
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2013-01-11 14:38:53
上 传 者scarecrow_dcr
说明:  X264编解码的源码,内包含有学习经验和资料
(The X264 codec source code, contained within a learning experience and information)

build\win32\bin\libx264.lib (882356, 2011-08-24)
build\win32\bin\libx264.rar (233006, 2011-06-02)
build\win32\bin\oldFile.avi (3184128, 2011-06-11)
build\win32\bin\x264.exe (634880, 2011-08-24)
build\win32\bin\x264.rar (182864, 2011-06-11)
build\win32\help.txt (31984, 2011-08-02)
build\win32\libx264.dsp (21516, 2011-07-27)
build\win32\libx264.dsw (522, 2011-06-01)
build\win32\libx264.lib (1120652, 2011-06-02)
build\win32\libx264.opt (1122304, 2011-08-04)
build\win32\libx264.plg (23721, 2011-07-27)
build\win32\libx264.rar (233006, 2011-06-02)
build\win32\libx264.vcproj (51221, 2006-07-21)
build\win32\x264.dsp (4661, 2011-07-29)
build\win32\x264.dsw (809, 2006-07-21)
build\win32\x264.sln (1851, 2006-05-15)
build\win32\x264.suo (28160, 2011-08-24)
build\win32\x264.vcproj (6001, 2006-05-15)
common\amd64\amd64inc.asm (7046, 2006-04-11)
common\amd64\cpu-a.asm (3055, 2005-10-25)
common\amd64\dct-a.asm (16898, 2006-07-17)
common\amd64\deblock-a.asm (13630, 2005-10-26)
common\amd64\mc-a.asm (16704, 2006-07-09)
common\amd64\mc-a2.asm (10297, 2006-03-18)
common\amd64\pixel-a.asm (29592, 2006-05-09)
common\amd64\pixel-sse2.asm (19685, 2006-05-10)
common\amd64\predict-a.asm (15733, 2006-05-10)
common\amd64\quant-a.asm (14425, 2006-02-11)
common\bs.h (9163, 2011-07-13)
common\cabac.c (46444, 2011-07-30)
common\cabac.h (2654, 2011-07-09)
common\clip1.h (3321, 2005-02-22)
common\common.c (30428, 2011-07-31)
common\common.h (22948, 2011-07-27)
common\cpu.c (4480, 2006-08-03)
common\cpu.h (1323, 2006-08-01)
common\csp.c (14062, 2006-01-18)
common\csp.h (1914, 2011-06-30)
common\dct.c (12900, 2011-07-30)
common\dct.h (4676, 2006-03-25)
... ...

2006.08.05 successfully compiled under: Visual Studio 6 Interprise Edition(vc6) Visual C++ 2005 professional(vc8) Intel C++ Compiler 8.0 corresponding x2*** version: Rev.551 Every modification is remarked with //lsp... Any problem about my x2*** for vc, please send me mail or submit the question on my blog: http://blog.csdn.net/sunshine1314 ps: x2*** changelog https://trac.videolan.org/x2***/log/trunk/ 【x2*** cli常用选项解释】 1.最简单的方式 x2*** -o test.2*** infile.yuv widthxheight example: x2*** -o test.2*** foreman.cif 352x288 note: 352x288中间的是英文字母x,而不是*,总是有一些朋友会搞错了,所以我在此多一句提醒一下。 2.量化步长固定 --qp ?? example: x2*** --qp 26 -o test.2*** foreman.cif 352x288 3.采用cavlc --no-cabac note: 默认是采用cabac 4.设置编码帧数 --frames ?? example: x2*** --frames 10 --qp 26 -o test.2*** foreman.cif 352x288 5. 设置参考帧数目 --ref ?? example: x2*** -- ref 2 --frames 10 --qp 26 -o test.2*** foreman.cif 352x288 6. 用于dvdrip的经典选项:码率控制,采用B帧,两遍编码 example: x2***.exe --frames 10 --pass 1 --bitrate 1500 --ref 2 --bframes 2 --b-pyramid --b-rdo --bime --weightb --filter -2,-2 --trellis 1 --analyse all --8x8dct --progress -o test1.2*** foreman.cif 352x288 x2***.exe --frames 10 --pass 2 --bitrate 1500 --ref 2 --bframes 2 --b-pyramid --b-rdo --bime --weightb --filter -2,-2 --trellis 1 --analyse all --8x8dct --progress -o test2.2*** foreman.cif 352x288 7. 显示编码进度 --progress qTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTr U U qTTTTTT┤ Peter Lee ├TTTTTTr U U U U U tTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTs U  U U  U U  U  I'am happy of talking with you about video coding, U  U transmission, vod and so on. U U Welcom to MY homepage: videosky.9126.com U U U  U U U q───────────────────────r U tTT┤ lspbeyond@126.com ├TTs t───────────────────────s


