
上传日期:2006-10-14 09:40:09
上 传 者bigbigpig
说明:  彩色RGB图像四叉树分割的程序,找了好久才找到的。Improve together
(RGB color images quadtree segmentation procedures for a long time to find the. Improve together)

rgbquadtree (0, 2006-01-02)
rgbquadtree\avgofmatblks.m (1146, 2006-01-01)
rgbquadtree\converttoclass.m (1368, 2006-01-01)
rgbquadtree\drawquadblocks.m (844, 2006-01-01)
rgbquadtree\fillrect_ulwh.m (1414, 2006-01-01)
rgbquadtree\ispowerof2.m (958, 2006-01-01)
rgbquadtree\main.m (1316, 2006-01-02)
rgbquadtree\padrgbtomakepowof2.m (1132, 2006-01-01)
rgbquadtree\padtomakepowof2.m (1557, 2006-01-02)
rgbquadtree\qt3ddecom.p (9360, 2006-01-02)
rgbquadtree\qtreedecode.m (1807, 2006-01-01)
rgbquadtree\qtreergbdecode.m (991, 2006-01-02)
rgbquadtree\qtrgbsplit.m (3138, 2006-01-02)
rgbquadtree\rafting.png (115041, 2005-09-02)
rgbquadtree\splitinto4.m (916, 2006-01-01)

main ---- Test program for Quadtree decomposition (Encoding) and Decoding of RGB image qt3ddecom ---------- Quadtree decomposition method for RGB image of size M-by-N-by-3. This method uses three thresholds for red,green and blue blocks. For any R or G or B block if the maximum value of the block elements minus the minimum value of the block elements is greater than its respective threshold then the RGB image is splitted into 4 blocks. Thresholds are specified as a value between 0 and 1, even if I is of class uint8 or uint16. If I is uint8, the threshold value you supply is multiplied by 255 to determine the actual threshold to use; if I is uint16, the threshold value you supply is multiplied by 65535. The function also pad the image if its size is not power of 2, so that image can be divided until block of size 1. Input image I (true color) image matrix of size M-by-N-by-3. thvec: threshold values of rgb b/w 0 and 1 e.g. thvec=[0.5,0.5,0.5] (this is optional argument, defualt threshold is thvec=[0 0 0] i.e. lossless encoding Output S: the quadtree structure in the sparse matrix S. If S(k,m) is nonzero, then (k,m) is the upper left corner (ULC) of a block in the decomposition, and the size of the block is given by S(k,m). valRGB(n,1:3): mean (average) of RGB compoents for nth block Exmaples of usage: [S,valRGB]=qt3ddecom(I,thvec); or [S,valRGB]=qt3ddecom(I); %lossless encoding qtreergbdecode -------------- Method to decode Quadtree date that is decomposed (encoded) by qt3ddecom method Input S: the quadtree structure in the sparse matrix S. If S(k,m) is nonzero, then (k,m) is the upper left corner (ULC) of a block in the decomposition, and the size of the block is given by S(k,m). valRGB(n,1:3): mean (average) of RGB compoents for nth block Output I: Decoded Image ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This program or any other program(s) supplied with it does not provide any warranty direct or implied. This program is free to use/share for non-commerical purpose only, for any other usage contact with author. Thanking you. @ Copyright M A Khan Email: khan_goodluck@yahoo.com OR mak2000@GameBox.net http://www.m-a-khan.blinkz.com/


