
上传日期:2012-12-05 17:05:30
上 传 者M201271744
说明:  stm32f103 arm 芯片 128M nandflash 简单读写
(stm32f103 arm chip 128M nandflash simple read and write)

NAND128m\JLinkLog.txt (185560, 2010-10-28)
NAND128m\List\cortexm3_macro.lst (26566, 2010-10-29)
NAND128m\List\ (77344, 2010-10-29)
NAND128m\List\stm32f10x_vector.lst (40189, 2010-10-29)
NAND128m\NAND.opt.bak (4968, 2010-10-21)
NAND128m\NAND.plg (160, 2009-07-07)
NAND128m\NAND.Uv2.bak (4541, 2009-07-08)
NAND128m\NAND.uvopt (63764, 2010-10-29)
NAND128m\NAND.uvproj (17343, 2010-10-28)
NAND128m\NAND_NAND.dep (10323, 2010-10-29)
NAND128m\NAND_Opt.Bak (5067, 2009-12-23)
NAND128m\NAND_Target 1.dep (71, 2009-07-07)
NAND128m\NAND_Uv2.Bak (4542, 2009-07-07)
NAND128m\NAND_uvopt.bak (65784, 2010-10-28)
NAND128m\Obj\cortexm3_macro.o (2500, 2010-10-29)
NAND128m\Obj\ExtDll.iex (19, 2010-10-28)
NAND128m\Obj\fsmc_nand.crf (155697, 2010-10-29)
NAND128m\Obj\fsmc_nand.d (1919, 2010-10-29)
NAND128m\Obj\fsmc_nand.o (178452, 2010-10-29)
NAND128m\Obj\main.crf (151832, 2010-10-29)
NAND128m\Obj\main.d (1764, 2010-10-29)
NAND128m\Obj\main.o (175836, 2010-10-29)
NAND128m\Obj\NAND.axf (127940, 2010-10-29)
NAND128m\Obj\NAND.htm (67277, 2010-10-29)
NAND128m\Obj\NAND.lnp (499, 2010-10-29)
NAND128m\Obj\NAND.plg (692, 2010-10-29)
NAND128m\Obj\NAND.sct (479, 2010-10-21)
NAND128m\Obj\NAND.tra (1676, 2010-10-29)
NAND128m\Obj\stm32f10x_adc.crf (50297, 2010-10-28)
NAND128m\Obj\stm32f10x_adc.d (474, 2010-10-28)
NAND128m\Obj\stm32f10x_adc.o (60500, 2010-10-28)
NAND128m\Obj\stm32f10x_bkp.crf (37577, 2010-10-28)
NAND128m\Obj\stm32f10x_bkp.d (474, 2010-10-28)
NAND128m\Obj\stm32f10x_bkp.o (43400, 2010-10-28)
NAND128m\Obj\stm32f10x_can.crf (48744, 2010-10-28)
NAND128m\Obj\stm32f10x_can.d (474, 2010-10-28)
NAND128m\Obj\stm32f10x_can.o (51608, 2010-10-28)
NAND128m\Obj\stm32f10x_crc.crf (26151, 2010-10-28)
NAND128m\Obj\stm32f10x_crc.d (405, 2010-10-28)
NAND128m\Obj\stm32f10x_crc.o (30208, 2010-10-28)
... ...

/******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2008 STMicroelectronics ******************** * File Name : readme.txt * Author : MCD Application Team * Version : V2.0.1 * Date : 06/13/2008 * Description : Description of the FSMC NAND Example. ******************************************************************************** * THE PRESENT FIRMWARE WHICH IS FOR GUIDANCE ONLY AIMS AT PROVIDING CUSTOMERS * WITH CODING INFORMATION REGARDING THEIR PRODUCTS IN ORDER FOR THEM TO SAVE TIME. * AS A RESULT, STMICROELECTRONICS SHALL NOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WITH RESPECT TO ANY CLAIMS ARISING FROM THE * CONTENT OF SUCH FIRMWARE AND/OR THE USE MADE BY CUSTOMERS OF THE CODING * INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IN CONNECTION WITH THEIR PRODUCTS. *******************************************************************************/ Example description =================== This example provides a basic example of how to use the FSMC firmware library and an associate driver to perform erase/read/write operations on the NAND512W3A2 memory mounted on STM3210E-EVAL board. Directory contents ================== stm32f10x_conf.h Library Configuration file stm32f10x_it.c Interrupt handlers stm32f10x_it.h Header for stm32f10x_it.c fsmc_nand.c Driver for NAND memory fsmc_nand.h Header for fsmc_nand.c main.c Main program Hardware environment ==================== This example runs on STMicroelectronics STM3210E-EVAL evaluation board RevD. Note: make sure that the Jumper 7 (JP7) is in position 1<-->2. How to use it ============= In order to make the program work, you must do the following: - Create a project and setup all your toolchain's start-up files - Compile the directory content files and required Library files: + stm32f10x_lib.c + stm32f10x_gpio.c + stm32f10x_rcc.c + stm32f10x_nvic.c + stm32f10x_flash.c + stm32f10x_fsmc.c - Link all compiled files and load your image into target memory - Run the example ******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2008 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE******


