
上传日期:2012-12-24 16:11:30
上 传 者ipod20032080
说明:  STM32 的电机驱动源码2.0 对无刷电机开发有帮助,注意是源码,不是库文件哦
(STM32 motor driver source code version 2.0!)

STM32_FOC_ACIM\EWARM\EWARM 5_11\cortexm3_macro.s (10408, 2008-09-09)
STM32_FOC_ACIM\EWARM\EWARM 5_11\STM32_FOC_ACIM.ewd (33581, 2008-09-09)
STM32_FOC_ACIM\EWARM\EWARM 5_11\STM32_FOC_ACIM.ewp (111942, 2008-09-09)
STM32_FOC_ACIM\EWARM\EWARM 5_11\STM32_FOC_ACIM.eww (168, 2008-09-09)
STM32_FOC_ACIM\EWARM\EWARM 5_11\STM32F10x_FLASH.icf (1350, 2008-09-09)
STM32_FOC_ACIM\EWARM\EWARM 5_11\stm32f10x_flash_extsram.icf (1648, 2008-09-09)
STM32_FOC_ACIM\EWARM\EWARM 5_11\stm32f10x_nor.icf (1350, 2008-09-09)
STM32_FOC_ACIM\EWARM\EWARM 5_11\stm32f10x_ram.icf (1350, 2008-09-09)
STM32_FOC_ACIM\EWARM\EWARM 5_11\stm32f10x_vector.c (6025, 2008-09-09)
STM32_FOC_ACIM\EWARM\cortexm3_macro.s (10408, 2008-09-09)
STM32_FOC_ACIM\EWARM\STM32_FOC_ACIM.ewd (33581, 2008-09-09)
STM32_FOC_ACIM\EWARM\STM32_FOC_ACIM.ewp (112422, 2008-09-09)
STM32_FOC_ACIM\EWARM\STM32_FOC_ACIM.eww (168, 2008-09-09)
STM32_FOC_ACIM\EWARM\STM32F10x_FLASH.icf (1350, 2008-09-09)
STM32_FOC_ACIM\EWARM\stm32f10x_flash_extsram.icf (1648, 2008-09-09)
STM32_FOC_ACIM\EWARM\stm32f10x_nor.icf (1350, 2008-09-09)
STM32_FOC_ACIM\EWARM\stm32f10x_ram.icf (1350, 2008-09-09)
STM32_FOC_ACIM\EWARM\stm32f10x_vector.c (6025, 2008-09-09)
STM32_FOC_ACIM\inc\MC_acmotor_prm.h (5890, 2008-09-09)
STM32_FOC_ACIM\inc\MC_Clarke_Park.h (2355, 2008-09-09)
STM32_FOC_ACIM\inc\MC_const.h (4760, 2008-09-09)
STM32_FOC_ACIM\inc\MC_Control_Param.h (10226, 2008-09-09)
STM32_FOC_ACIM\inc\MC_Display.h (2508, 2008-09-09)
STM32_FOC_ACIM\inc\MC_encoder_param.h (3027, 2008-09-09)
STM32_FOC_ACIM\inc\MC_Globals.h (3437, 2008-09-09)
STM32_FOC_ACIM\inc\MC_IFOC_Drive.h (2039, 2008-09-09)
STM32_FOC_ACIM\inc\MC_Keys.h (2113, 2008-09-09)
STM32_FOC_ACIM\inc\MC_MotorControl_Layer.h (2538, 2008-09-09)
STM32_FOC_ACIM\inc\MC_PID_regulators.h (2318, 2008-09-09)
STM32_FOC_ACIM\inc\MC_pwm_1shunt_prm.h (4463, 2008-09-09)
STM32_FOC_ACIM\inc\MC_pwm_3shunt_prm.h (4245, 2008-09-09)
STM32_FOC_ACIM\inc\MC_pwm_ics_prm.h (3523, 2008-09-09)
STM32_FOC_ACIM\inc\MC_tacho_prm.h (5264, 2008-09-09)
STM32_FOC_ACIM\inc\MC_type.h (2851, 2008-09-09)
STM32_FOC_ACIM\inc\stm32f10x_dbg.h (2802, 2008-09-09)
STM32_FOC_ACIM\inc\stm32f10x_encoder.h (2014, 2008-09-09)
STM32_FOC_ACIM\inc\stm32f10x_lcd.h (7141, 2008-09-09)
STM32_FOC_ACIM\inc\STM32F10x_MCconf.h (3601, 2008-09-09)
STM32_FOC_ACIM\inc\stm32f10x_MCdac.h (2715, 2008-09-09)
STM32_FOC_ACIM\inc\stm32f10x_MClib.h (2678, 2008-09-09)
... ...

/******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2008 STMicroelectronics ******************** * File Name : readme.txt * Author : MCD Application Team * Version : V2.0 * Date : 05/23/2008 * Description : This sub-directory contains all the user-modifiable files * needed to create a new project linked with the STM32F10x * Firmware Library and working with RealView Microcontroller * Development Kit(RVMDK) software toolchain (Version 3.21 and later). ******************************************************************************** * THE PRESENT FIRMWARE WHICH IS FOR GUIDANCE ONLY AIMS AT PROVIDING CUSTOMERS * WITH CODING INFORMATION REGARDING THEIR PRODUCTS IN ORDER FOR THEM TO SAVE TIME. * AS A RESULT, STMICROELECTRONICS SHALL NOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WITH RESPECT TO ANY CLAIMS ARISING FROM THE * CONTENT OF SUCH SOFTWARE AND/OR THE USE MADE BY CUSTOMERS OF THE CODING * INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IN CONNECTION WITH THEIR PRODUCTS. * FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CAREFULLY READ THE LICENSE AGREEMENT FILE LOCATED * IN THE ROOT DIRECTORY OF THIS FIRMWARE PACKAGE. *******************************************************************************/ Directory contents =================== - Project.Uv2/.Opt: A pre-configured project file with the provided library structure that produces an executable image with RVMDK. - stm32f10x_vector.s: This file contains the vector table for STM32F10x, Stack and Heap definition. User can also enable the use of external SRAM mounted on STM3210E-EVAL board as data memory. - cortexm3_macro.s: Instruction wrappers for special Cortex-M3 instructions. - note.txt : Steps to follow when using the default startup file provided by RVMDK when creating new projects. How to use it ============= - Open the Project.Uv2 project - In the build toolbar select the project config: - STM3210B-EVAL: to configure the project for STM32 Medium-density devices - STM3210E-EVAL: to configure the project for STM32 High-density devices - Rebuild all files: Project->Rebuild all target files - Load project image: Debug->Start/Stop Debug Session - Run program: Debug->Run (F5) NOTE: - Medium-density devices are STM32F101xx and STM32F103xx microcontrollers where the Flash memory density ranges between 32 and 128 Kbytes. - High-density devices are STM32F101xx and STM32F103xx microcontrollers where the Flash memory density ranges between 256 and 512 Kbytes. ******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2008 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE******


