
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2013-03-12 23:52:02
上 传 者ganlanlvliu
说明:  OMNET学习的一个自做例子,内包含最短路径算法。
(The OMNET a self-learning as an example, contained within the shortest path algorithm.)

networkrouting\.cproject (27469, 2009-03-10)
networkrouting\.nedfolders (2, 2008-02-25)
networkrouting\.oppbuildspec (79, 2008-02-25)
networkrouting\.project (2748, 2008-02-25)
networkrouting\builder\ (5249, 2008-07-25)
networkrouting\builder\netbuilder.ned (471, 2008-07-25)
networkrouting\fingerprints.ini (85, 2008-05-08)
networkrouting\Makefile (3290, 2013-02-20)
networkrouting\networks\connections.txt (3048, 2009-03-10)
networkrouting\networks\Dynamic.ned (484, 2008-07-25)
networkrouting\networks\Mesh.ned (1084, 2008-07-25)
networkrouting\networks\Net10.ned (1404, 2009-01-27)
networkrouting\networks\Net60.ned (4798, 2008-07-25)
networkrouting\networks\Net60a.ned (472, 2008-07-25)
networkrouting\networks\nodes.txt (1754, 2009-03-10)
networkrouting\networks\RandomGraph.ned (761, 2008-07-25)
networkrouting\networks\RandomMesh.ned (1132, 2008-07-25)
networkrouting\node\ (2856, 2008-07-25)
networkrouting\node\App.ned (756, 2008-07-25)
networkrouting\node\ (5494, 2008-07-25)
networkrouting\node\BurstyApp.ned (879, 2008-07-25)
networkrouting\node\IApp.ned (473, 2008-07-25)
networkrouting\node\ (3048, 2008-07-26)
networkrouting\node\L2Queue.ned (1189, 2008-07-25)
networkrouting\node\Node.ned (1271, 2008-07-25)
networkrouting\node\Packet.msg (354, 2008-07-30)
networkrouting\node\ (8604, 2013-02-20)
networkrouting\node\Packet_m.h (1550, 2013-02-20)
networkrouting\node\ (2773, 2008-07-25)
networkrouting\node\Routing.ned (451, 2008-07-25)
networkrouting\omnetpp.ini (970, 2009-02-02)
networkrouting\out\gcc-debug\builder\netbuilder.o (1179567, 2013-02-20)
networkrouting\out\gcc-debug\node\App.o (1132438, 2013-02-20)
networkrouting\out\gcc-debug\node\BurstyApp.o (1138804, 2013-02-20)
networkrouting\out\gcc-debug\node\L2Queue.o (1063659, 2013-02-20)
networkrouting\out\gcc-debug\node\Packet_m.o (1049453, 2013-02-20)
networkrouting\out\gcc-debug\node\Routing.o (1178895, 2013-02-20)
networkrouting\out\gcc-debug\routing.exe (5817537, 2013-02-20)
networkrouting\out\gcc-release\builder\netbuilder.o (35674, 2013-02-20)
networkrouting\out\gcc-release\node\App.o (50494, 2013-02-20)
... ...

Routing ======= Demonstrates static shortest-path routing. Routing tables are set up at the beginning of the simulation using the cTopology class. The model is intentionally kept simple to facilitate understanding. The network topology is the one widely known as the "NTT backbone", and it was contributed by Mudassar Farooq. Every node queries the topology of the network independently, using a cTopology object. Then it computes shortest paths to every other node, and stores the first nodes of the paths in a next-hop table. (Actually the table contains the port number to the next-hop node not the node address itself -- the table thus provides dest-address -> next-hop-address mapping). All the above takes place once, at the beginning of this simulation. The topology is static during the simulation, and so there's no need for the nodes to do anything to keep the tables up-to-date. There's no routing protocol in the model. Once the routing tables are set up, nodes start sending packets at random intervals. Every node gets a list of destination addresses in a parameter, and for every packet it randomly chooses a destination from the list. There are two apps provided: App generates packets with exponential interarrival times, while BurstyApp alternates between active and idle periods. BurstyApp's implementation demonstrates the use of the FSMs (Finite State Machine).


