
上传日期:2013-02-19 11:03:18
上 传 者TaiHoang
说明:  Pro ASP.NeT. That is helpful for developer.

Pro ASP.NET 2.0\Chapter03 (0, 2006-07-12)
Pro ASP.NET 2.0\Chapter03\ControlTree.aspx (1146, 2006-07-12)
Pro ASP.NET 2.0\Chapter03\ControlTree.aspx.cs (1022, 2006-07-12)
Pro ASP.NET 2.0\Chapter03\DynamicButton.aspx (1161, 2005-06-28)
Pro ASP.NET 2.0\Chapter03\DynamicButton.aspx.cs (1510, 2005-06-28)
Pro ASP.NET 2.0\Chapter03\DynamicHeader.aspx (432, 2005-06-28)
Pro ASP.NET 2.0\Chapter03\DynamicHeader.aspx.cs (638, 2005-06-28)
Pro ASP.NET 2.0\Chapter03\PageFlow.aspx (678, 2005-06-28)
Pro ASP.NET 2.0\Chapter03\PageFlow.aspx.cs (1192, 2005-06-28)
Pro ASP.NET 2.0\Chapter03\PageFlowTracing.aspx (739, 2005-06-14)
Pro ASP.NET 2.0\Chapter03\PageFlowTracing.aspx.cs (1401, 2005-11-28)
Pro ASP.NET 2.0\Chapter03\SimpleViewState.aspx (587, 2005-06-28)
Pro ASP.NET 2.0\Chapter03\SimpleViewState.aspx.cs (1030, 2005-06-28)
Pro ASP.NET 2.0\Chapter03\ViewStateChunking.aspx (507, 2005-06-28)
Pro ASP.NET 2.0\Chapter03\ViewStateChunking.aspx.cs (548, 2006-03-08)
Pro ASP.NET 2.0\Chapter03\Web.Config (2115, 2005-11-28)
Pro ASP.NET 2.0\Chapter04 (0, 2006-08-30)
Pro ASP.NET 2.0\Chapter04\ads.xml (574, 2004-06-29)
Pro ASP.NET 2.0\Chapter04\AdTest.aspx (669, 2005-06-28)
Pro ASP.NET 2.0\Chapter04\AdTest.aspx.cs (718, 2005-06-28)
Pro ASP.NET 2.0\Chapter04\BulletedList.aspx (680, 2005-06-28)
Pro ASP.NET 2.0\Chapter04\BulletedList.aspx.cs (828, 2005-06-28)
Pro ASP.NET 2.0\Chapter04\button.PNG (71023, 2002-01-07)
Pro ASP.NET 2.0\Chapter04\ChangeEvents.aspx (1052, 2005-06-28)
Pro ASP.NET 2.0\Chapter04\ChangeEvents.aspx.cs (1160, 2005-06-28)
Pro ASP.NET 2.0\Chapter04\DynamicTable.aspx (430, 2005-06-28)
Pro ASP.NET 2.0\Chapter04\DynamicTable.aspx.cs (1325, 2005-06-28)
Pro ASP.NET 2.0\Chapter04\EventTracker.aspx (1150, 2005-06-28)
Pro ASP.NET 2.0\Chapter04\EventTracker.aspx.cs (721, 2005-06-28)
Pro ASP.NET 2.0\Chapter04\FocusAndDefault.aspx (1285, 2005-06-28)
Pro ASP.NET 2.0\Chapter04\FocusAndDefault.aspx.cs (710, 2005-06-28)
Pro ASP.NET 2.0\Chapter04\hdr_logo.gif (3611, 2004-06-29)
Pro ASP.NET 2.0\Chapter04\ImageTest.aspx (768, 2005-06-28)
Pro ASP.NET 2.0\Chapter04\ImageTest.aspx.cs (799, 2005-06-28)
Pro ASP.NET 2.0\Chapter04\imgError.gif (835, 2001-07-20)
Pro ASP.NET 2.0\Chapter04\javaOne.gif (10063, 2004-06-29)
Pro ASP.NET 2.0\Chapter04\ScrollablePanel.aspx (1137, 2005-06-28)
Pro ASP.NET 2.0\Chapter04\ScrollablePanel.aspx.cs (413, 2005-06-28)
Pro ASP.NET 2.0\Chapter04\SelectableListControls.aspx (1441, 2005-06-28)
Pro ASP.NET 2.0\Chapter04\SelectableListControls.aspx.cs (1453, 2005-06-28)
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--------------------------- Notes for specific chapters --------------------------- The following notes describe database setup details. You can change the connection string and other configuration details to use these examples on any computer, but the details here will help you get up to speed more quickly. ------------------------------- Chapter 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 32, 35 ------------------------------- These chapters use the Northwind database with added stored procedures. A local instance of SQL Server 2000 or SQL Server 2005 is assumed. If you are using SQL Server 2005 Express, you will need to change the "localhost" portion of the connection string to ".\SQLEXPRESS". You can find the connection string in the sections of the web.config file. * Use InstNwnd.sql if you don't already have the Northwind database. * Use EmployeesProcedures.sql to install the stored procedures for seleting, insert, updating, deleting, and paging Employees records. ---------- Chapter 10 ---------- This chapter Includes an additional example that uses the Pubs database. * Use InstPubs.sql to install it. ---------- Chapter 16 ---------- The custom navigation provider assumes certain navigation tables and a GetSiteMap stored procedure. * Use SiteMap.sql to install the table and stored procedure ---------- Chapter 17 ---------- The Demo2 and Demo4Web samples use a custom database that's provided in the App_Data directory. SQL Server 2005 Express Edition can attach to this file directly, and no further configuration is required. When using SQL Server 2000 or the full version of SQL Server 2005, you will need to manually attach these databases to your SQL Server instance, and change the connection strings accordingly in the web.config files. ---------- Chapter 18 ---------- The VirtualPathProvider sample requires a database as a virtual store for pages. By default, this sample uses a custom database that's provided in the App_Data directory. SQL Server 2005 Express Edition can attach to this file directly, and no further configuration is required. When using SQL Server 2000 or the full version of SQL Server 2005, you will need to manually attach these databases to your SQL Server instance, and change the connection strings accordingly in the GetFileFromDB() method of the MyProvider.cs file in App_Code. For the HealthMonitoring sample, you need to have an SMTP gateway accessible from your developer machine so that ASP.NET is able to send emails. In the web.config file, you also need to set an appropriate email adress. ---------------------- Chapter 20, 21, 23, 25 ---------------------- Various examples in these chapters use SQL Server 2005 Express for authentication. If you are using the full version of SQL Server 2005 or SQL Server 2000 you need to create the database using aspnet_regsql.exe to create the database, remove the standard connection string by using , and add a new connection string with the name "LocalSqlServer" and the right connection string. ---------- Chapter 20 ---------- Several users are configured in web.config: user: mario password: Szpuszta user: matthew password: MacDonald The database users can be found in the MyUsers table of the CredStore.mdf database in the App_Data directory. Working combinations are: user: test1 password: first user: test2 password: second ---------- Chapter 24 ---------- The custom profile provider assumes certain site map tables in the aspnet database. * Use ProfileProvider.sql to install the Users table and stored procedures. ---------- Chapter 25 ---------- Samples use the ExtendedUser.mdf database stored in the App_Data folder. SQL Server 2005 Express Edition can attach to this file directly, and no further configuration is required. When using SQL Server 2000 or the full version of SQL Server 2005, you will need to manually attach these databases to your SQL Server instance, and change the connection strings accordingly in the web.config files. Sample users for chapter 25 are: user: user1 password: pass@word1 user: user2 password: pass@word1 ---------- Chapter 30 ---------- The Customers.ascx user control uses the WebPartsTest.mdf database. SQL Server 2005 Express Edition can attach to this file directly, and no further configuration is required. When using SQL Server 2000 or the full version of SQL Server 2005, you will need to manually attach these databases to your SQL Server instance, and change the connection strings accordingly in the web.config files. You can also use the CreateWebPartsTest.sql script to create the database you need and modify the connection string accordingly. ---------- Chapter 35 ---------- Examples use Atlas July CTP. Check and for updated code as new versions of Atlas are introduced.


