上传日期:2013-05-02 16:48:45
上 传 者gylywp
说明:  针对FPGA,可以实现VGA显示。可以显示数字,字符,汉子。可以调节屏幕颜色和大小。
(failed to translate)

VGA\db\logic_util_heursitic.dat (11616, 2013-03-19)
VGA\db\prev_cmp_vga_1.qmsg (53792, 2013-03-19)
VGA\db\vga_1.(0).cnf.cdb (14464, 2013-03-19)
VGA\db\vga_1.(0).cnf.hdb (2008, 2013-03-19)
VGA\db\vga_1.amm.cdb (349, 2013-03-19)
VGA\db\vga_1.asm.qmsg (2358, 2013-03-19)
VGA\db\vga_1.asm.rdb (1422, 2013-03-19)
VGA\db\vga_1.asm_labs.ddb (16672, 2013-03-19)
VGA\db\vga_1.cbx.xml (87, 2013-03-19)
VGA\db\vga_1.cmp.bpm (638, 2013-03-19)
VGA\db\vga_1.cmp.cdb (40844, 2013-03-19)
VGA\db\vga_1.cmp.hdb (24648, 2013-03-19)
VGA\db\vga_1.cmp.kpt (202, 2013-03-19)
VGA\db\vga_1.cmp.logdb (4, 2013-03-19)
VGA\db\vga_1.cmp.rdb (26652, 2013-03-19)
VGA\db\vga_1.cmp0.ddb (146074, 2013-03-19)
VGA\db\vga_1.cmp1.ddb (143414, 2013-03-19)
VGA\db\vga_1.cmp_merge.kpt (207, 2013-03-19)
VGA\db\vga_1.db_info (138, 2013-03-19)
VGA\db\vga_1.eda.qmsg (2457, 2013-03-19)
VGA\db\ (197967, 2013-03-19)
VGA\db\vga_1.hier_info (2322, 2013-03-19)
VGA\db\vga_1.hif (864, 2013-03-19)
VGA\db\vga_1.idb.cdb (5927, 2013-03-19)
VGA\db\vga_1.lpc.html (372, 2013-03-19)
VGA\db\vga_1.lpc.rdb (392, 2013-03-19)
VGA\db\vga_1.lpc.txt (1060, 2013-03-19)
VGA\db\ (604, 2013-03-19)
VGA\db\ (12419, 2013-03-19)
VGA\db\ (24082, 2013-03-19)
VGA\db\ (1264, 2013-03-19)
VGA\db\ (4, 2013-03-19)
VGA\db\ (5456, 2013-03-19)
VGA\db\ (1295, 2013-03-19)
VGA\db\vga_1.map_bb.cdb (1095, 2013-03-19)
VGA\db\vga_1.map_bb.hdb (18732, 2013-03-19)
VGA\db\vga_1.map_bb.logdb (4, 2013-03-19)
VGA\db\vga_1.pre_map.cdb (12975, 2013-03-19)
VGA\db\vga_1.pre_map.hdb (21024, 2013-03-19)
VGA\db\ (467, 2013-03-19)
... ...

This folder contains data for incremental compilation. The compiled_partitions sub-folder contains previous compilation results for each partition. As long as this folder is preserved, incremental compilation results from earlier compiles can be re-used. To perform a clean compilation from source files for all partitions, both the db and incremental_db folder should be removed. The imported_partitions sub-folder contains the last imported QXP for each imported partition. As long as this folder is preserved, imported partitions will be automatically re-imported when the db or incremental_db/compiled_partitions folders are removed.


