
上传日期:2013-04-11 21:55:45
上 传 者xulinlinshe
说明:  数据挖掘分类规则中的决策树算法中的ID3算法,对于理解数据挖掘有一定的帮助。
(Data mining classification rules in the decision tree algorithm ID3 algorithm, is certainly helpful for understanding data mining.)

id3\ID3 code\app.config (144, 2013-04-04)
id3\ID3 code\App.ico (1078, 2006-05-09)
id3\ID3 code\AssemblyInfo.cs (1859, 2006-05-09)
id3\ID3 code\Backup\App.ico (1078, 2006-05-09)
id3\ID3 code\Backup\AssemblyInfo.cs (1859, 2006-05-09)
id3\ID3 code\Backup\Class1.cs (30345, 2006-09-23)
id3\ID3 code\Backup\ID3.csproj (3985, 2006-05-09)
id3\ID3 code\Backup\ID3.csproj.user (1803, 2006-09-23)
id3\ID3 code\Backup\ID3.sln (891, 2006-05-09)
id3\ID3 code\Backup\ID3.suo (7168, 2006-09-23)
id3\ID3 code\bin\Debug\b.txt (129628, 2006-09-19)
id3\ID3 code\bin\Debug\ID3.exe.config (144, 2013-04-04)
id3\ID3 code\bin\Debug\ID3.vshost.exe (11592, 2013-04-05)
id3\ID3 code\bin\Debug\ID3.vshost.exe.config (144, 2013-04-04)
id3\ID3 code\bin\Debug\ID3.vshost.exe.manifest (490, 2010-03-17)
id3\ID3 code\bin\Debug\vote test.txt (23568, 2006-09-23)
id3\ID3 code\Class1.cs (30345, 2006-09-23)
id3\ID3 code\ID3.csproj (5130, 2013-04-04)
id3\ID3 code\ID3.csproj.user (2082, 2013-04-04)
id3\ID3 code\ID3.sln (890, 2013-04-04)
id3\ID3 code\ID3.suo (14336, 2013-04-05)
id3\ID3 code\obj\Debug\DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache (5491, 2013-04-04)
id3\ID3 code\obj\Debug\ID3.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt (253, 2013-04-05)
id3\ID3 code\obj\Debug\ID3.exe (28672, 2006-09-23)
id3\ID3 code\obj\Debug\ID3.pdb (40448, 2006-09-23)
id3\ID3 code\obj\Debug\ID3.projdata (66952, 2006-09-23)
id3\ID3 code\obj\Release\ID3.exe (24576, 2006-05-12)
id3\ID3 code\obj\Release\ID3.projdata (43528, 2006-05-12)
id3\ID3 code\UpgradeLog.XML (2909, 2013-04-04)
id3\ID3 code\_UpgradeReport_Files\UpgradeReport.css (3348, 2013-04-04)
id3\ID3 code\_UpgradeReport_Files\UpgradeReport.xslt (12505, 2010-05-04)
id3\ID3 code\_UpgradeReport_Files\UpgradeReport_Minus.gif (69, 2013-04-04)
id3\ID3 code\_UpgradeReport_Files\UpgradeReport_Plus.gif (71, 2013-04-04)
id3\ID3 code\obj\Debug\temp (0, 2013-04-11)
id3\ID3 code\obj\Debug\TempPE (0, 2013-04-11)
id3\ID3 code\obj\Release\temp (0, 2013-04-11)
id3\ID3 code\obj\Release\TempPE (0, 2013-04-11)
id3\ID3 code\bin\Debug (0, 2013-04-11)
id3\ID3 code\obj\Debug (0, 2013-04-11)
... ...

| | Voting records drawn from the Congressional Quarterly Almanac, ***th | Congress, 2nd session 1***4, Volume XL: Congressional Quarterly Inc. | Washington, D.C., 1***5. | | This data set includes votes for each of the U.S. House of | Representatives Congressmen on the 16 key votes identified by the | CQA. The CQA lists nine different types of votes: voted for, paired | for, and announced for (these three simplified to yea), voted | against, paired against, and announced against (these three | simplified to nay), voted present, voted present to avoid conflict | of interest, and did not vote or otherwise make a position known | (these three simplified to an unknown disposition). | | Jeff Schlimmer, 23 April 1***7. | democrat, republican | classes handicapped infants: n, y, u water project cost sharing: n, y, u adoption of the budget resolution: n, y, u physician fee freeze: n, y, u el salvador aid: n, y, u religious groups in schools: n, y, u anti satellite test ban: n, y, u aid to nicaraguan contras: n, y, u mx missile: n, y, u immigration: n, y, u synfuels corporation cutback: n, y, u education spending: n, y, u superfund right to sue: n, y, u crime: n, y, u duty free exports: n, y, u export administration act south africa: n, y, u


