
上传日期:2013-06-20 21:52:55
上 传 者ajqoxjsu
说明:  php源码实现,这是一个用php脚本语言写的电子商务,Difeye-敏捷的轻量级PHP框架 v1.1.2,Difeye是一款超轻量级PHP框架,主要特点有: 数据库连接做自动主从读写分离配置,适合单机和分布式站点部署; 支持Smarty模板机制,可灵活配置第三方缓存组件; 完全分离页面和动作,仿C#页面加载自动执行Page_Load,参考学习应运于开发实践不错的例子
(php source code to achieve , which is a scripting language used to write php ecommerce , Difeye- agile and lightweight PHP framework v1.1.2, Difeye is an ultra lightweight PHP framework , the main features are: database connection for automatic master-slave)

phpliteadmin\phpliteadmin.php (181983, 2012-11-02)
phpliteadmin (0, 2012-11-17)
fileinfo.txt (1010, 2007-01-05)
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c57286d1b9b3536ae263776c5e25852b.txt (123, 2007-01-05)

INSTALLATION: 1. Open phpliteadmin.php in a text editor. 2. If you want to have a directory scanned for your databases instead of listing them manually, specify the directory as the value of the $directory variable and skip to step 4. 3. If you want to specify your databases manually, set the value of the $directory variable as false and modify the $databases array to hold the databases you would like to manage. - The path field is the file path of the database relative to where phpliteadmin.php will be located on the server. For example, if phpliteadmin.php is located at "databases/manager/phpliteadmin.php" and you want to manage "databases/yourdatabase.sqlite", the path value would be "../yourdatabase.sqlite". - The name field is the human-friendly way of referencing the database within the application. It can be anything you want. 4. Modify the $password variable to be the password used for gaining access to the phpLiteAdmin tool. 5. If you want to have multiple installations of phpLiteAdmin on the same server, change the $cookie_name variable to be unique for each installation (optional). 6. Save and upload phpliteadmin.php to your web server. 7. Open a web browser and navigate to the uploaded phpliteadmin.php file. You will be prompted to enter a password. Use the same password you set in step 4. INSTALLING A THEME: 1. Download the themes package from the project Downloads page. 2. Unzip the file and choose your desired theme. 3. Upload phpliteadmin.css from the theme's directory alongside phpliteadmin.php. 4. Your theme will automatically override the default. REQUIREMENTS: - a server with PHP installed - at least one PHP SQLite library extension installed and enabled: PDO, SQLite3, or SQLiteDatabase GETTING HELP: The project's wiki provides information on how to do certain things and is located at In addition, the project's discussion group is located at REPORTING ERRORS AND BUGS: If you find any issues while using the tool, please report them at


