
上传日期:2013-01-29 16:48:28
上 传 者aoves09
说明:   里面所用的opencv全部开源…。例子是参考一个日本程序员弄的   使用此demo时 尽量不要戴眼睛或者侧面拍照,不然有可能识别不了!!!   请直接使用真机看效果…。   关于如何使用:   选择take photo wite camera,拍照完毕后选择face按钮进行识别就可以了…   如何在自己项目中加入此效果?   1.将此项目的libopencv_core.a,libopencv_imgproc.a,libopencv_objdetect.a拖入你的项目中   2.添加Accelerate。framework   3.添加-lstdc++ and -lz to Other Linker Flags   4.设置OpenCV include OpenCV Lib 路径   有同学反应下载后文件丢失,请下载附件imgproc,解压后添加到opencv2文件夹中   有同学提问:如何获取识别是否成功的信息   答案:- (void)opencvFaceDetect:(UIImage *)overlayImage 方法中   if (faces->total <= 0 )   {   //…我擦 你失败了   }   else   {   //…给力 你成功了   }
(The inside with opencv All open source ... The example is a reference to a Japanese programmer to get this demo, try not to wear the eyes or on the side of camera, or you may not recognize that! ! ! Please use a real machine to see the effect ... On how to use: take photo wite camera, camera finished face button to identify to join this effect ... how in their own projects? This project libopencv_core.a, libopencv_imgproc.a, libopencv_objdetect.a dragged into your project. Adding Accelerate. framework 3. add-lstdc++ and-lz to Other Linker Flags 4. settings OpenCV include OpenCV Lib path classmates reaction download file is missing, download attachments imgproc, unpacked added to opencv2 folder classmates questions: How to Get to identify whether successful answer:- (void) opencvFaceDetect: (UIImage*) overlayImage method if (faces-> total < = 0) {//... I rub you failed} else {//... to force your success})

ShakeForFood2 (0, 2013-01-29)
ShakeForFood2\.DS_Store (6148, 2012-10-19)
__MACOSX (0, 2013-01-29)
__MACOSX\ShakeForFood2 (0, 2013-01-29)
__MACOSX\ShakeForFood2\._.DS_Store (240, 2012-10-19)
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