
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2013-05-06 17:54:47
上 传 者wcfq
说明:  1.增加插件功能,小马压缩后39K. 2.增加远程控制功能. 3.增加破防模式. 4.增加服务器攻击. 5.集成插件功能,用户可以根据自己需求添加插件. 6.增加本地上传功能,支持本地上传服务端,无需网络地址下载服务端. 7.WEB项增加变异CC,更有效的测试静态网站. 8.优化DDOS内核代码,提高压力测试效率. 9.远控功能用户可自行添加任何远控功能,只需写到插件集成软件即可. 10.DDOS和远控功能完美支持WIN7和其他系统. 此套代码结合了NB,暴风,DK,gh0st等软件的所有优势于一身,功能非常之强大。
(1 increase in the plug-in functionality, 39K pony compression. (2) increase the remote control function. 3 to increase the anti-break mode. Increase server attacks. Integrated plug-in function, the user can add a plug-in according to their own needs. Increase the local upload function, support for local upload server, download server without a network address. 7. Web variability CC, more efficient testing static websites. 8. Optimize the the DDOS kernel code, improve the efficiency of stress tests. 9 remote control features users can add their own remote control function can be simply written to the plug-in integration software. 10.DDOS and remote control function perfect support the WIN7 and other systems. This set of code combines the advantage of the NB, Storm, DK, gh0st software all in one, very powerful.)

DarkShell\res\abuot.ico (4286, 2010-11-20)
DarkShell\res\temp\abuot.ico (4286, 2010-11-20)
DarkShell\res\build.ico (4286, 2010-11-20)
DarkShell\res\temp\build.ico (4286, 2010-11-20)
DarkShell\res\cmdshell.ico (3262, 2010-11-20)
DarkShell\res\Error.ICO (1078, 2010-11-20)
DarkShell\res\Exit.ico (4286, 2010-11-20)
DarkShell\res\temp\Exit.ico (4286, 2010-11-20)
DarkShell\res\ico161.ico (1406, 2010-11-20)
DarkShell\res\ico162.ico (1406, 2010-11-20)
DarkShell\res\line.ico (1406, 2010-12-23)
DarkShell\res\plug.ico (161862, 2010-12-13)
DarkShell\res\refresh.ico (4286, 2010-11-20)
DarkShell\res\temp\refresh.ico (4286, 2010-11-20)
DarkShell\res\Set.ico (4286, 2010-11-20)
DarkShell\res\temp\Set.ico (4286, 2010-11-20)
Server_Plug\TestPlug\res\TestPlug.ico (1078, 2010-11-20)
DarkShell\res\time.ico (1078, 2010-11-20)
DarkShell\res\update.ico (4286, 2010-11-20)
DarkShell\res\temp\update.ico (4286, 2010-11-20)
DarkShell\res\web.ico (4286, 2010-11-20)
DarkShell\res\temp\web.ico (4286, 2010-11-20)
DarkShell\res\客户端.ico (13294, 2010-12-23)
Web\res\验证器.ico (17542, 2010-11-20)
DarkShell\Include\AppFace.h (17901, 2010-11-20)
common\Audio.h (1280, 2010-11-20)
Server_Plug\PCRemote\common\AudioManager.h (876, 2010-11-20)
Web\BlackListDlg.h (1609, 2010-11-20)
DarkShell\Include\BtnST.h (9972, 2010-11-20)
DarkShell\Include\Buffer.h (1121, 2010-11-20)
Server\svchost\common\Buffer.h (1059, 2010-11-20)
Server_Plug\PCRemote\common\Buffer.h (1059, 2010-11-20)
Server\svchost\common\CC.h (653, 2010-11-20)
DarkShell\CeXDib.h (2330, 2010-11-20)
Client_Plug\ManikinDlg\ManikinDlg\ClientList.h (7345, 2010-11-20)
DarkShell\Include\ClientList.h (7345, 2010-11-20)
Server\svchost\ClientSocket.h (2472, 2010-11-20)
Server_Plug\PCRemote\ClientSocket.h (2472, 2010-11-20)
Server_Plug\Manikin\lib\Command.h (8393, 2010-11-20)
DarkShell\Include\Common.h (2079, 2010-11-20)
... ...

======================================================================== CONSOLE APPLICATION : Server ======================================================================== AppWizard has created this Server application for you. This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files that make up your Server application. Server.dsp This file (the project file) contains information at the project level and is used to build a single project or subproject. Other users can share the project (.dsp) file, but they should export the makefiles locally. Server.cpp This is the main application source file. Server.rc This is a listing of all of the Microsoft Windows resources that the program uses. It includes the icons, bitmaps, and cursors that are stored in the RES subdirectory. This file can be directly edited in Microsoft Visual C++. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Other standard files: StdAfx.h, StdAfx.cpp These files are used to build a precompiled header (PCH) file named Server.pch and a precompiled types file named StdAfx.obj. Resource.h This is the standard header file, which defines new resource IDs. Microsoft Visual C++ reads and updates this file. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Other notes: AppWizard uses "TODO:" to indicate parts of the source code you should add to or customize. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


