
上传日期:2013-04-16 09:39:20
上 传 者mote111
说明:  STM32评估板进行COM1通信的程序,演示了如何进行收发处理以及基本中断的处理
(This example provides a description of how to use the EVAL_COM1 Transmit and Receive interrupts to communicate with the hyperterminal. )

HyperTerminal_Interrupt\EWARM\Project.ewd (22918, 2011-04-21)
HyperTerminal_Interrupt\EWARM\Project.ewp (29797, 2011-04-21)
HyperTerminal_Interrupt\EWARM\Project.eww (161, 2011-04-21)
HyperTerminal_Interrupt\EWARM\stm32f2xx_flash.icf (1342, 2011-04-21)
HyperTerminal_Interrupt\EWARM\stm32f2xx_flash_extsram.icf (1363, 2011-04-21)
HyperTerminal_Interrupt\EWARM\stm32f2xx_sram.icf (1342, 2011-04-21)
HyperTerminal_Interrupt\main.c (5270, 2011-07-01)
HyperTerminal_Interrupt\main.h (1827, 2011-04-21)
HyperTerminal_Interrupt\MDK-ARM\HyperTerminal_Interrupt.uvgui.HYX (68753, 2011-07-01)
HyperTerminal_Interrupt\MDK-ARM\HyperTerminal_Interrupt.uvgui_HYX.bak (68760, 2011-07-01)
HyperTerminal_Interrupt\MDK-ARM\HyperTerminal_Interrupt.uvopt (24344, 2011-07-01)
HyperTerminal_Interrupt\MDK-ARM\HyperTerminal_Interrupt.uvproj (23453, 2011-06-30)
HyperTerminal_Interrupt\MDK-ARM\HyperTerminal_Interrupt_uvopt.bak (24344, 2011-07-01)
HyperTerminal_Interrupt\MDK-ARM\STM322xG_EVAL\STM322xG_EVAL.plg (393, 2011-07-01)
HyperTerminal_Interrupt\MDK-ARM\STM322xG_EVAL\STM322xG_EVAL.sct (479, 2011-07-01)
HyperTerminal_Interrupt\MDK-ARM\STM322xG_EVAL\STM322xG_EVAL.tra (4707, 2011-07-01)
HyperTerminal_Interrupt\Release_Notes.html (9749, 2011-04-21)
HyperTerminal_Interrupt\RIDE\Project.rapp (27072, 2011-04-21)
HyperTerminal_Interrupt\RIDE\Project.rprj (327, 2011-04-21)
HyperTerminal_Interrupt\RIDE\stm32f2xx_flash_extsram.ld (6967, 2011-04-21)
HyperTerminal_Interrupt\stm32f2xx_conf.h (3628, 2011-04-21)
HyperTerminal_Interrupt\stm32f2xx_it.c (6102, 2011-07-01)
HyperTerminal_Interrupt\stm32f2xx_it.h (2030, 2011-04-21)
HyperTerminal_Interrupt\system_stm32f2xx.c (20783, 2011-04-21)
HyperTerminal_Interrupt\TASKING\STM322xG-EVAL\.cproject (19267, 2011-04-21)
HyperTerminal_Interrupt\TASKING\STM322xG-EVAL\.project (8855, 2011-04-21)
HyperTerminal_Interrupt\TASKING\STM322xG-EVAL\STM322xG-EVAL.board.launch (2904, 2011-04-21)
HyperTerminal_Interrupt\TASKING\STM322xG-EVAL\TASKING\cstart_thumb2.asm (3943, 2011-04-21)
HyperTerminal_Interrupt\TASKING\STM322xG-EVAL\TASKING\stm32f2xx.lsl (15892, 2011-04-21)
HyperTerminal_Interrupt\TrueSTUDIO\note.txt (2420, 2011-04-21)
HyperTerminal_Interrupt\TrueSTUDIO\STM322xG_EVAL\.cproject (25259, 2011-04-21)
HyperTerminal_Interrupt\TrueSTUDIO\STM322xG_EVAL\.project (10564, 2011-04-21)
HyperTerminal_Interrupt\TrueSTUDIO\STM322xG_EVAL\.settings\com.atollic.truestudio.debug.hardware_device.prefs (222, 2011-04-21)
HyperTerminal_Interrupt\TrueSTUDIO\STM322xG_EVAL\stm32_flash.ld (4973, 2011-04-21)
... ...

/** @page USART_HyperTerminal_Interrupt USART Hyperterminal interrupt Example @verbatim ******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics ******************* * @file USART/HyperTerminal_Interrupt/readme.txt * @author MCD Application Team * @version V1.0.0 * @date 18-April-2011 * @brief Description of the USART Hyperterminal interrupt Example. ****************************************************************************** * THE PRESENT FIRMWARE WHICH IS FOR GUIDANCE ONLY AIMS AT PROVIDING CUSTOMERS * WITH CODING INFORMATION REGARDING THEIR PRODUCTS IN ORDER FOR THEM TO SAVE * TIME. AS A RESULT, STMICROELECTRONICS SHALL NOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WITH RESPECT TO ANY CLAIMS ARISING * FROM THE CONTENT OF SUCH FIRMWARE AND/OR THE USE MADE BY CUSTOMERS OF THE * CODING INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IN CONNECTION WITH THEIR PRODUCTS. ****************************************************************************** @endverbatim @par Example Description This example provides a description of how to use the EVAL_COM1 Transmit and Receive interrupts to communicate with the hyperterminal. First, the EVAL_COM1 sends the TxBuffer to the hyperterminal and still waiting for a string from the hyperterminal that you must enter. The string that you have entered is stored in the RxBuffer array. The receive buffer have a RxBufferSize bytes as maximum (the reception is stopped when this maximum receive value is reached). The EVAL_COM1 is configured as follow: - BaudRate = 9600 baud - Word Length = 8 Bits (7 data bit + 1 parity bit) - Two Stop Bit - Odd parity - Hardware flow control disabled (RTS and CTS signals) - Receive and transmit enabled @note When the parity is enabled, the computed parity is inserted at the MSB position of the transmitted data. @par Directory contents - USART/HyperTerminal_Interrupt/stm32f2xx_conf.h Library Configuration file - USART/HyperTerminal_Interrupt/stm32f2xx_it.h Interrupt handlers header file - USART/HyperTerminal_Interrupt/stm32f2xx_it.c Interrupt handlers source file - USART/HyperTerminal_Interrupt/main.c Main program - USART/HyperTerminal_Interrupt/system_stm32f2xx.c STM32F2xx system source file @note The "system_stm32f2xx.c" is generated by an automatic clock configuration tool and can be easily customized to your own configuration. To select different clock setup, use the "STM32F2xx_Clock_Configuration_V1.0.0.xls" tool. @par Hardware and Software environment - This example runs on STM32F2xx Devices. - This example has been tested with STM322xG-EVAL RevB and can be easily tailored to any other development board. - STM322xG-EVAL Set-up - Connect a null-modem female/female RS232 cable between the DB9 connector CN16 (USART3) and PC serial port if you want to display data on the HyperTerminal. @note Make sure that jumper JP22 is in position 1-2 - Hyperterminal configuration: - Word Length = 7 Bits - Two Stop Bit - Odd parity - BaudRate = 9600 baud - flow control: None @par How to use it ? In order to make the program work, you must do the following : - Copy all source files from this example folder to the template folder under Project\STM32F2xx_StdPeriph_Template - Open your preferred toolchain - Rebuild all files and load your image into target memory - Run the example *

© COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics



