
上传日期:2006-11-09 22:30:19
上 传 者yxr
说明:  好用的。系统辨识中,递推最小二乘估计(RLS)是辨识模型阶次的一个重要的算法。该程序通过实现该算法,得到模型阶次的估计值以及相关参数值。
(refrain. System identification, estimation recursive least squares (RLS) identification model is of the order of an important algorithm. The procedures through the realization of the algorithm, to be the order of the model and estimated value of the relevant parameters.)

GAOT (0, 1996-02-07)
GAOT\arithXover.m (1490, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\b2f.m (1495, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\binaryMutation.m (1507, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\boundaryMutation.m (1642, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\calcbits.m (1382, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\Contents.m (3021, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\coranaEval.m (1451, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\coranaMin.m (1222, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\delta.m (1471, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\f2b.m (1492, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\ga.m (10718, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\gademo1.m (4830, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\gademo1eval1.m (1274, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\gademo2.m (2819, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\gademo3.m (6261, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\gaot.dvi (57780, 1995-08-30)
GAOT\gaot.ps (133622, 1996-01-16)
GAOT\gaotindex.html (3317, 1996-02-07)
GAOT\heuristicXover.m (2139, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\index.html (2600, 1996-02-07)
GAOT\initialize.m (3199, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\maxGenTerm.m (1265, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\multiNonUnifMutation.m (1991, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\nonUnifMutation.m (2193, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\normGeomSelect.m (2311, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\optMaxGenTerm.m (1421, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\parse.m (1459, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\roulette.m (1781, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\simpleXover.m (1614, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\tournSelect.m (1619, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\unifMutation.m (1651, 1996-02-06)

This directory contains the Genetic Algorithm Optimization Toolbox for Matlab. To use this, if you are local to NCSU and have AFS access to this directory, simply extend the matlab path here. >>path(path,'/afs/eos/info/ie589k_info/GAOT'); Otherwise, install the .m files into a directory named GAOT and extend the matlab path to that directory. The compressed tar archive and the zip file should automatically create the GAOT directory for you. The companion paper describing this toolbox is included here as gaot.ps. This and the three demo files, gademo1.m gademo2.m gademo3.m, should be sufficient explanation of this toolbox. For any questions, comments, suggestions send mail to jjoine@eos.ncsu.edu. For a list of the files in the tool box get help on GAOT. Thanks for trying the toolbox.


