上传日期:2013-02-08 00:49:06
上 传 者hsiungbin
说明:  A Matlab program to invert 1D Spectral Induced Polarization data for the Cole-Cole model including electromagnetic effects

Extracted_Files (0, 2008-07-05)
topview.fig (8825, 2006-08-15)
SondagePoint.fig (2555, 2006-08-21)
SondagePoint_activex1 (3584, 2006-08-21)
FJCST.m (14598, 2006-10-15)
Z_CR.m (1306, 2006-11-02)
graph.fig (5150, 2006-11-03)
example1.mat (1243, 2006-11-10)
compute.fig (14254, 2007-01-17)
emgsafwd.m (28157, 2007-01-31)
topview.m (36968, 2007-01-31)
cr1dinv.fig (11625, 2007-06-26)
example2.mat (2544, 2008-01-02)
CR1Dinv_User guide.pdf (623900, 2008-06-27)
compute.m (65774, 2008-10-03)
cr1dinv.m (78111, 2008-10-03)
graph.m (5102, 2008-10-03)
initial.m (15798, 2008-10-03)
inversion.m (43369, 2008-10-03)
plotdat.m (10810, 2008-10-03)
SondagePoint.m (23906, 2008-10-03)
define_filters.m (84892, 2005-01-16)
batch.fig (18736, 2005-06-28)
batch.m (9803, 2005-09-19)
NJCST.m (9594, 2006-01-16)
FCST.m (8204, 2006-01-16)
neg_loglog.m (3664, 2006-01-19)
FDEMfwd.m (10511, 2006-03-26)
topview_activex4 (5120, 2006-08-15)

Name of Code: Cr1Dinv Title of the paper: CR1Dinv: A Matlab program to invert 1D Spectral Induced Polarization data for the Cole-Cole model including electromagnetic effects by: A. Ghorbani, C. Camerlynck, N. Florsch UMR 7619 Sisyphe , Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France. Email: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Associated files: Name of file Type ---------------------------------------- 1 cr1dinv MATLAB-M file 2 cr1dinv MATLAB Figure 3 compute MATLAB-M file 4 compute MATLAB Figure 5 inversion MATLAB-M file 6 emgsafwd MATLAB-M file 7 graph MATLAB Figure 8 graph MATLAB-M file 9 plotdat MATLAB-M file 10 SondagePoint MATLAB Figure 11 SondagePoint MATLAB-M file 12 SondagePoint_activex1 13 topview MATLAB Figure 14 topview MATLAB-M file 15 topview_activex4 16 Z_CR MATLAB-M file 17 NJCST MATLAB-M file 18 FJCST MATLAB-M file 19 neg_loglog MATLAB-M file 20 initial MATLAB-M file 21 FDEMfwd MATLAB-M file 22 FCST MATLAB-M file 23 define_filters MATLAB-M file 24 batch MATLAB Figure 25 batch MATLAB-M file 26 Test data\example1 MAT-file 27 Test data\example2 MAT-file 28 CR1Dinv_User guide pdf


