
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2006-10-28 16:38:41
上 传 者T_T
说明:  来自《游戏编程精粹1》的源码,未贴纹理的水面波动模拟,具有水面物体的交互波动。
(from the "essence of a game program," the source, not affixed to the surface texture fluctuations simulation, with the interaction of surface objects fluctuations.)

水面的交互式模拟\body.cpp (1690, 2004-08-04)
水面的交互式模拟\body.h (2449, 2004-08-04)
水面的交互式模拟\coordinate_frame.cpp (4160, 2004-08-04)
水面的交互式模拟\coordinate_frame.h (3522, 2004-08-04)
水面的交互式模拟\geometry.h (1804, 2004-08-04)
水面的交互式模拟\GLUT.DLL (154624, 2002-12-24)
水面的交互式模拟\GLUT.H (27686, 2005-01-31)
水面的交互式模拟\GLUT32.DLL (237568, 2002-12-24)
水面的交互式模拟\GLUT32.LIB (69580, 2002-12-24)
水面的交互式模拟\main.cpp (16992, 2005-01-31)
水面的交互式模拟\Makefile (192, 2004-08-04)
水面的交互式模拟\mathphys.h (2830, 2004-08-04)
水面的交互式模拟\matrix.h (9218, 2004-08-04)
水面的交互式模拟\quaternion.h (3460, 2004-08-04)
水面的交互式模拟\scalar.h (472, 2004-08-04)
水面的交互式模拟\vector.h (8541, 2004-08-04)
水面的交互式模拟\wave (41221, 2004-08-04)
水面的交互式模拟\wave equation.dsp (4988, 2005-01-31)
水面的交互式模拟\wave equation.dsw (551, 2004-08-04)
水面的交互式模拟\wave equation.exe (221299, 2004-08-04)
水面的交互式模拟\wave equation.ncb (164864, 2006-10-26)
水面的交互式模拟\wave equation.opt (66048, 2006-10-26)
水面的交互式模拟\wave equation.plg (1360, 2006-10-26)
水面的交互式模拟 (0, 2006-10-26)

Recommended System: PIII 600Mhz with NVidia GeForce 256 or faster, with latest OpenGL drivers Controls: Rotate Camera - left mouse click and drag Move Forward/Backward - arrow keys Purpose: The "Floating Boat" demo combines material presented in the "Wave Equation" and "Rigid Body" gems to simulate a buoyant object on a dynamic water surface. Things to notice: 1) Initially, the water is displaced from equilibrium about a third of the way into the grid. Waves emanate radially from this initial "splash." 2) When the waves hit the boat, it rocks back and forth. This is because the Newton-Euler equations are used to simulate rigid-body motion. 3) When the waves hit the boat, it is pushed in the direction of the wave. This is because buoyant force is applied in the direction normal to the water surface (as opposed to vertically). 4) There is a circular "island" about x=1, y=1 (right behind the boat) where the damping coefficients are 0. Notice how the waves diffract around this dead region and create a wave "shadow" behind it. Apologies for the code: Yes, the code is a little messy, it was written in haste, but hopefully there is enough commenting so that it can be followed after or while reading through the gems. Sincerely, Miguel Gomez


