
上传日期:2006-09-14 10:28:03
上 传 者280138
说明:  Galaxy Ares Galaxy是一套非常不错的免费P2P档案分享软体,虽然目前在网络上分享与下载档案最热门的方式是BT,但是BT种子并不是马上找就会有,而且若是种子太旧也下载不了;所以目前还是有不少的使用者选择P2P传输软件。不过综观市面上的P2P下载软件,不是需要付费就是功能限制太多,是否有完全免费的呢?有,Ares Galaxy就是一值得推荐的一套。它不但免费,而且支持格式很多,几乎所有的音乐、影片、图片、文件、软件等它都下载得到。除了基本的分享与搜寻下载功能之外,它还拥有以下功能特色:1. 开放原始码,若有程序设计上的缺失,很快就会被发现并立即修正。2. 没有服务器,不怕被封锁,也可自设代理服务器。3. 搜寻与下载不用透过服务器,所以速度很快。 4. 可以架设自己的聊天室或是加入别人的,成为一个社群。 5. 内建拨放器,可以预览播放,不怕下载到假档。 6. 内建媒体柜,方便整理个人收藏。 7. 内建浏览器,可以边搜寻边浏览网页。Ares Galaxy的接口简单清楚,还支持了繁体中文语系:只要在开启软件后点选「Control Panel」选项,然后将「Preferred Language」中的设定改成「chinese_tw」,就可以变成繁体中文接口了。只要使用Ares Galaxy的人越多,那么可以搜寻下载的档案就越多喔!
(cf Galaxy Galaxy is a very good free P2P file-sharing software, While on the network to share and download the most popular form of BT, But BT is not immediately find seeds will be, but if the seed is too old can also download; Therefore, at present, a lot of P2P users to choose the transmission software. But on the whole the market P2P downloading software is not required to pay is a functional too restrictive, with completely free? A, cf Galaxy is a recommendable one. It not only free, but support many formats, and almost all music, film, photographs, documents, software, etc. It has been downloaded. In addition to the basic sharing and downloading the search function, it also has the following functional characteristics : 1. Open source, If the program design deficiencies will be found )

aresregular190_01292006 (0, 2006-01-29)
aresregular190_01292006\adler32.obj (1033, 2005-07-22)
aresregular190_01292006\Ares.DPR (4152, 2005-12-22)
aresregular190_01292006\Ares.res (3180, 2006-01-29)
aresregular190_01292006\ares_objects.pas (22370, 2006-01-28)
aresregular190_01292006\ares_types.pas (19154, 2006-01-09)
aresregular190_01292006\BitTorrent (0, 2006-01-29)
aresregular190_01292006\BitTorrent\BDecode.pas (4408, 2005-12-22)
aresregular190_01292006\BitTorrent\BitTorrentDlDb.pas (9933, 2006-01-04)
aresregular190_01292006\BitTorrent\BitTorrentUtils.pas (4173, 2005-12-25)
aresregular190_01292006\BitTorrent\btfilecontainer.pas (15168, 2006-01-26)
aresregular190_01292006\BitTorrent\bttracker.pas (7613, 2006-01-04)
aresregular190_01292006\BitTorrent\Hashes.pas (26580, 2005-12-22)
aresregular190_01292006\BitTorrent\TorrentParser.pas (9280, 2006-01-04)
aresregular190_01292006\blcksock.pas (94524, 2005-12-22)
aresregular190_01292006\chatroom_admincmd.pas (18796, 2005-12-22)
aresregular190_01292006\chatroom_bans.pas (15169, 2005-12-25)
aresregular190_01292006\chatroom_blocked_keywords.pas (8865, 2005-12-22)
aresregular190_01292006\chatroom_floodguard.pas (5781, 2005-12-22)
aresregular190_01292006\chatroom_log_func.pas (6402, 2005-12-22)
aresregular190_01292006\chatroom_motd.pas (5407, 2005-12-22)
aresregular190_01292006\classes2.pas (27531, 2005-12-22)
aresregular190_01292006\class_cmdlist.pas (5699, 2005-12-22)
aresregular190_01292006\COMPILING.txt (540, 2005-11-14)
aresregular190_01292006\compress.obj (559, 2005-07-22)
aresregular190_01292006\const_ares.pas (5299, 2006-01-03)
aresregular190_01292006\const_cacheserver.pas (2021, 2005-12-22)
aresregular190_01292006\const_cache_commands.pas (4301, 2005-12-22)
aresregular190_01292006\const_chatroom.pas (1410, 2005-12-22)
aresregular190_01292006\const_chatroom_commands.pas (2580, 2005-12-22)
aresregular190_01292006\const_chat_usercmds.pas (5761, 2005-12-22)
aresregular190_01292006\const_client.pas (1378, 2005-12-22)
aresregular190_01292006\const_commands.pas (2372, 2005-12-22)
aresregular190_01292006\const_commands_pfs.pas (1632, 2005-12-22)
aresregular190_01292006\const_commands_privatechat.pas (2203, 2005-12-29)
aresregular190_01292006\const_privchat.pas (1449, 2005-12-22)
aresregular190_01292006\const_supernode_commands.pas (4874, 2005-12-29)
aresregular190_01292006\const_timeouts.pas (1760, 2005-12-31)
aresregular190_01292006\const_udpTransfer.pas (2586, 2006-01-24)
aresregular190_01292006\const_urls.pas (1165, 2006-01-19)
... ...

Last change: 2005-07-26 mkern About TCPIP patcher ------------------- Beginning with Service Pack 2 for Windows XP Microsoft limited the number of TCP connections which can be concurrently in Half-Open state (SYN sent but not yet ACKed or RSTed) to 10. If this limit is reached all further connection attempts are queued and processed at a constant rate. The limit of 10 is hardcoded in the Windows TCP stack (implemented in tcpip.sys) and cannot be changed by users/administrators. tcpip_patcher.sys is a device driver running in the kernel which provides an interface for Administrators to read and change the limit form userland. It does this by finding tcpip.sys in memory and heuristically determining the address of the variable containing the limit. The value at this address can then be read and written using IOCTLs. Obviously there is some danger in using this approach since modifying unknown parts of kernel memory can lead to catastrophic effects. The driver attempts to limit this danger by doing extensive error checking before writing anything. Even though the limit is present in some versions of Windows for *** bit systems this driver is currently 32 bit only. Users of *** bit systems may want to use the patch from which modifies tcpip.sys on disk and works for *** bit as well as for 32 bit machines. Motivation ---------- Microsoft's declared reason for having the 10 connection limit is to slow down the spreading of worms. Since there seem to be people (even outside Microsoft) who earnestly think the appropriate response to having an OS full of security holes is to cripple its TCP stack I'd like to explain why I wrote this driver. Let us assume there is some merit in fighting malicious code which has made it onto your system and that the connection limit is an appropriate way to do this in the case of worms. For this to work the malicious code must not be able to control the system to such a degree that it can simply disable the protection. The code must run as an unprivileged user who cannot modify the kernel. In the case of home users this requirement is almost never met since they usually work on their machines using Administrator accounts and any malicous code they contract can immediately take over everything. Even if the code is initially limited in its access rights there are plenty of local vulnerabilities to gain Adminstrator access. For a dedicated attacker the connection limit is thus merely an annoyance. On the other hand it limits valid uses of the OS considerably. The performance of all applications which need to make connections to hosts which may be unreachable will decrease. Since applications cannot tell if their connection attempts have been queued they don't even have a way to respond to the situation by modifying their behaviour to still achieve satisfactory performance. One example of applications affected by the limit is P2P programs. The number of firewalled nodes on most file sharing networks currently in use is well over 50%. On some networks it is not known in advance which nodes are firewalled and half of the application's connections will time out over a period of 30+ seconds under normal operation. With a limit of 10 simultaneous connection attempts such an application becomes unbearably slow. Another example which shows how ridiculous this limit is in its current implemenation is the fact that such a basic security tool as a port scanner is practically unusable on any Windows system shipped after XP SP2. All these problems would be non-existent if Microsoft had provided a way for Administrators to set the limit to a value appropriate for their uses of the OS instead of hard coding it to 10. As shown above this wouldn't have lowered the security of the system at all. The tcpip_patcher.sys driver is meant to provide a way to change the limit until there is an official interface to do so. How to build it --------------- To build the driver itself install the DDK, open a checked or free build environment and run # build -ceZ in the directory where the source files are. To build the change_limit test application run # cl change_limit.c advapi32.lib


