
上传日期:2013-05-04 00:07:57
上 传 者skarter007
说明:  swat模型的手动参数调节程序,运用matlab界面进行控制
(this zip includes several .m files, which is used for manual calibration for SWAT model)

mfiles (0, 2013-04-19)
mfiles\bsn.m (2452, 2010-04-18)
mfiles\callLoadest.m (25, 2010-01-28)
mfiles\callrchproc.m (352, 2010-01-28)
mfiles\calstats.m (3997, 2010-04-19)
mfiles\cedar.m (608, 2010-01-29)
mfiles\chm.m (2576, 2010-04-28)
mfiles\crop.m (2325, 2010-01-29)
mfiles\cropa.m (2311, 2010-01-29)
mfiles\dotmcopyfiles.m (108, 2010-01-28)
mfiles\getdates.m (785, 2010-04-18)
mfiles\gw.m (1248, 2010-01-29)
mfiles\hru.m (1569, 2010-01-29)
mfiles\id_func.m (5086, 2010-01-28)
mfiles\loadestproc.asv (2814, 2010-04-18)
mfiles\loadestproc.m (2651, 2010-04-19)
mfiles\mcalib.m (3123, 2010-04-29)
mfiles\mcalib_pest.m (27, 2010-01-28)
mfiles\mgt_f.m (1340, 2010-01-29)
mfiles\nanfill.asv (1997, 2010-04-17)
mfiles\nanfill.m (1997, 2010-04-17)
mfiles\objfun.m (1649, 2010-01-28)
mfiles\parseArgs.m (5428, 2010-01-28)
mfiles\par_alter.m (3349, 2010-04-28)
mfiles\plotLoadestSwat.asv (5833, 2010-04-18)
mfiles\plotLoadestSwat.m (5896, 2010-04-19)
mfiles\pmonwrite.m (714, 2010-04-17)
mfiles\PNSedTogether.m (4783, 2010-01-28)
mfiles\rchproc.asv (4137, 2010-04-17)
mfiles\rchproc.m (4170, 2010-04-17)
mfiles\rchtosim.m (1445, 2010-01-28)
mfiles\rte.m (1211, 2010-01-29)
mfiles\runAMALGAM.m (16831, 2010-02-04)
mfiles\samexaxis.m (5310, 2010-01-28)
mfiles\simcopymult.m (419, 2010-01-28)
mfiles\sol.m (1260, 2010-04-27)
mfiles\sol_old.m (1260, 2010-04-27)
mfiles\sub.m (984, 2010-01-29)
mfiles\swq.m (1896, 2010-01-29)
mfiles\wwq.m (1352, 2010-01-29)
... ...

Manual calibration of the SWAT model using a method written by Mazdak and MOdified by Chetan Maringanti The following steps should allow you to you implement the SWAT model for any watershed 1) Copy the input SWAT text files (TxtInOut folder found in Scenarios/Default/ in any SWAT project setup) into mancalib/, and rename it 'sensin'. 2) Change the model parameters by flagging and modifying in user_inputs/par_file.prn (NOTE: par_f is the flag, and you set it equal to 1 if you want to calibrate that parameter. bl is the lower bound of the parameter, and bu is the upper bound. To change a parameter value, you must change the number in the column titled 'parvalue' to the new calibrated value. Or, if the unit is %, you change it by a positive or negative percent (e.g. if you want to decrease a value by 15%, you input -0.15 in parvalue)) 3-1) Modify user_inputs/ifInfo.txt parameters according to the SWAT model setup (NOTES: ISIM is 1 if it is your first calibration run, 2 for the second...etc. PTYPE can be any name, as long as that name is consistent with the file .csv. You can use TN to mean any nutrient, as long as you're consistent.) 3-2) Modify user_inputs/LoadestPars.txt with the appropriate Loadest parameters (NOTES: Currently only the quadratic model is handled, or model '2' in the code.) 4) Give the stream flow information in user_inputs/obs_dailyxx.csv (where xx is the number of subbasin where the calibration is performed) 5) Provide the observed water quality information in user_inputs/TN.csv (or TP.csv or TSS.csv) for total nitrogen (or total phosphorus, and sediment) 6) Open mfiles/mcalib.m in Matlab and run this code 7) The outputs display the NS, R2 for streamflow, and the water quality under consideration - R2flow, R2NSflow give the daily performance of the model - R2flowmon, R2NSflowmon give the monthly performance of the model - R_2_loadestconc, NSloadestconc give the performance of the LOADEST model in predicting the particular pollutant of concern - R_2_p, NSp give the performance of the SWAT model simulated values when compared to the measured valued estimated from LOADEST Goal of optimization is to improve the performance measures.. Modify the parameters accordingly


