
上传日期:2013-02-26 22:14:17
上 传 者ferranesther
说明:  It is an implementation of Cox watermarking algorithm

LICENSE (799, 2012-01-02)
src\ComputeSimilarity.m (784, 2012-01-02)
src\GenerateGaussianSequence.m (403, 2012-01-02)
src\SpreadSpectrumEmbed.m (2735, 2012-01-02)
src\SpreadSpectrumExtract.m (2288, 2012-01-02)
src (0, 2012-01-02)

Description =========== This is a simple spread-spectrum based informed watermarking implementation in MATLAB. It is based on the paper [Ingemar J. Cox, Joe Kilian, F. Thomson Leighton, and Talal Shamoon, "Secure Spread Spectrum Watermarking for Multimedia," IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, Dec. 1997]( SpreadSpectrumEmbed.m --------------------- Description: Embeds n watermark sequence into an image file, outputs watermarked image file and writes the watermark sequence into a file with extension '.seq'. If the watermarked image results to the same image with original one after spectrum operations (this is highly related to the n size of watermark sequence and alpha value), it warns the user outputting related message. Uses: `GenerateGaussianSequence.m` Arguments: `origfile`, `markedfile`, `wmfile`, `n`, `alpha` Returns: `void` Example Run: >> SpreadSpectrumEmbed('fruits.bmp', 'fruits_w.bmp', 'wm.seq', 1000, 2) SpreadSpectrumExtract.m ----------------------- Description: Extracts watermark sequence (if there exists) from a suspected image file, writes extracted watermark sequence in a file with extension '.extracted', reads the original watermark sequence, computes the similarities of randomly generated n-1 training watermark sequence along with the original one, plots these similarities into a figure file with extension '.png'. Uses: `GenerateGaussianSequence.m`, `ComputeSimilarity.m` Arguments: `suspfile`, `origfile`, `wmfile`, `n`, `alpha` Returns: `void` Example Run: >> SpreadSpectrumExtract('fruits_w.bmp', 'fruits.bmp', 'wm.seq', 1000, 2) GenerateGaussianSequence.m -------------------------- Description: Generates n sequence of normally distributed pseudo random numbers of the numbers {0, 1}. This is an auxilary script which is called inside embbedding and extracting programs. Arguments: `n` Returns: `watermark_sequence` Example Call: .. .. watermark_seq = GenerateGaussianSequence(n); .. ComputeSimilarity.m ------------------- Description: Computes the similarities between original watermark sequence and n-1 randomly generated training watermark sequences with the extracted watermark from suspected image. Arguments: `origwm`, `extwm`, `n` Returns: `origwm_similarity`, `similarities` Example Call: .. .. [origwm_sim, similarities] = ComputeSimilarity(origwm, w, n); .. Note ---- Working directory for Matlab interpreter must be same for all referenced argument files -- which means if you do not want to specify file paths, just copy the test files into the src/ directory and run embedding and extracting.


