
上传日期:2006-11-02 10:40:50
上 传 者626538
说明:  一个delphi的好用的画二维曲线的控件Simple Graph v2.3
(a delphi Easy curves of the two-dimensional paintings Control Simple Graph v2.3)

demo (0, 1999-10-29)
demo\About.dfm (1435, 1999-10-28)
demo\About.pas (704, 1999-06-24)
demo\AxisLmtsDlg.dfm (1482, 1999-10-28)
demo\AxisLmtsDlg.pas (2274, 1999-10-28)
demo\AxisPrptsDlg.dfm (2159, 1999-07-26)
demo\AxisPrptsDlg.pas (3965, 1999-07-26)
demo\DemoMain.dfm (12081, 1999-10-29)
demo\DemoMain.pas (12951, 1999-10-30)
demo\sgr_demo.dpr (639, 1999-10-28)
demo\sgr_demo.dsk (4214, 1999-10-30)
demo\sgr_demo.res (876, 1999-10-30)
demo\sgr_sprint.dfm (4102, 1999-07-29)
demo\sgr_sprint.pas (11347, 1999-10-30)
demo\TrendDemo (0, 1999-10-30)
demo\TrendDemo\TDMain.dfm (2046, 1999-10-19)
demo\TrendDemo\TDMain.pas (3154, 1999-10-30)
demo\TrendDemo\TrendDemo.dpr (191, 1999-10-19)
demo\TrendDemo\TrendDemo.res (876, 1999-10-19)
doc (0, 1999-10-30)
doc\history.htm (3509, 1999-11-05)
doc\notes.htm (10885, 1999-10-30)
doc\plot_img.gif (3965, 1999-06-29)
doc\sgraph.htm (9992, 1999-10-30)
doc\sgraph_demo.gif (19699, 1999-10-26)
doc\sgraph_demo_sml.gif (2556, 1999-06-29)
doc\white.gif (790, 1999-07-08)
help (0, 1999-10-29)
help\sgr_def.cnt (595, 1999-10-30)
help\sgr_def.hlp (90597, 1999-10-30)
help\sgr_defi.cnt (609, 1999-10-30)
sgr.dpk (669, 1999-10-30)
sgr.res (716, 1999-10-30)
sgr4.dpk (762, 1999-10-30)
sgraph23.upl (1015, 1999-11-02)
sgr_data.pas (33499, 1999-10-29)
sgr_def.pas (49034, 1999-10-29)
sgr_mark.pas (11989, 1999-10-29)
sgr_misc.pas (2389, 1999-06-29)
... ...

This is a set of 32 bit Delphi components and classes for 2D plot. It is relatively simple. It is more gauge then presentation element. For more details see sgraph.htm in \doc subdirectory or look it on my home page for the latest version. License ------- The component files are freeware. You may copy those files as long as you COPY ALL OF THEM. You cannot distribute source of main units in modified form, except units for the data series. If you want to make ActiveX using this components you must ask me for permission. Copyright 19***-1999, Sergei P. Pod'yachev. Disclaimer ---------- This software and the accompanying files are provided "As Is" and without any warranties as to performance of merchantability or any other warranties whether expressed or implied. The Author cannot and does not guarantee that any functions contained in the Software will be error free. The author is not liable for any damages resulting from the use and misuse of the component. Files ----- sgr_misc.pas sgr_scale.pas sgr_def.pas sgr_data.pas sgr_mark.pas sgr_reg.pas sgr_reg.dcr sgr.dpk sgr.res sgr4.dpk sgr4.res help\sgr_def.hlp help\sgr_def.cnt help\sgr_defi.cnt demo\ contains demo program. S.P.Pod'yachev www.iae.nsk.su/~lab12/pod


