
上传日期:2013-07-02 22:50:16
上 传 者clxz
说明:  基于STM32的1秒定时程序,实现LED定时闪烁,有详细的程序注释,程序结构目录清晰,适合初学者学习,使用V3.5库。
(Based on the STM32 one second timer program, achieve LED flashes regularly, with detailed program notes, program structure clear catalog, suitable for beginners to learn, use V3.5 libraries.)

STM32 one second timer program (0, 2013-07-02)
STM32 one second timer program\CMSIS (0, 2013-07-02)
STM32 one second timer program\CMSIS\core_cm3.c (17273, 2010-06-07)
STM32 one second timer program\CMSIS\core_cm3.h (85714, 2011-02-09)
STM32 one second timer program\CMSIS\Startup (0, 2013-07-02)
STM32 one second timer program\CMSIS\Startup\startup_stm32f10x_cl.s (15766, 2011-03-10)
STM32 one second timer program\CMSIS\Startup\startup_stm32f10x_hd.s (15503, 2011-03-10)
STM32 one second timer program\CMSIS\Startup\startup_stm32f10x_hd_vl.s (15692, 2011-03-10)
STM32 one second timer program\CMSIS\Startup\startup_stm32f10x_ld.s (12376, 2011-03-10)
STM32 one second timer program\CMSIS\Startup\startup_stm32f10x_ld_vl.s (13656, 2011-03-10)
STM32 one second timer program\CMSIS\Startup\startup_stm32f10x_md.s (12765, 2011-03-10)
STM32 one second timer program\CMSIS\Startup\startup_stm32f10x_md_vl.s (14073, 2011-03-10)
STM32 one second timer program\CMSIS\Startup\startup_stm32f10x_xl.s (15955, 2011-03-10)
STM32 one second timer program\CMSIS\stm32f10x.h (633941, 2011-03-10)
STM32 one second timer program\CMSIS\system_stm32f10x.c (36557, 2011-03-10)
STM32 one second timer program\CMSIS\system_stm32f10x.h (2085, 2011-03-10)
STM32 one second timer program\List (0, 2013-07-02)
STM32 one second timer program\List\startup_stm32f10x_md.lst (43475, 2013-07-02)
STM32 one second timer program\List\ (72936, 2013-07-02)
STM32 one second timer program\Object (0, 2013-07-02)
STM32 one second timer program\Project (0, 2013-07-02)
STM32 one second timer program\Project\dzlab.uvopt (153043, 2013-07-02)
STM32 one second timer program\Project\dzlab.uvproj (16608, 2013-07-02)
STM32 one second timer program\Project\dzlab_RTC.dep (7033, 2012-11-22)
STM32 one second timer program\Project\dzlab_TIM.dep (3681, 2013-07-02)
STM32 one second timer program\Project\dzlab_uvopt.bak (153043, 2013-07-02)
STM32 one second timer program\StdPeriph_Driver (0, 2013-07-02)
STM32 one second timer program\StdPeriph_Driver\inc (0, 2013-07-02)
STM32 one second timer program\StdPeriph_Driver\inc\misc.h (8982, 2011-03-10)
STM32 one second timer program\StdPeriph_Driver\inc\stm32f10x_adc.h (21690, 2011-03-10)
STM32 one second timer program\StdPeriph_Driver\inc\stm32f10x_bkp.h (7555, 2011-03-10)
STM32 one second timer program\StdPeriph_Driver\inc\stm32f10x_can.h (27559, 2011-03-10)
STM32 one second timer program\StdPeriph_Driver\inc\stm32f10x_cec.h (6573, 2011-03-10)
STM32 one second timer program\StdPeriph_Driver\inc\stm32f10x_crc.h (2162, 2011-03-10)
STM32 one second timer program\StdPeriph_Driver\inc\stm32f10x_dac.h (15233, 2011-03-10)
STM32 one second timer program\StdPeriph_Driver\inc\stm32f10x_dbgmcu.h (3818, 2011-03-10)
STM32 one second timer program\StdPeriph_Driver\inc\stm32f10x_dma.h (20754, 2011-03-10)
STM32 one second timer program\StdPeriph_Driver\inc\stm32f10x_exti.h (6824, 2011-03-10)
STM32 one second timer program\StdPeriph_Driver\inc\stm32f10x_flash.h (25445, 2011-03-10)
STM32 one second timer program\StdPeriph_Driver\inc\stm32f10x_fsmc.h (27016, 2011-03-10)
... ...

/** @page GPIO_JTAG_Remap GPIO JTAG Remap example @verbatim ******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics ******************* * @file GPIO/JTAG_Remap/readme.txt * @author MCD Application Team * @version V3.5.0 * @date 08-April-2011 * @brief Description of the GPIO JTAG Remap example. ****************************************************************************** * THE PRESENT FIRMWARE WHICH IS FOR GUIDANCE ONLY AIMS AT PROVIDING CUSTOMERS * WITH CODING INFORMATION REGARDING THEIR PRODUCTS IN ORDER FOR THEM TO SAVE * TIME. AS A RESULT, STMICROELECTRONICS SHALL NOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WITH RESPECT TO ANY CLAIMS ARISING * FROM THE CONTENT OF SUCH FIRMWARE AND/OR THE USE MADE BY CUSTOMERS OF THE * CODING INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IN CONNECTION WITH THEIR PRODUCTS. ****************************************************************************** @endverbatim @par Example Description This example provides a short description of how to use the JTAG IOs as standard GPIOs and gives a configuration sequence. First, the SWJ-DP is disabled. The SWJ-DP pins are configured as output push-pull. Five LEDs connected to the PA.13(JTMS/SWDAT), PA.14(JTCK/SWCLK), PA.15(JTDI), PB.03(JTDO) and PB.04(JTRST) pins are toggled in an infinite loop. Note that once the JTAG IOs are disabled, the connection with the host debugger is lost and cannot be re-established as long as the JTAG IOs remain disabled. To avoid this situation, a specified pin is connected to a push-button that is used to disable or not the JTAG IOs: 1. push-button pressed at reset: JTAG IOs disabled and LED1 turned on 2. push-button not pressed at reset: JTAG IOs unchanged and LED2 turned on Before starting this example, you should disconnect your tool chain debugging probe and run the example in standalone mode. @par Directory contents - GPIO/JTAG_Remap/stm32f10x_conf.h Library Configuration file - GPIO/JTAG_Remap/stm32f10x_it.c Interrupt handlers - GPIO/JTAG_Remap/stm32f10x_it.h Header for stm32f10x_it.c - GPIO/JTAG_Remap/main.c Main program - GPIO/JTAG_Remap/system_stm32f10x.c STM32F10x system source file @par Hardware and Software environment - This example runs on STM32F10x Connectivity line, High-Density, High-Density Value line, Medium-Density, XL-Density, Medium-Density Value line, Low-Density and Low-Density Value line Devices. - This example has been tested with STMicroelectronics STM32100E-EVAL (High-Density Value line), STM32100B-EVAL (Medium-Density Value line), STM3210C-EVAL (Connectivity line), STM3210E-EVAL (High-Density and XL-Density) and STM3210B-EVAL (Medium-Density) evaluation boards and can be easily tailored to any other supported device and development board. To select the STMicroelectronics evaluation board used to run the example, uncomment the corresponding line in stm32_eval.h file (under Utilities\STM32_EVAL) - STM32100E-EVAL Set-up - Connect five leds to pins PA.13, PA.14, PA.15, PB.03 and PB.04. - Use the Key push-button connected to pin PG.08 (EXTI Line8). - Use LD1 and LD2 connected respectively to PF.06 and PF.07 - STM32100B-EVAL Set-up - Connect five leds to pins PA.13, PA.14, PA.15, PB.03 and PB.04. - Use the Key push-button connected to pin PB.09 (EXTI Line9). - Use LD1 and LD2 connected respectively to PC.06 and PC.07 - STM3210C-EVAL Set-up - Connect five leds to pins PA.13, PA.14, PA.15, PB.03 and PB.04. - Use the Key push-button connected to pin PB.09 (EXTI Line9). - Use LD1 and LD2 connected respectively to PC.06 and PC.07 - STM3210E-EVAL Set-up - Connect five leds to pins PA.13, PA.14, PA.15, PB.03 and PB.04. - Use the Key push-button connected to pin PG.08 (EXTI Line8). - Use LD1 and LD2 connected respectively to PF.06 and PF.07 - STM3210B-EVAL Set-up - Connect five leds to pins PA.13, PA.14, PA.15, PB.03 and PB.04. - Use the Key push-button connected to pin PB.09 (EXTI Line9). - Use LD1 and LD2 connected respectively to PC.06 and PC.07 @par How to use it ? In order to make the program work, you must do the following : - Copy all source files from this example folder to the template folder under Project\STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Template - Open your preferred toolchain - Rebuild all files and load your image into target memory - Run the example @note - Low-density Value line devices are STM32F100xx microcontrollers where the Flash memory density ranges between 16 and 32 Kbytes. - Low-density devices are STM32F101xx, STM32F102xx and STM32F103xx microcontrollers where the Flash memory density ranges between 16 and 32 Kbytes. - Medium-density Value line devices are STM32F100xx microcontrollers where the Flash memory density ranges between *** and 128 Kbytes. - Medium-density devices are STM32F101xx, STM32F102xx and STM32F103xx microcontrollers where the Flash memory density ranges between *** and 128 Kbytes. - High-density Value line devices are STM32F100xx microcontrollers where the Flash memory density ranges between 256 and 512 Kbytes. - High-density devices are STM32F101xx and STM32F103xx microcontrollers where the Flash memory density ranges between 256 and 512 Kbytes. - XL-density devices are STM32F101xx and STM32F103xx microcontrollers where the Flash memory density ranges between 512 and 1024 Kbytes. - Connectivity line devices are STM32F105xx and STM32F107xx microcontrollers. *

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