
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2013-06-19 15:05:13
上 传 者leocug
说明:  文件是一个详细的用户指南。读者将学习如何创建四面体从命令行使用输入文件的目。此外,说明了从其他程序调用TetGen编程接口
(Document is a detailed user guide. Readers will learn how to create a tetrahedral mesh from the command line using the input file. Additionally, calls from other programs described TetGen programming interface)

tetgen1.4.3 (0, 2012-06-13)
tetgen1.4.3\LICENSE (2835, 2009-12-13)
tetgen1.4.3\a.lua (182, 2011-11-12)
tetgen1.4.3\makefile (2594, 2011-03-08)
tetgen1.4.3\predicates.cxx (172172, 2009-12-13)
tetgen1.4.3\tetcall.cxx (7984, 2011-11-07)
tetgen1.4.3\tetgen-manual.pdf (574379, 2011-11-07)
tetgen1.4.3\tetgen.cxx (1254272, 2011-04-15)
tetgen1.4.3\tetgen.h (142168, 2011-04-15)
tetgen1.4.3\tetview-win.exe (1830912, 2005-04-26)

This is TetGen version 1.4.3 (released on September 6, 2009, updated on December 13, 2010, updated on January 19, 2011, updated on April 15, 2011) Please see the documentation of TetGen for compiling and using TetGen. It is available at the following link: http://tetgen.berlios.de/index.html TetGen may be freely copied, modified, and redistributed under the copyright notices stated in the file LICENSE. Please send bugs/comments to Hang Si Thank you and enjoy! Hang Si January 19, 2011 TetGen Command Line Switches The command syntax is: tetgen [-pq__a__AriYMS__T__dzjo_fengGOJBNEFICQVvh] input_file Underscores indicate that numbers may optionally follow certain switches. Do not leave any space between a switch and its numeric parameter. ``input_file'' must be a file with extension .node, or extension .poly or .smesh or other supported file formats if the -p switch is used. If -r is used, you must supply .node and .ele files, and possibly a .face file, and a .vol file as well. Below is an overview of all command line switches and a short description follows each switch. This information is also available by invoking TetGen without any switch and input file (i.e., type ``tetgen''). Here are some examples of using these switches. -p Tetrahedralizes a picecwise linear complex (.poly or .smesh file). -q Quality mesh generation. A minimum radius-edge ratio may be specifyed (default 2.0). -a Applies a maximum tetrahedron volume constraint. -A Assigns attributes to identify tetrahedra in certain regions. -r Reconstructs/Refines a previously generated mesh. -Y Suppresses boundary facets/segments splitting. -i Inserts a list of additional points into mesh. -M Does not merge coplanar facets. -T Set a tolerance for coplanar test (default 1e-8). -d Detect intersections of PLC facets. -z Numbers all output items starting from zero. -j Jettison unused vertices from output .node file -o2 Generates second-order subparametric elements. -f Outputs faces (including non-boundary faces) to .face file. -e Outputs subsegments to .edge file. -n Outputs tetrahedra neighbors to .neigh file. -g Outputs mesh to .mesh file for viewing by Medit. -G Outputs mesh to .msh file for viewing by Gid. -O Outputs mesh to .off file for viewing by Geomview. -B Suppresses output of boundary information. -N Suppresses output of .node file. -E Suppresses output of .ele file. -F Suppresses output of .face file. -I Suppresses mesh iteration numbers. -C Checks the consistency of the final mesh. -Q Quiet: No terminal output except errors. -V Verbose: Detailed information on what I'm doing. -v Prints the version information. -h Help: A brief instruction for using TetGen.


