
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2006-11-11 21:39:27
上 传 者xagworld
说明:  径向基RBF多维空间插值算法,用于空间散乱点曲面重建,优于多项式插值
(RBF RBF multidimensional spatial interpolation algorithm for space scattered surface reconstruction, better than polynomial interpolation)

RBF++_1.2\bin\2d1.pat (4090, 2005-06-15)
RBF++_1.2\bin\2d2.pat (4092, 2005-06-15)
RBF++_1.2\bin\example_net.rbf (426, 2005-06-15)
RBF++_1.2\bin\gauss1.pat (3189, 2005-06-15)
RBF++_1.2\bin\gauss2.pat (3189, 2005-06-15)
RBF++_1.2\bin\sin1.pat (3189, 2005-06-15)
RBF++_1.2\bin\sin2.pat (3190, 2005-06-15)
RBF++_1.2\bin (0, 2006-11-05)
RBF++_1.2\doc (0, 2006-11-05)
RBF++_1.2\include\RBF_GaussNeuron.h (859, 2005-06-15)
RBF++_1.2\include\RBF_Net.h (3057, 2005-06-15)
RBF++_1.2\include\RBF_OutNeuron.h (750, 2005-06-15)
RBF++_1.2\include\RBF_Tools.h (769, 2005-06-15)
RBF++_1.2\include (0, 2006-11-05)
RBF++_1.2\lib\i486-unknown-linux2.0.0\libRBF.a (142832, 2005-06-15)
RBF++_1.2\lib\i486-unknown-linux2.0.0 (0, 2006-11-05)
RBF++_1.2\lib\sparc-sun-solaris2.5 (0, 2006-11-05)
RBF++_1.2\lib (0, 2006-11-05)
RBF++_1.2\src\libRBF.a (142832, 2005-06-15)
RBF++_1.2\src\main.cc (3677, 2005-06-15)
RBF++_1.2\src\main.o (19592, 2005-06-15)
RBF++_1.2\src\makefile (693, 2005-06-15)
RBF++_1.2\src\RBF_GaussNeuron.cc (2189, 2005-06-15)
RBF++_1.2\src\RBF_GaussNeuron.h (859, 2005-06-15)
RBF++_1.2\src\RBF_GaussNeuron.o (20608, 2005-06-15)
RBF++_1.2\src\RBF_Net.cc (35212, 2005-06-15)
RBF++_1.2\src\RBF_Net.h (3057, 2005-06-15)
RBF++_1.2\src\RBF_Net.o (87324, 2005-06-15)
RBF++_1.2\src\RBF_OutNeuron.cc (1506, 2005-06-15)
RBF++_1.2\src\RBF_OutNeuron.h (750, 2005-06-15)
RBF++_1.2\src\RBF_OutNeuron.o (18516, 2005-06-15)
RBF++_1.2\src\RBF_Tools.cc (717, 2005-06-15)
RBF++_1.2\src\RBF_Tools.h (769, 2005-06-15)
RBF++_1.2\src\RBF_Tools.o (14144, 2005-06-15)
RBF++_1.2\src (0, 2006-11-05)
RBF++_1.2 (0, 2006-11-05)

RBF++ Radial Basis Functions Network Simulator ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2002 Munich University of Technology All Rights Reserved. Permission to use, copy, and distribute this software and its documentation is hereby granted free of charge, provided that (1) it is not a component of a commercial product, and (2) this notice appears in all copies of the software and related documentation. This software may be distributed by any means, provided that the original files remain intact, and no charge is made other than for reasonable distribution costs. Disclaimer ---------- The Munich University of Technology and the authors make no representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. Author(s) -------- Sebastian Buck Compiling --------- A sample for compiling can be found in src/makefile Running ------- In order to use the software in a C++ program, the program must include the header file: #include "RBF_Net.h" This should at least work under Linux, Solaris, and HP-UX. S. Buck, March 2002


