
开发工具:Visual Basic
上传日期:2012-12-27 15:21:33
上 传 者4122628
说明:  图像变形,图形变形,mesh,bbw,
(laplacian mesh)

axisanglebetween.m (1443, 2011-07-11)
normalizerow.m (502, 2011-08-16)
normrow.m (303, 2011-07-11)
avgedge.m (694, 2011-07-11)
axisangle2quat.m (604, 2011-07-11)
barycenter.m (389, 2011-03-24)
collapse_close_points.m (4580, 2011-07-27)
cotmatrix.m (2231, 2011-07-11)
cotmatrix3.m (3502, 2011-07-11)
doublearea.m (704, 2011-07-11)
dualquatlbs.m (2193, 2011-07-11)
edges.m (1257, 2011-07-11)
lbs.m (1286, 2011-08-23)
limit_faces.m (1008, 2011-07-27)
load_mesh.m (686, 2011-07-11)
mask2poly.m (3336, 2011-07-11)
massmatrix.m (2902, 2011-09-03)
massmatrix3.m (1518, 2011-07-11)
massmatrix_intrinsic.m (3440, 2011-07-11)
outline.m (1065, 2011-07-26)
png2mesh.m (1868, 2011-10-19)
png2poly.m (3072, 2011-08-29)
point_inside_polygon.m (2096, 2011-07-11)
poly2VEH.m (1721, 2011-07-11)
quat2mat.m (1527, 2011-07-11)
quattrans2udq.m (1014, 2011-07-11)
readEDGE.m (1767, 2011-07-11)
readELE.m (1287, 2011-07-11)
readNODE.m (1626, 2011-07-11)
readOBJ.m (1597, 2011-06-22)
readOBJfast.m (1360, 2011-09-26)
readOFF.m (2327, 2011-08-25)
readTGF.m (1594, 2011-07-29)
sample_edges.m (1961, 2011-05-16)
skinning_transformations.m (7571, 2011-09-20)
stacktimes.m (1222, 2011-07-11)
triangle.m (7557, 2011-07-27)
tsurf.m (1846, 2011-07-11)
upsample.m (1795, 2011-07-11)
writeELE.m (600, 2011-07-11)
... ...

2D Matlab implementation of "Bounded Biharmonic Weights for Real-Time Deformation" by Alec Jacobson, Ilya Baran, Jovan Popovic, and Olga Sorkine to appear at SIGGRAPH 2011 = BBW Demo = This matlab package demos computing skinning weights automatically for a 2d shape. To start, add bbw_demo/ to your matlab path and issue: >> bbw_demo = BBW Computation = If you just want to start digging around in the weight computation code, look at: boundary_conditions.m biharmonic_bounded.m = Alligator Demo = The matlab package also contains a second demo that reproduces (in a MATLAB plot) the alligator from Fig. 1 in the paper. To run this demo issue: >> alligator_demo This demo shows a working 2D cartoon image deformation pipeline. An image is loaded from a .png file. The alpha/transparency is used to find the boundary of the character. The triangle program is used mesh inside this boundary. A set of bones, points and cage edges are placed on the domain (read from file). The domain is remeshed sampling the bones and edges and discretizing the space inside external parts of the cage. BBW are computed over this discretization. The vertices not in the original shape (in the space between the shape and external parts of the cage) are thrown away. The user is presented with a visualization of the domain and may drag about handles to deform the shape interactively. = Notes = NOTE: Please contact Alec Jacobson, before using this code outside of an informal setting, i.e. for comparisons. NOTE: If your weights are coming out as garbage and you're not using Mosek, then either use a smaller mesh or install Mosek or upgrade to MATLAB version >= 2011a This package should contain bbw_demo/ axisanglebetween.m normalizerow.m normrow.m avgedge.m axisangle2quat.m barycenter.m collapse_close_points.m cotmatrix.m cotmatrix3.m doublearea.m dualquatlbs.m edges.m lbs.m limit_faces.m load_mesh.m mask2poly.m massmatrix.m massmatrix3.m massmatrix_intrinsic.m outline.m png2mesh.m png2poly.m point_inside_polygon.m poly2VEH.m quat2mat.m quattrans2udq.m readEDGE.m readELE.m readNODE.m readOBJ.m readOBJfast.m readOFF.m readTGF.m sample_edges.m skinning_transformations.m stacktimes.m triangle.m tsurf.m upsample.m writeELE.m writeNODE.m writePOLY.m tempprefix.m tilefigs.m alligator_demo.m bbw_demo.m biharmonic_bounded.m boundary_conditions.m faces_in_polygon.m ordered_outline.m project_to_lines.m quatmultiply.m remesh_at_handles.m simple_deform.m snap_points_to_close_edges.m pseudoedge_dof.m README woody.obj woody.png woody.poly alligator.obj alligator.png alligator-skeleton-cage-points.tgf External dependencies: (optional) Mosek: QP solver, much faster than QP solver in matlab 2010b (alligator_demo only) Triangle: triangulation library, needed only if using triangle.m function. All files copyright Alec Jacobson 2011 unless otherwise noted. Zip up using: >> C = depends('bbw_demo'); >> C = unique(cat(1,C,depends('alligator_demo'))); >> C = C(cellfun(@isempty,strfind(C,'opt/local/mosek'))); >> C = cat(1,C,{ ... 'README'; ... 'woody.obj';'woody.png';'woody.poly'; ... 'alligator.obj';'alligator.png';'alligator-skeleton-cage-points.tgf'}); >> zip('',C); >> fprintf('This package should contain\nbbw_demo/\n'); >> N = regexprep(C,'^.*\/',''); >> fprintf(' %s\n',N{:});


