
上传日期:2013-03-30 16:44:17
上 传 者victory070219
说明:  基于stm32f103c8t6单片机的串口通信源码,固件库为3.5版本
(Based stm32f103c8t6 microcontroller serial communication source code, firmware library version 3.5)

serial port communication\1 查询方式\JLinkArm_HC6800-EM3.ini (205, 2011-05-24)
serial port communication\1 查询方式\lib\STM32F10xR.LIB (1759306, 2009-01-29)
serial port communication\1 查询方式\Lst\stm32f10x_vector.lst (37606, 2011-07-20)
serial port communication\1 查询方式\Lst\ (98613, 2011-07-20)
serial port communication\1 查询方式\main.c (7452, 2011-07-20)
serial port communication\1 查询方式\main.h (1635, 2008-09-23)
serial port communication\1 查询方式\note.txt (1794, 2008-09-23)
serial port communication\1 查询方式\Obj\main.crf (148946, 2011-07-20)
serial port communication\1 查询方式\Obj\main.d (1723, 2011-07-20)
serial port communication\1 查询方式\Obj\main.o (179680, 2011-07-20)
serial port communication\1 查询方式\Obj\stm32f10x_it.crf (150410, 2011-07-20)
serial port communication\1 查询方式\Obj\stm32f10x_it.d (2001, 2011-07-20)
serial port communication\1 查询方式\Obj\stm32f10x_it.o (252196, 2011-07-20)
serial port communication\1 查询方式\Obj\stm32f10x_vector.o (5696, 2011-07-20)
serial port communication\1 查询方式\Obj\stm32f10x_vector._ia (164, 2011-07-20)
serial port communication\1 查询方式\Obj\Uart.axf (114264, 2011-07-20)
serial port communication\1 查询方式\Obj\Uart.hex (6200, 2011-07-20)
serial port communication\1 查询方式\Obj\Uart.htm (41606, 2011-07-20)
serial port communication\1 查询方式\Obj\Uart.lnp (328, 2011-07-20)
serial port communication\1 查询方式\Obj\Uart.plg (216, 2011-07-24)
serial port communication\1 查询方式\Obj\Uart.sct (479, 2010-12-22)
serial port communication\1 查询方式\Obj\Uart.tra (1117, 2011-07-20)
serial port communication\1 查询方式\Project.Opt (1966, 2011-07-24)
serial port communication\1 查询方式\Project.Uv2 (2703, 2011-07-24)
serial port communication\1 查询方式\Project_HC6800-EM3.dep (4265, 2011-07-24)
serial port communication\1 查询方式\Project_STM3210E-EVAL.dep (4438, 2010-11-03)
serial port communication\1 查询方式\stm32f10x_conf.h (6297, 2008-09-23)
serial port communication\1 查询方式\stm32f10x_it.c (29218, 2008-09-23)
serial port communication\1 查询方式\stm32f10x_it.h (3842, 2008-09-23)
serial port communication\1 查询方式\stm32f10x_vector.s (12871, 2008-09-23)
serial port communication\1 查询方式.rar (471278, 2011-07-20)
serial port communication\1 查询方式\lib (0, 2013-03-30)
serial port communication\1 查询方式\Lst (0, 2013-03-30)
serial port communication\1 查询方式\Obj (0, 2013-03-30)
serial port communication\1 查询方式 (0, 2013-03-30)
serial port communication (0, 2013-03-30)

/******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2008 STMicroelectronics ******************** * File Name : readme.txt * Author : MCD Application Team * Version : V2.0.1 * Date : 06/13/2008 * Description : Description of the USART Printf Example. ******************************************************************************** * THE PRESENT FIRMWARE WHICH IS FOR GUIDANCE ONLY AIMS AT PROVIDING CUSTOMERS * WITH CODING INFORMATION REGARDING THEIR PRODUCTS IN ORDER FOR THEM TO SAVE TIME. * AS A RESULT, STMICROELECTRONICS SHALL NOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WITH RESPECT TO ANY CLAIMS ARISING FROM THE * CONTENT OF SUCH FIRMWARE AND/OR THE USE MADE BY CUSTOMERS OF THE CODING * INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IN CONNECTION WITH THEIR PRODUCTS. *******************************************************************************/ Example description =================== This example shows how to retarget the C library printf function to the USART. This implementation output the printf message on the Hyperterminal using USARTx. USARTx can be USART1, USART2, USART3, UART4 or UART5; to select the USART interface to be used uncomment the '#define USE_USARTx' line in 'platform_config.h' file. The USARTx is configured as follow: - BaudRate = 115200 baud - Word Length = 8 Bits - One Stop Bit - No parity - Hardware flow control disabled (RTS and CTS signals) - Receive and transmit enabled Directory contents ================== platform_config.h Evaluation board specific configuration file stm32f10x_conf.h Library Configuration file stm32f10x_it.h Interrupt handlers header file stm32f10x_it.c Interrupt handlers main.c Main program Hardware environment ==================== This example runs on STMicroelectronics STM3210B-EVAL and STM3210E-EVAL evaluation boards and can be easily tailored to any other hardware. To select the STMicroelectronics evaluation board used to run the example, uncomment the corresponding line in platform_config.h file. + The USARTx signals (Rx, Tx) must be connected to a DB9 connector using a RS232 transceiver. + Connect a null-modem female/female RS232 cable between the DB9 connector and PC serial port. + STM3210B-EVAL - Connect a null-modem female/female RS232 cable between the DB9 connector (CN6 for USART1, CN5 for USART2 in the STM3210B-EVAL board) and PC serial port. + STM3210E-EVAL - Connect a null-modem female/female RS232 cable between the DB9 connector (CN12 for USART1, CN8 for USART2 in the STM3210E-EVAL board) and PC serial port. - Hyperterminal configuration: - Word Length = 8 Bits - One Stop Bit - No parity - BaudRate = 115200 baud - flow control: None How to use it ============= In order to make the program work, you must do the following : - Create a project and setup all your toolchain's start-up files - Compile the directory content files and required Library files : + stm32f10x_lib.c + stm32f10x_usart.c + stm32f10x_gpio.c + stm32f10x_rcc.c + stm32f10x_nvic.c + stm32f10x_flash.c - Link all compiled files and load your image into target memory - Run the example ******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2008 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE******


