array(4) { [0]=> string(17) "Technical Trading" [1]=> string(55) " Data-Snooping and the impact of speed (april 2011).pdf" [2]=> string(8) " 1176035" [3]=> string(21) " 2011-04-22 11:04:4 " } White_Reality_Check 联合开发网 -

上传日期:2013-06-05 08:46:51
上 传 者ih3m_u
说明:  Ebook Matlab. Very helpful

PolitisRomanoBootstrap.m (1424, 2011-12-22)
White - A reality check for data-snooping.pdf (1424019, 2011-04-20)
White Reality Check Guide.docx (15000, 2012-08-20)
WhiteRealityCheck.m (2884, 2011-12-22)
license.txt (1338, 2012-08-19)

Example tests: Scenario 1: We have many Trading strategies and we want to see whether we have acquired a trading strategy that has an average return higher than zero. Data : We have a matrix 'R' of returns where each column stand for a trading strategy and each row stands for the period (time ). So R(i,j) is Return in period 'i' by model 'j' Note: A return of -100% is represented by a value of -1 , -10% = -0.10 , etc. To test with 500 simulations and display 'on' , we type: [pvalue Vlstar Vl] = WhiteRealityCheck( R ,2, 0 , 500 , 1); LINKS 4 papers : If we want to test vs a benchmark model then we simply need the Returns of the benchmark model and use them as input [pvalue Vlstar Vl] = WhiteRealityCheck( R ,2, benchmark , 500 , 1); Scenario 2 : We have 1000 regression models used to make predictions for 'y' and we want to test whether there is atleast 1 model that outperforms the predictions of a benchmark model ( Random Walk for instance ). Data : We have a matrix 'e1'; which contains the residuals of the predictions made by our 1000 models. So ==> e1(3,8) means the residual of the third prediction with model number 8 ! We also have a column vector 'e0'; which contains the residuals of the benchmark model ( Random Walk ) Now if we want to test by Mean Squared error and 300 simulations and display 'off' , we use ==> [pvalue Vlstar Vl] = WhiteRealityCheck( e1 ,1, e0 , 300 , 0); Now if we want to test by Mean Absolute error and 1000 simulations and display 'on' , we use ==> [pvalue Vlstar Vl] = WhiteRealityCheck( e1 ,3, e0 , 1000 , 0); % This package is FREE of charge and is allowed to be distributed % It was made because have not found a data snooping test for matlab up till date, so I felt there was a need for it


