
上传日期:2013-01-04 12:02:48
上 传 者sabri315
说明:  markov decision process (MDP) for Matlab

MDPtoolbox\AUTHORS (63, 2009-11-10)
MDPtoolbox\COPYING (1563, 2009-11-10)
MDPtoolbox\documentation (0, 2009-11-10)
MDPtoolbox\mdp_LP.m (3843, 2009-11-10)
MDPtoolbox\mdp_Q_learning.m (5407, 2009-11-10)
MDPtoolbox\mdp_bellman_operator.m (3523, 2009-11-10)
MDPtoolbox\mdp_check.m (4038, 2009-11-10)
MDPtoolbox\mdp_check_square_stochastic.m (2266, 2009-11-10)
MDPtoolbox\mdp_computePR.m (2886, 2009-11-10)
MDPtoolbox\mdp_computePpolicyPRpolicy.m (2932, 2009-11-10)
MDPtoolbox\mdp_eval_policy_TD_0.m (5080, 2009-11-10)
MDPtoolbox\mdp_eval_policy_iterative.m (5948, 2009-11-10)
MDPtoolbox\mdp_eval_policy_matrix.m (3549, 2009-11-10)
MDPtoolbox\mdp_eval_policy_optimality.m (4203, 2009-11-10)
MDPtoolbox\mdp_example_forest.m (4729, 2009-11-10)
MDPtoolbox\mdp_example_rand.m (3837, 2009-11-10)
MDPtoolbox\mdp_finite_horizon.m (4169, 2009-11-10)
MDPtoolbox\mdp_policy_iteration.m (5544, 2009-11-10)
MDPtoolbox\mdp_policy_iteration_modified.m (5669, 2009-11-10)
MDPtoolbox\mdp_relative_value_iteration.m (5199, 2009-11-10)
MDPtoolbox\mdp_silent.m (1736, 2009-11-10)
MDPtoolbox\mdp_span.m (1707, 2009-11-10)
MDPtoolbox\mdp_value_iteration.m (6794, 2009-11-10)
MDPtoolbox\mdp_value_iterationGS.m (7435, 2009-11-10)
MDPtoolbox\mdp_value_iteration_bound_iter.m (5074, 2009-11-10)
MDPtoolbox\mdp_verbose.m (1755, 2009-11-10)
MDPtoolbox\documentation\BIA.png (6876, 2009-11-10)
MDPtoolbox\documentation\DOCUMENTATION.html (3110, 2009-11-10)
MDPtoolbox\documentation\INRA.png (134450, 2009-11-10)
MDPtoolbox\documentation\arrow.gif (231, 2009-11-10)
MDPtoolbox\documentation\index_alphabetic.html (6469, 2009-11-10)
MDPtoolbox\documentation\index_category.html (7022, 2009-11-10)
MDPtoolbox\documentation\mdp_LP.html (3245, 2009-11-10)
MDPtoolbox\documentation\mdp_Q_learning.html (4185, 2009-11-10)
MDPtoolbox\documentation\mdp_bellman_operator.html (3276, 2009-11-10)
MDPtoolbox\documentation\mdp_check.html (2959, 2009-11-10)
MDPtoolbox\documentation\mdp_check_square_stochastic.html (2465, 2009-11-10)
MDPtoolbox\documentation\mdp_computePR.html (2885, 2009-11-10)
MDPtoolbox\documentation\mdp_computePpolicyPRpolicy.html (3357, 2009-11-10)
... ...

The Markov Decision Processes (MDP) toolbox proposes functions related to the resolution of discrete-time Markov Decision Processes : finite horizon, value iteration, policy iteration, linear programming algorithms with some variants. The toolbox was developped by the decision team of the Biometry and Artificial Intelligence Unit of INRA Toulouse (France). See for more information. NOTATION states: set of {1, 2, ..., S} actions: set of {1, 2, ..., A} transitions: P(s,s',a) is the probability to reach state s' when the system is in state s and action a is performed by the decision maker rewards: R(s,s',a) is the reward obtained when the system is in state s on decision epoch t and is in state s' at decision epoch t+1, with action a performed R(s,a): reward when the system is in state s at decision epoch t and action a is performed by the decision maker The HTML toolbox documentation describing the use of the m-functions can be visualized with a navigator. For MATLAB navigator (used for MATLAB help), in the 'File' menu, choose the 'Open' item. Open the sub-directory documentation. Select the item 'All Files (*.*)' for the attribut 'Files of type'. Then select the file DOCUMENTATION.html and open it. The directory documentation contains all the pages describing in HTML the functions. The initial version 1.0 (developped with MATLAB 6.0) was released on July 31, 2001. The second version 2.0 was released on February 4, 2005. It handles sparse matrices for P(:,:,a), R(:,:,a), PR(:,:) and contains an example. The third version 3.0 (tested on MATLAB 7.7) was released on September 21, 2009. It includes Reinforcement Learning based functions. Change Log for version 3.0 * rename mdp_rand in mdp_example_rand * add mdp_example_forest * rename mdp_eval_policy in mdp_eval_policy_matrix * add mdp_eval_policy_iterative and mdp_computePpolicyPRpolicy * add mdp_eval_policy_optimality.m * add mdp_eval_policy_TD_0.m * add mdp_Q_learning.m * remove MDP_COMPILE.m * add TEST.m * take into account the various forms of P and R in all the toolbox functions * minor debug and improvement (take into account all forms of P and R, evaluate the number of action with P sparse by length(P) ...) Change Log for version 3.0b * BSD license (MATLAB Central's request) * use speye instead of sparse(eye(S,S)) or eye(S) * update web site addresses * correct spelling mistakes


