlevel.js (459, 2012-09-29)
... ...

The JW Player is free for non-commerical use. To buy a license for commercial use, please visit https://www.longtailvideo.com/players/order. To build the JW Player, you will need the following software: * Flex SDK 4.1: http://sourceforge.net/adobe/flexsdk/wiki/Downloads/ * Ant 1.7.0: http://ant.apache.org/bindownload.cgi * FlexUnit 4: http://opensource.adobe.com/wiki/display/flexunit/FlexUnit (for testing the player) === Compiling the Player With the Flex SDK and Ant === To compile with Flex and Ant, enter the following command: ant -buildfile build\build.xml If the build is successful, the new player.swf will appear in the base folder (where this README.txt file is located) === Compiling the Player With Flex / Flash Builder === Alternately, if you're using Flex Builder or Flash Builder, you may use the following method to build the player: 1. Create a new ActionScript project (you can give it any name except "Player"). 2. Under "Project Contents", select the checkout tree (the folder where this README file lives). 3. If using Flex Builder 3, click the "Next" button, then type "src" into the "Main Source Folder" field. 4. Click the "Finish" button 5. Right-click on your new project, and select "Properties" 6. Under the "ActionScript Compiler" tab, click the radio button that reads "Use a specific version", and make sure it reads "10.0.0". 7. Under the "ActionScript Build Path" tab, click the "Library Path" tab and then the "Add SWC Folder" button. Type in "libs" then press the "OK" button. 8. Click the "OK" button. 9. Alter your main application class to inherit from com.longtailvideo.jwplayer.player.Player (i.e. public class MyPlayer extends com.longtailvideo.jwplayer.player.Player { ... ) 10. Under the "Project" menu, choose "Export Release Build". 11. The player will be compiled as bin-release/{Your Project Name}.swf. === Compiling the Player With Flash CS4/CS5/CS5.5 === 1. Create a new FLA file in the "src" directory. 2. In the Properties menu, under "Publish", enter "com.longtailvideo.jwplayer.player.Player" in the Class field. 3. Open the "Preferences" menu, go to the ActionScript panel, then click the "ActionScript 3.0 settings" button. Enter the path to the Flex SDK in the "Flex SDK Path" field. 4. Open the Publish Settings dialog and click the "Settings" button next to the "Script" dropdown. 5. If using Flash CS5.5, make sure to set the "player" setting to "Flash Player 10 & 10.1", not the default of "Flash Player 10.2" 6. Click the "Library path" tab, and remove all of the entries listed there. Then add a new entry: "$(FlexSDK)/frameworks/libs" 7. Also add the "libs" folder contained in the JW Player source. 8. Publish the application.


