
上传日期:2006-10-25 15:15:12
上 传 者city_lovelace
说明:  由7-zip提供的压缩、解压缩程序,支持7z/LZMA/BCJ/BCJ2,提供最高的压缩比
(from 7-zip with the compression, decompression procedures, 7 z/LZMA/BCJ/BCJ2 support, providing the highest compression ratio)

p7zip_4.42\makefile.aix_gcc (341, 2006-05-20)
p7zip_4.42\ChangeLog (13964, 2006-05-28)
p7zip_4.42\makefile.solaris_sparc_CC_32 (388, 2006-05-20)
p7zip_4.42\include_windows\windows.h (3479, 2006-05-20)
p7zip_4.42\include_windows\winnt.h (2699, 2006-05-20)
p7zip_4.42\include_windows\windef.h (398, 2006-05-20)
p7zip_4.42\include_windows\tchar.h (3009, 2006-05-20)
p7zip_4.42\include_windows\basetyps.h (718, 2006-05-20)
p7zip_4.42\include_windows\io.h (8, 2006-05-20)
p7zip_4.42\include_windows (0, 2006-10-25)
p7zip_4.42\Windows\DLL.h (1184, 2006-05-20)
p7zip_4.42\Windows\PropVariant.h (1833, 2006-05-20)
p7zip_4.42\Windows\FileName.cpp (2365, 2006-05-20)
p7zip_4.42\Windows\FileDir.h (3494, 2006-05-20)
p7zip_4.42\Windows\System.h (122, 2006-05-20)
p7zip_4.42\Windows\Defs.h (411, 2006-05-20)
p7zip_4.42\Windows\DLL.cpp (5191, 2006-05-20)
p7zip_4.42\Windows\FileFind.h (2947, 2006-05-20)
p7zip_4.42\Windows\Error.cpp (1263, 2006-05-20)
p7zip_4.42\Windows\FileFind.cpp (8565, 2006-05-20)
p7zip_4.42\Windows\PropVariantConversions.h (523, 2006-05-20)
p7zip_4.42\Windows\FileDir.cpp (18611, 2006-05-20)
p7zip_4.42\Windows\Synchronization.h (3934, 2006-05-20)
p7zip_4.42\Windows\Synchronization.cpp (2464, 2006-05-20)
p7zip_4.42\Windows\Time.h (1651, 2006-05-20)
p7zip_4.42\Windows\FileIO.h (2428, 2006-05-20)
p7zip_4.42\Windows\Thread.h (1890, 2006-05-20)
p7zip_4.42\Windows\Error.h (653, 2006-05-20)
p7zip_4.42\Windows\FileIO.cpp (11466, 2006-05-20)
p7zip_4.42\Windows\PropVariantConversions.cpp (3373, 2006-05-20)
p7zip_4.42\Windows\FileName.h (875, 2006-05-20)
p7zip_4.42\Windows\PropVariant.cpp (5279, 2006-05-20)
p7zip_4.42\Windows (0, 2006-10-25)
p7zip_4.42\makefile.linux_x86_ppc_alpha (385, 2006-05-20)
p7zip_4.42\makefile.linux_gcc_2.95_no_need_for_libstdc (259, 2006-05-20)
p7zip_4.42\makefile.freebsd (372, 2006-05-20)
p7zip_4.42\makefile.glb (566, 2006-05-20)
p7zip_4.42\makefile.machine (385, 2006-05-28)
p7zip_4.42\myWindows\test_emul.cpp (6108, 2006-05-20)
p7zip_4.42\myWindows\config.h (715, 2006-05-20)
... ...

p7zip 4.42 ========== Homepage : http://p7zip.sourceforge.net/ p7zip is a port of the Windows programs 7z.exe and 7za.exe provided by 7-zip. 7-zip is a file archiver with the highest compression ratio. Homepage : www.7-zip.org 7z uses plugins to handle archives. 7za is a stand-alone executable. 7za handles less archive formats than 7z.exe. 7zr is a standalone version of 7z that supports only 7z/LZMA/BCJ/BCJ2. CAUTION : --------- - FIRST : DO NOT USE the 7-zip format for backup purpose on Linux/Unix because : - 7-zip does not store the owner/group of the file On Linux/Unix, in order to backup directories you must use tar ! to backup a directory : tar cf - directory | 7za a -si directory.tar.7z to restore your backup : 7za x -so directory.tar.7z | tar xf - - if you want to send files and directories (not the owner of file) to others Unix/MacOS/Windows users, you can use the 7-zip format. example : 7za a directory.7z directory do not use "-r" because this flag does not do what you think do not use directory/* because of ".*" files (example : "directory/*" does not match "directory/.profile") BUILD : ------- If you have downloaded the "bin" package, use directly the program bin/7za. (tested on Redhat 9.0, Fedora 2, Mandrake 10.0, Debian 3.0) As the program is statically linked, its should run on many x86 linux. If you have downloaded the "source" package, According to your OS, copy makefile.linux, makefile.freebsd, makefile.cygwin, ... over makefile.machine make clean : to clean all directories make : to build bin/7za make sfx : to build bin/7zCon.sfx (7za can now create SFX archive) make 7z : to build bin/7z and its plugins make 7zr : to build bin/7zr and its plugins make all : to build bin/7za and bin/7zCon.sfx make all2 : to build bin/7za, bin/7z (with its plugins) and bin/7zCon.sfx make all3 : to build bin/7za, bin/7z (with its plugins), bin/7zr and bin/7zCon.sfx make test : to test bin/7za (extracting, archiving, password ...) make test_7z : to test bin/7z (extracting, archiving, password ...) make test_7zr : to test bin/7zr (extracting, archiving, ...) this procedure has been tested on : - x86 CPU : Linux - Redhat 9.0 Standart Linux - Fedora 2 (Redhat) (gcc 3.3.3 and gcc-3.4.1 with stack-smashing protector from www.trl.ibm.com/projects/security/ssp/) Linux - Mandrake 10.0 Official Linux - Debian 3.0 Stable FreeBSD 5.2.1 (gcc 3.3.3) NetBSD CYGWIN_NT-5.1 1.5.9(0.112/4/2) 2004-03-18 23:05 i686 Cygwin Solaris 9 (x86) with gcc 3.3.2 Solaris 10 (x86) - alpha CPU : Linux - Debian 3.0 (alpha) with gcc 2.95.4 - AMD*** CPU : Linux - SuSE 8 ES (AMD*** Opteron) with gcc 3.2.2 Linux - Fedora 4 (AMD*** Turion) with gcc 4.0.1 - sparc CPU : Solaris 8 (sparc) with gcc 2.95.2 Solaris 9 (sparc) with gcc 3.3.2 - powerpc CPU : MacOS X 10.1/darwin 5.5 with gcc 932.1 (gcc 2.95.2) MacOS X 10.3 with XCode 1.5 - openpower CPU : Linux openpower-linux1 2.6.5-7.97-pseries*** (ppc***) with gcc 3.3.3 - IBM : AIX 5.3 with gcc 4.1.0 INSTALL : --------- method 1 -------- - edit install.sh to change DEST_HOME - ./install.sh : to install Remark : you must be "root" to install 7za in the directory "/usr/local" method 2 -------- - 7za is a stand-alone program, you can put this program where you want. example : cp bin/7za /usr/local/bin/7za - 7z needs its plugins. You must copy the file 7z and the two directories Formats and Codecs in the same destination directory. - if you want to be able to create SFX archive, copy bin/7zCon.sfx to the directory where 7za or 7z can be found. USAGE: ------ Remark : you can replace 7za with 7z. 7za t archive.7z : tests files in the archive archive.7z 7za l archive.7z : lists all files from archive archive.7z 7za x archive.7z : extracts all files from archive archive.7z to the current directory 7za a archive.7z file1 fileN : add files to the archive archive.7z 7za a archive.7z dir1 : add all files and subdirectories from directory "dir1" to archive archive.7z CAUTION : do not use the flag "-r" unless you know what you are doing ... 7za a -sfx archive.exe dir1 : add all files from directory "dir1" to SFX archive archive.exe (Remark : SFX archive MUST end with ".exe") You can also add or extract files to/from .zip or .tar archives. You can also compress/uncompress .gz or .bz2 files. 7za a -tzip archive.zip file file2 file3 7za a -ttar archive.tar file 7za a -tgzip file.gz file 7za a -tbzip2 archive.bz2 file You can use password for archives: 7za a -pmy_password archive.7z dir1 For more, see the documentation of 7za.exe in DOCS/MANUAL directory 7za a -t7z -m0=lzma -mx=9 -mfb=*** -md=32m -ms=on archive.7z dir1 : adds all files from directory "dir1" to archive archive.7z using "ultra settings". -t7z : 7z archive -m0=lzma : lzma method -mx=9 : level of compression = 9 (Ultra) -mfb=*** : number of fast bytes for LZMA = *** -md=32m : dictionary size = 32 megabytes -ms=on : solid archive = on LIMITATIONS from 7-zip : ------------------------ - does not support uid/gid for the .tar format (so, use tar on Unix) LIMITATIONS for Unix/MacOS X version only : ------------------------------------------ - can handle properly UNICODE filenames only if the environment is UTF-8. Example : export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 ; unset LC_CTYPE Remark : see the possible values for LANG in the directory - /usr/lib/locale : Fedora 2 / Solaris 8 - /usr/share/locale : OpenBSD / Debian / FreeBSD / MacOS X / Mandrake 10.1 / NetBSD p7zip relies on LC_CTYPE and then on LANG to convert name to/from UNICODE. the command "locale" should display these environment variables. you can also do "echo $LC_CTYPE" and "echo $LANG". If you do not plan to export your archive, you can use the flag "-no-utf16". Usage : 7za a -no-utf16 archive.7z dirOrFile1 ... dirOrFileN 7za t -no-utf16 archive.7z 7za l -no-utf16 archive.7z 7za x -no-utf16 archive.7z - ignores Windows file access permissions (files are created with default permissions) see also TODO file. DEVELOPPER CORNER: ------------------ - WaitForMultipleObject has no equivalence on Unix. - Events don't exist. - sizeof(wchar_t) = 4 with GCC (2 with MS VC++) - "FIXME" in source code indicates that you should add codes to better handle all cases. - "FIXED" in source code indicates that the original code has been changed to work in Unix environment. see also TODO file.


