
上传日期:2013-04-22 22:21:54
上 传 者xiaofenglyg
说明:  搜狗拼音输入法源码,可以作为输入法研究素材
(Sogou Pinyin input source)

scim-googlepinyin\AUTHORS (31, 2013-04-21)
scim-googlepinyin\ (132, 2013-04-21)
scim-googlepinyin\ChangeLog (0, 2013-04-21)
scim-googlepinyin\ (2742, 2013-04-21)
scim-googlepinyin\COPYING (11558, 2013-04-21)
scim-googlepinyin\data\google-pinyin_icon.png (4707, 2013-04-21)
scim-googlepinyin\data\ (220, 2013-04-21)
scim-googlepinyin\INSTALL (9465, 2013-04-21)
scim-googlepinyin\ (48, 2013-04-21)
scim-googlepinyin\NEWS (0, 2013-04-21)
scim-googlepinyin\src\candidate_view.cpp (5379, 2013-04-21)
scim-googlepinyin\src\candidate_view.h (2346, 2013-04-21)
scim-googlepinyin\src\command\ (860, 2013-04-21)
scim-googlepinyin\src\command\pinyinime_dictbuilder.cpp (1620, 2013-04-21)
scim-googlepinyin\src\composing_view.cpp (5689, 2013-04-21)
scim-googlepinyin\src\composing_view.h (3434, 2013-04-21)
... ...

scim-googlepinyin ================= scim-googlepinyin is an SCIM port of google-pinyin on android platform. It's basically a translation from its original java code to C++ counterpart. Android google pinyin's core is not changed in porting, but this user interface is slightly modified to simulate the bevaviour of GooglePinyin on Windows. why scim-googlepinyin --------------------- I found lots of GNU/Linux users are long for the Google Pinyin for GNU/Linux. And Google is very generous to open source google-pinyin on android. So here it is. SCIM was chosed as the target platform because I use SCIM on a daily basis. Yes, ibus is way better than SCIM in term of compatibility. But I am not quite familiar with it's development yet. scim-googlepinyin is not ------------------------ scim-googlepinyin is not google-pinyin on andoird. Due to some limitation of SCIM platform (or GNU/Linux), some features are chopped off. Like - inline edit - predict according to inputted character (we are not able to tell what the text is before input cursor) - predict based on the application we are inputting text to (no way to find out the app) At the time of writing, android google-pinyin has release its version 1.1.3. While the code on `android open souce project `_ is obviously older than the latest version, which lacks some features like synchronize the user lemma with server. And there is legal issue to analyze the binary of android google-pinyin. So instead of reverse engineering, we need to find some other way to improve scim-googlepinyin. `Google Pinyin for Windows `_ sets a high bar for us. This software is not able to match with Google Pinyin for Windows in serveral ways. To name some major features we are missing: - lacks a good/large enough language model. The size of IME's LM is around 10MiB while that of andoid google-pinyin is only 1.1MiB. - the core engine used by android google pinyin may different from that of its Windows version - no "i" mode support - no English word input assistance - not able to export/import user dict in text format - no doodle or other eye candies .. Kov Chai


