
上传日期:2013-01-08 14:35:31
上 传 者Leithlee
说明:  用Django实现个人博客系统,具有个人注册,发表文章,文章分类,后台操作功能
(Personal registration with Django personal blog, published an article, the article classification, background operation function)

blog (0, 2011-02-16)
blog\.project (432, 2010-12-22)
blog\.pydevproject (670, 2010-12-23)
blog\.settings (0, 2011-02-16)
blog\.settings\org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs (394, 2011-02-20)
blog\src (0, 2011-02-20)
blog\src\blog (0, 2011-02-20)
blog\src\blog\core (0, 2011-02-20)
blog\src\blog\core\ (393, 2011-02-20)
blog\src\blog\core\admin.pyc (579, 2011-02-20)
blog\src\blog\core\ (3533, 2011-02-20)
blog\src\blog\core\models.pyc (5772, 2011-02-20)
blog\src\blog\core\ (552, 2011-02-20)
blog\src\blog\core\ (651, 2011-02-20)
blog\src\blog\core\urls.pyc (1105, 2011-02-20)
blog\src\blog\core\ (3987, 2011-02-20)
blog\src\blog\core\views.pyc (3118, 2011-02-20)
blog\src\blog\core\ (0, 2010-12-23)
blog\src\blog\core\__init__.pyc (185, 2010-12-26)
blog\src\blog\ (725, 2011-02-20)
blog\src\blog\feed.pyc (1496, 2011-02-20)
blog\src\blog\ (557, 2010-12-22)
blog\src\blog\ (3675, 2011-02-20)
blog\src\blog\settings.pyc (2266, 2011-02-20)
blog\src\blog\ (653, 2011-02-20)
blog\src\blog\urls.pyc (561, 2011-02-20)
blog\src\blog\ (0, 2010-12-22)
blog\src\blog\__init__.pyc (180, 2010-12-26)
blog\views (0, 2011-02-16)
blog\views\.tmp_myinfo.html.46826~ (0, 2011-02-16)
blog\views\.tmp_personal.html.39396~ (250, 2011-01-02)
blog\views\.tmp_personal.html.42522~ (250, 2010-12-23)
blog\views\temp (0, 2011-02-20)
blog\views\temp\404.html (3, 2011-01-02)
blog\views\temp\500.html (3, 2011-01-02)
blog\views\temp\admin (0, 2011-02-20)
blog\views\temp\admin\.tmp_change_form.html.65680~ (5083, 2010-12-28)
blog\views\temp\admin\change_form.html (5509, 2011-01-07)
blog\views\temp\admin\flatpages (0, 2011-02-16)
blog\views\temp\admin\flatpages\flatpage (0, 2011-02-16)
... ...

SyntaxHL is a plugin for the Tinymce ( javascript WYSIWYG editor allowing you to insert highlighted code into the editor. The syntax highlighting is done using Syntax Highligher ( and the plugin simply produces the right syntax for this. == Installation = Move to plugin directory Copy the syntaxhl folder into the Tinymce plugin directory so the path is something like this: /path/to/tinymce/plugins/syntaxhl = Configure Tinymce In your HTML under the tinymce.init option you need to append or add the line to load the plugin. You also need to add the button 'syntaxhl' to one of the button lines. Example configuration: tinyMCE.init({ theme : "advanced", plugins : "syntaxhl", theme_advanced_buttons1 : "bold,italic,underline,undo,redo,link,unlink,image,forecolor,styleselect,removeformat,cleanup,code, syntaxhl", theme_advanced_buttons2 : "", theme_advanced_buttons3 : "", remove_linebreaks : false, extended_valid_elements : "textarea[cols|rows|disabled|name|readonly|class]" }); That should be all you need to get the plugin working. Open up the editor and check the button has appeared (looks like a highlighter pen). ================================================================================ Please feel free to modify the project and send pull requests with improvements, changes are welcome! If you have any problems at all contact me and I'll do the best I can to help. ================================================================================ == License Copyright (c) 2008 Richard Grundy. TinyMCE is released under the LGPL and therefore so is this plugin.


